Laminated glazing of industrial buildings

Laminated glazing of industrial buildings
Laminated glazing of industrial buildings

Over the past few decades, modern industrial architecture has changed a lot, leaving the old standards far behind. Now industrial buildings look aesthetic, functional and beautiful. This was achieved in part thanks to strip glazing, which is perfect for openings with a huge area.

Features and types of glazing

Building with strip glazing
Building with strip glazing

Tape glazing is the installation of double-glazed windows that are closely adjacent to each other, while being separated by support posts. Installation work is carried out in a row horizontally or vertically with crossbars. This type of glazing is one of the modern components of facade decoration, which are designed in a constructivist style.

For industrial buildings and structures, cold structures are most often used, which, according to the fastening scheme of individual elements, are divided into the following varieties:

  • semi-structural - features an improved post-transom system, which allows you to significantly minimize the gaps between the panes;
  • structural - differs in that there are practically no visible gaps between the fastenings of double-glazed windows;
  • elemental - the fixation of double-glazed windows is carried out on the post-transom piping.

The final choice of a strip glazing scheme for an industrial building depends on its architectural and technological features, as well as the height of the building.

Structural and semi-structural glazing

Industrial building with strip glazing
Industrial building with strip glazing

Structural glazing can be used for both new and old buildings. In the process of installation work, the double-glazed windows are fastened to the supporting elements using a sealant, as a result of which the building takes on the appearance of a solid glass wall. This strip glazing without studs helps to protect the façade from external influences and has excellent resistance to dynamic loads.

Semi-structural glazing involves the fastening of a double-glazed window around the entire perimeter or on both sides with special strips. Such glazing is used relatively less frequently due to its high cost.


Variety of strip glazing
Variety of strip glazing

Laminated glazing has many advantages that can only be truly appreciated if weight, wind and mechanical loads are accurately calculated. The undeniable benefits include the following:

  • relative ease of installation;
  • increased fire safety;
  • tightness;
  • environmental safety;
  • additional building ventilation;
  • aesthetics and long service life;
  • safety both during installation and during operation;
  • opportunity to place an order for different sash opening systems;
  • The ability of a structure to support significant weight at any height.

Laminated facade glazing is rightfully considered one of the most ideal options for decorating the facades of industrial buildings of a large area. This method performs several functions at once. It provides decorative cladding, reinforces the strength of supports and load-bearing structures, and preserves natural light inside the building.

Which industrial buildings are fitted with strip glazing?

Industrial building with strip glazing
Industrial building with strip glazing

Companies engaged in such glazing of buildings and structures carry out both standard and non-standard projects. Glazing is carried out in factories and factories for absolutely any purpose. These can be chemical plants, warehouses, terminals, boiler houses, food and light industries, as well as conveyor shops and product processing areas.

Laminated glazing will give any building a respectable appearance and make it durable, airtight and fireproof. Glazing technology depends entirely on the approved project and is agreed with the customer.

Glazing of industrial buildings according to GOST

Tape glazing
Tape glazing

On the whole territory of Russia GOST regulates tape glazing of industrial buildings. Certain standards are spelled out on several pages.

GOST specifies acceptable types of structures, sizes of window blocks, fittings, glass specifications, marking methods, as well as features of adjoining tape glazing units and other parameters.

To clarify all the details of such glazing, it is best to carefully read the document or entrust the choice of technology to professionals.

Glass units for strip structures

Double-glazed windows for glazing
Double-glazed windows for glazing

With strip glazing, it is important to choose the right double-glazed windows. It is their correct choice that will help reduce heat loss and create the most favorable temperature in the room. When glazing modern industrial buildings, the following types of double-glazed windows are used.

  1. Standard two-chamber with inert gas - this option was very popular not so long ago. Now less and less preference is given to these double-glazed windows. This is explained by the fact that they significantly increase the mass and load on the supporting structures, which has a negative impact on the durability of the structure.
  2. Single-chamber double-glazed windows with a selective coating are considered ideal for regions with a warm and temperate climate. They are distinguished by a good level of heat saving and light weight.
  3. Electrically heated - when installed over a large area, help to reduce heat loss even insevere frosts, so they are ideal for regions with a harsh climate. The disadvantage of such double-glazed windows is the relatively high cost.

If it is planned to glaze a building whose openings face the sunny side, then in this case it must be taken into account that it will be necessary to solve not only the problem of heat supply, but also excessive insolation. With tape glazing of such buildings, it is best to use multifunctional double-glazed windows. They are not only able to retain heat indoors, but also protect it from exposure to sunlight.

PVC windows for strip glazing

The use of PVC for tape structures in multi-storey industrial buildings is impossible. This is due to the fact that plastic frames, even those made with metal reinforcement, cannot withstand any loads other than wind ones. That is why such glazing is carried out only on low-rise buildings. This is due to the low bearing capacity of the frame.

As a result of the peculiarities of the plastic structure, all opening sashes must be mounted only on load-bearing structures. As a result, strip glazing of industrial buildings is most often carried out using aluminum structures.

As practice shows, with the use of PVC double-glazed windows it is still possible to perform continuous glazing, but such work should be provided for at the design stage of the building, since changes to the design are dangerous with serious consequences. This is due to the fact that double-glazed windows during operation should notexperience absolutely no loads other than wind.

Installation of structures

Production of glass for industrial buildings
Production of glass for industrial buildings

Installation of strip glazing in industrial buildings requires professional equipment, experience and skill.

Special attention must be paid to the fitting and installation of window systems, which may differ in different opening patterns.

Installation work is carried out by articulating plastic or metal-plastic profiles. In order for the facade to serve without problems for many decades after the completion of all work, it is important to competently and professionally select all consumables. This can only be done by specialists with experience in this type of installation work. Glazing is impossible without the proper skill and tool, as unprofessional actions can lead to irreparable consequences.


Tape glazing is considered the most common type in the construction and repair of industrial buildings and structures. The cost of work consists of the volume, type of structural and consumable elements used, the height of the building and the profile used.

To find out in advance the cost of glazing an industrial building, you should contact a company that is professionally engaged in this area. They will be able to consult and carry out all the necessary calculations at a high level, as well as draw up project documentation and subsequently perform strip glazing.
