An object is not only housing and other real estate. Stones and flowers, animals and birds, people and trees, various processes and household appliances, natural and other phenomena - all this can be considered as objects.
How to distinguish one object from another

Animate and inanimate, with a non-permanent or static form - any objects have their own name. In addition to the name or title, there are such concepts as state and behavior, properties and actions that make it possible to distinguish objects from each other. All of these qualities are called traits. Thus, an object is something or someone that has certain characteristics that are unique to him alone. Any object consists of several smaller parts or items that can be described and listed.
What is real estate

Real estate is called construction objects with different functional purposes. Real estate objects are property, goods, inextricably linked with the land on which it is located. There are three possible classifications for any type of real estate ownership.
The first type includes primary and secondary housing, which is divided into subcategories:
- primary is housing in business, luxury, social and economy classes;
- secondary - these are houses of old Soviet and pre-Soviet construction.
The second type classifies real estate objects according to the following criteria:
- by purpose: office, store buildings and premises, suburban properties and plots of land, industrial and warehouse premises, plots of land for construction, rooms and apartments;
- by origin: larger facilities, complexes of administrative, residential and other buildings, apartment buildings, mansions and cottages, summer cottages and land property;
- by readiness for operation: it implies incompleteness or readiness operation, the need for reconstruction or major repairs.
- This classification divides real estate into residential and non-residential. A residential property is a city or suburban property suitable for habitation. Non-residential funds include industrial, office and commercial buildings.
Property classification in the European market
The Western real estate market operates in three categories:
- a specialized facility is a factory building or a large area warehouse that is sold at the same time as a business;
- objects used to generate income (renting an apartment);
- surplus property - buildings that are not currently in use.
Analysis and study of various classificationsproperty on the grounds and criteria increases the objectivity of the attitude to the development of the real estate market.
About engineering and design documents

Construction of real estate objects requires specific engineering knowledge not only about the production processes, but also about the preparation of the necessary project documents. For reconstruction, overhaul or construction of new facilities, engineering surveys are required. Such works are performed to obtain the following information:
- about the natural properties and features of the building area;
- about forecasts and factors of possible impacts on the environment, especially if it is planned to build hazardous facilities;
- necessary for construction calculations of all structures and buildings, foundations and structures;
- designing engineering measures to protect the main facilities of the enterprise and the surrounding landscapes.
What objects are classified as dangerous

A unique building object is a structure with the following characteristics:
- height from 100 meters or more;
- spans longer than 100m;
- underground part dug 10 m and deeper;
- console over 20 meters high.
The most dangerous and complex are hydraulic and railway structures, objects related to space research and aviation infrastructure. Metro, sea and river major ports, communication and power lines, industrialproduction, storage and processing of hazardous substances are also included in this list.
For industrial enterprises there is a classification according to the degree of danger, consisting of four classes. The 1st degree applies to enterprises engaged in the production and destruction of chemical weapons. For industries associated with drilling and oil production, the 2nd, 3rd or 4th degree of hazard class is set depending on the percentage of hydrogen sulfide emissions.
Enterprises using funiculars, various cable cars and escalators have been assigned the 3rd and 4th hazard classes.
Metal-smelting and mining industries, elevators and other granaries - all these dangerous enterprises need special conditions to protect labor and the environment.