When building a new house or cottage, it is important not only to conduct gas and electricity there, but also to organize the supply of water - this will add comfort to country life. Another situation often happens (now in city apartments) - the old water supply system fails due to decay. Condensation forms on it, the elements leak, rusty water flows from the tap. The pipes are in such a state that it is scary to breathe on them. In both the first and second cases, it is necessary to complete the installation of the plumbing, replacing it with new modern materials. To do this, you can use the services of specialists. But such work is not too complicated and is quite doable with your own hands, which, by the way, will save a lot of money.
Scheme for private households
One should not neglect such a serious nuance as the development of a plumbing system when building a house. Do not make excuses that water should only be brought to the bathroom and kitchen.

As soon as it became necessary to install a water supply system, this problem should be solved immediately. In the case of privatehousehold needs to immediately think over and draw a diagram. At the same time, it is important to take into account each component: the number of consumers, the collector system, pumping equipment, and the heater. The diagram indicates where and how the components of the water supply system will be located, how the pipes will pass. It is recommended to additionally indicate the distance of the passage. This will greatly facilitate the calculation of the required number of pipes.
Two types of schemes
Two schemes can be distinguished on the basis of which water pipelines are organized. These are series-connected and collector-based circuits.
The first solution is perfect for small country houses where up to two people live, and water consumption is very small. For a full-fledged cottage where the family lives permanently, such a scheme will be ineffective. And the problem here is the following - water moves along the main artery of the water supply system throughout the cottage. A tee is installed near each of the water consumers and a branch in its direction. If water is used in several places at once, then at the farthest consumer, the water pressure will be very weak and will not be able to meet the minimum needs.

The second, collector scheme, is that the pipes are diverted to each consumer. And on the other side, the elements are connected to a common collector. This will equalize the pressure anywhere in the cottage or house. Of course, there will be losses, but they are small. As a rule, they are associated with the fact that the pumping station is often removed.
Selecting a second wiring diagram when installing a water pipemakes the event more expensive with your own hands. This is due to the need for more materials. But the result is worth the cost. The collector circuit has many advantages.
Plumbing elements
Any modern plumbing system consists of the following parts:
- First of all, this is the source from which water will be drawn.
- Next, the water must be raised - pumping equipment is used for this.
- Source and pump are connected through a pipe.
- The latter is equipped with a check valve so that water cannot go back towards the source.
- Since a collector scheme is recommended for the organization of the water supply, you will need a hydraulic accumulator - it is into it that the pump will pump water.
- Experts recommend equipping the outlet pipe with a tee with shutoff valves after the battery. This leads to two conclusions. The first will be used for drinking water supply, the second - for unfiltered water for technical needs.
- The drinking water pipe is then connected to the purification system. After the mini filter station, a tee is also mounted. Its function is to divide the common water from the collector into cold and hot.

- The cold water supply system is connected directly to the collector. Each pipe that connects to consumers must be equipped with shut-off valves.
- Communications for supplying hot water are connected to the boiler. This pipe must then be connected toa common tank for hot water - from this collector hot water will be distributed throughout the cottage or house.
Of course, this is a typical scheme. During the installation of a water pipe in a private house, other elements can be added to the scheme.
Installation work in cottages
In the process of organizing the plumbing system, the dirtiest thing is making holes in the wall and floor. As for everything else, the work will take enough time, but will not require serious physical effort.
The first and most important thing after the development of the scheme is the selection of pipe material. There are several options:
- copper pipes;
- plastic products;
- steel;
- PVC.
Let's take a closer look at them.
This is one of the best solutions, but also the most expensive. Copper is not afraid of corrosion, is not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, it is not destroyed by microorganisms. In addition, copper pipes normally withstand increased pressure in the system, do not react to temperature changes, do not react to harmful impurities from water, and almost instantly give off heat to the room. These are not pipes - this is the ultimate dream. The only negative is the price, which is not affordable for everyone.
This is an aluminum pipe protected inside and out with polyethylene. Polyethylene has a smooth surface, which does not allow various deposits to accumulate. The outer protective layer protects the aluminum base from UV radiation. Mainminus - such a pipe is afraid of high temperatures. In addition, the material is sensitive to freezing. It is not recommended to bend a pipe equipped with fittings in any way.
This is the most suitable material for plumbing. The material is durable, strong, but at the same time it is prone to corrosion.

It is also important that at each stage of installation such a pipe needs to be cut and welded, and this is a rather laborious process.
Installation of water pipes from polypropylene pipes is a popular solution. It is this material that is chosen when they want to get a reliable and high-quality, but at the same time inexpensive system. The pipe has high performance, does not oxidize, is easy to install, the connections do not need frequent checks and revisions. This makes it possible to confidently hide the pipe under a layer of plaster.
But there is still a slight drawback here - you will need a special apparatus to install a plastic water pipe.
When arranging a water pipe, not only the material from which the pipe is made is important, but also its diameter. Insufficient internal size will result in turbulence in the water flow - the water will move with a loud noise. In a water pipe, the flow of water moves at a speed of 2 meters per second. Based on this figure, they choose the appropriate diameter.

The length of the line also affects the selection of the size. If the distance of the pipeline is less than 30 meters, then experts recommend a pipe of 25mm diameter. The product with a size of 32 mm is suitable for systems longer than 30 meters. In the case of short water pipes, the length of which is less than 10 meters, a product with a diameter of 20 millimeters will be sufficient.
Header pipe diameter
To get a high-quality plumbing system, you need to correctly select the diameter of the collector pipe. The collector will ensure the simultaneous operation of several points of water consumption. Simple calculations are made to determine the diameter.

So, one tap passes through itself about 5-6 liters per minute. This means that a pipe of 25 millimeters will pass 30 liters in a minute. If the size is 32 mm, then 50 liters. The 38 mm pipe passes 75 liters per minute.
Do-it-yourself installation of a polypropylene water pipe should begin with welding. The pipe is cut into pieces of the required size. Next, note the depth of welding - this is 16 millimeters. But in the case of another pipe, this depth may be different. The joint is cleaned of dirt. Appropriate nozzles are installed on the device for connection, and then the device heats up to a temperature of 260 degrees.
The pipes to be connected are pushed onto the nozzles to the existing mark. However, they cannot be rotated. When they are wound up and moving along the nozzles, it is necessary to count 7 seconds. After that, the nozzles can be removed. Next, the products are connected and held for a couple more seconds.
When the process of connecting the pipes together is over, it's time tostart installing the plumbing inside the room. Experts recommend starting work with water consumers.

With the latest water supply pipes are connected through adapters. A crane is installed between the consumer and transition fittings. Next, the pipe is laid to the collector. Approximately 25 millimeters recede from the wall to allow access for repairs.
If the products pass in the corners, they are bypassed so that there is at least 15 millimeters from the outer corner to the pipe, and 40 millimeters from the inner corner. If it is necessary to connect parts at an angle of 90 degrees, use fittings and adapters.
Other works
Do-it-yourself plastic plumbing installation is almost finished. It remains only to connect the water main to the pumps, and then to the filter system and to the boiler.
Plumbing in the apartment
The process of arranging water pipes in an apartment is easier than in private households. In cottages, you have to invent everything from scratch. In apartments, most often, old pipes are simply replaced with new ones. It is enough to choose and purchase them, and the scheme is already there, and there is no need to think about anything.
Everything that is written in the article for private houses is also relevant in the case of installing water supply in an apartment. For apartments, according to the same principle, the diameter of the pipe and their number are calculated. Installation is also carried out using a soldering iron and fittings.