For citizens and the state as a whole, major repairs and construction, which have recently acquired particular relevance, are of great importance. It is worth considering the concept in more detail and familiarize yourself with its features.
The concept of capital construction and capital investment
Capital construction is the activity of state bodies, legal entities and citizens, which is aimed at creating new fixed assets for industrial, commercial and residential purposes, as well as modernizing old facilities. It can be called one of the most important branches of the country's material production and the basis for the development of various branches of the national economy. In addition, it serves as a source of expanded reproduction.

Capital construction can also include activities for the implementation of project documentation, design and survey work required for installation and construction itself.
Capital investments are costs thatwhich are directed to the expanded reproduction of fixed assets. They include funds spent on:
- buying tools, inventory and equipment;
- cost of structures, products and building materials;
- payment for construction and installation works;
- other expenses.
Expenses can also include the purchase of vehicles, equipment to be repaired, etc.
The concept of construction and construction object
Construction is a set of construction objects, the construction of which is planned or already underway. In this case, one project is provided, but the procedure can be performed at different construction sites. Each separately located building, which has a separate project and estimate, is considered to be a construction object.

A capital construction project is a facility, building or structure that has not yet been completed. These do not include temporary buildings, sheds, kiosks and other semi-enclosed structures. In the legislation of the Russian Federation since 2005 there is the concept of "capital construction object", which is officially used to this day.
Types of capital construction
It is worth considering this concept in more detail. Capital construction is divided into the following types:
- New construction. This type provides for the appearance of a completely new object, which is being built on a similar territory.
- Extension of the currentdesigns. In this case, the previously constructed structures are expanded by creating new facilities on their territory.
- Reconstruction. This procedure is an improvement on existing buildings. Basically, in this case, an absolute reorganization and improvement of the technical condition is not carried out.
- Technical re-equipment. This process has similar characteristics to reconstruction. The difference is the improvement of construction sites and individual facilities. This process makes it possible to achieve an improvement in living conditions at enterprises and contributes to the emergence of new industries.

Stages and methods of carrying out
Capital construction mainly consists of several stages:
- justification of the construction procedure economic and technical;
- engineering survey;
- project creation;
- organization of construction procedures;
- preparation of the construction site and equipment of temporary structures;
- main facility;
- commissioning of the facility.
There are the following methods of work in the process of capital construction:
- Contractor. Provides for the conclusion of a contract of employment, after which construction work will be carried out by employees or specialized companies.
- Household. In this case, all procedures are performed on our own.
It is worth noting that suchprocedures like construction, renovation, major repairs and expansion of facilities should be carried out by experienced professionals.

The Capital Construction Department is a functional body of the administration of a particular city, which is also part of the system of executive and administrative bodies of local self-government.
The main objectives of management is the conduct and implementation of municipal policy. It is carried out in relation to the construction and reconstruction of buildings related to social infrastructure. Also projects of economic, social and complex development of the city are being implemented. The Department of Capital Construction is in charge of the detailed planning of the areas of the city that are to be developed.

Meaning of capital construction
It lies in the fact that the construction of this type leads to the creation of new industrial enterprises, companies of various types, commercial and educational institutions, administrative and residential buildings, as well as the improvement of existing facilities. The department of capital construction ensures the creation of projects and their implementation. Structures of this type contribute to the subsequent development and strengthening of various areas of the national economy.
Concept of building legislation
The legislation on capital construction is a set of acts and norms that regulate publicrelationships that take place during construction. With its help, the order of financing projects is determined. The department of capital construction is engaged in the establishment of the procedure for the design and implementation of construction and installation works. This legislation also regulates the relationship between entrepreneurs in the national economy.

Capital construction legislation incorporates various rules of law: civil, financial and administrative. One of its important features is the system of normative and technical documentation. With their help, the regulation of processes is carried out, which include capital construction and installation work. When performing them, standards and specifications should be followed. They refer not only to the construction process, but also to the materials, structures and products used.
After reading the material, you can understand what capital construction is and what distinguishing features it has.