Common house counters for utility bills

Common house counters for utility bills
Common house counters for utility bills

Common house meters for water, heat and electricity are devices that take into account utility resources coming to the whole house as a whole.

common house counters
common house counters

At the same time, according to the housing legislation of the Russian Federation, the devices equally belong to all people living in an apartment building. Their cost, as well as the costs of the necessary installation and maintenance work, must be shared among everyone.

The entire volume of water, heat and electricity that enters the house is paid by its residents in accordance with the readings displayed by common house meters. In the case of electricity, this amount is then divided into the apartment consumption and the general house consumption, for which all residents of the house must pay without fail. It includes the energy used to light stairwells, elevators, basements, attics, as well as the energy needed to operate intercoms and outdoor lighting systems. Common house metering devices are just those devices that allow you to determine as accurately as possible the amount of electrical energy supplied to the house, and correctly calculate the amount of needs of everythingapartment building upon consumption.

public water meters
public water meters

Common house water meters record water consumption indicators not separately for apartments, but immediately throughout the house. They do not show in which place less or more water is consumed. However, at the same time, these devices take into account all the leaks that are in the house, including in the water supply systems located in the basements. Practice shows that the installation of common house water meters can reduce utility bills by about one third. This is due to the control of both water consumption and other indicators of water supply.

installation of common house meters
installation of common house meters

Home-mounted heat meters help consumers effectively control the process of heat supply and not overpay for this one of the most expensive resources. Residents can install such devices on their own by contacting any specialized company for help, or they can wait until the employees of the heat supply organization perform the necessary work. Installation of such equipment and its maintenance is, of course, a financially expensive undertaking, but in the end it helps to optimize costs and save material resources.

It is worth emphasizing separately that, starting from 2012, a law came into force in the Russian Federation, according to which general house meters must be purchased for all apartment buildings. To date, failure to comply with this decree does notthere are no pen alties, however, from 2014, a gradual increase in tariffs will begin for all those who have not purchased this equipment. This is another serious reason to buy and install common house water, heat and electricity meters.
