In apartments, comfort and convenience are important, so you need to properly equip the toilet room. In order for plumbing to serve for many years, it is necessary to choose it correctly. The Wisa installation is popular among consumers because of its quality and convenience. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the advantages and features of the equipment.

Installation is a frame system that is built into the wall. All parts of the hanging toilet bowl are fixed on it: a drain tank, pipes, valves. This design has the following advantages:
- with its help it will be possible to hide communications;
- the toilet will not need to be fixed to the floor;
- the floor in the room will be free, allowing for almost any repair.
By installing a reliable installation in the house, you can get the original design of the room. The room will look modern and stylish.
A little about the brand
The Dutch company Wisa has been in the industry for many years, during which it creates high-quality sanitary ware. For the manufacture of each product, modern technologies are used. The company manufactures toiletsinstallations and components for plumbing. Good quality products will last for many years. Each buyer will find the right sanitary ware for the style of their premises.
Features of Wisa toilets
Products have been produced since 1903 in the Netherlands. Since then, specialists have been working on creating new solutions for equipment. It is thanks to this that now you can buy reliable plumbing for every taste.

The main activity of the company is the creation of installations for wall-hung toilets and accessories. Toilets are valued for their practicality and reliability, as evidenced by large-scale sales and positive reviews. That is why Wisa is so popular. The installation also combines excellent properties. We will talk about this now.
Wisa installations
The company started making various installations. For all the time of its existence, the assortment has been replenished with new products, so there is a suitable solution for each room. Today, it is the Wisa installation that combines quality and original design. Customer reviews confirm this. Each product is developed by well-known engineers. They use an individual and creative approach in the production of Wisa products. Push button installation is ideal for residential and public areas. High-quality material ensures a long service life.
Benefits of installations
If we consider Wisa products, the installation combines excellent quality, modern technology and unusualdesign. Each model is functional, which is indispensable in modern housing. All plumbing parts have the necessary functional characteristics. There is also a button to install Wisa. It ensures the comfort of using the equipment.

If you are interested in reliability and durability, then you should choose the Wisa brand. The installation has a silent flush system. Work can be performed not only by an experienced master. The toilet room will be cozy and comfortable, even if you do everything yourself, because the kit includes detailed instructions.
In addition to making installations, the company produces:
- tanks;
- flush keys;
- buttons.
Products are essential to ensure the smooth operation of communications in the bathroom, which is required in every home. Buttons differ in convenience of work and original design. All parts are manufactured in accordance with quality standards, thanks to which they serve for many years. If you choose the right elements for your room, then comfort will always reign in it.