Wall renovation to renovate home

Wall renovation to renovate home
Wall renovation to renovate home

In order for a home to take on a completely new look, it is necessary first of all to repair the walls. It is enough to perform this type of work to give the whole room a completely different look. Here the illusion of perception comes into force, which completely changes the atmosphere in a residential building. If you repair the walls with your own hands, you can avoid the financial issues associated with hired workers. Then, without additional costs, it will be possible to update the premises as a whole.

Wall repair
Wall repair

At the initial stage, the old coating is removed, which has lost its former beauty and began to look sloppy. Thus, starting repairing the walls, you need to get rid of the old finishes in the form of wallpaper, tiles or other materials. The operation to eliminate the first comes down to spraying water with a mechanical spray gun and then working with a spatula or knife. If the process takes place in a kitchen, bathroom or other places with high humidity, then you will most likely have to remove the old tiles. In this case, a perforator, chisel or chisel will come to the rescue. A vacuum cleaner or a regular rag will help remove dust from the surface.

Do-it-yourself wall repair
Do-it-yourself wall repair

Alsowall repair involves the process of puttying. It is needed in order to prepare the surface for final finishing. The service life of the facing coating will depend on the quality of this operation in the future. First, it is important to understand which type of putty is best suited. At one time, oil-adhesive materials based on drying oil were very popular, but with increasing environmental requirements, they were replaced by dispersion analogues. Such putties are considered completely safe. Dry mixes are also widely used, which acquire the desired consistency when interacting with water.

DIY wall repair
DIY wall repair

Although do-it-yourself wall repair involves the application of putty, it also requires the use of a primer before this work. With its help, it will be possible to protect the surface from the fungus, as well as improve adhesion. The primer itself is considered a relatively easy operation that does not require special skills and knowledge. After a while, even a beginner begins to "feel" this material and becomes able to easily complete the job. As for the consistency of the mixture, it should have sufficient viscosity, but at the same time stir without much difficulty.

Specialists who repair walls very often recommend not to apply a layer thicker than 5 mm at a time, because in this case cracks and chips may appear on the putty. Complete drying occurs within a day. In the course of work, it is not necessary to eliminate stains and irregularities, since in the future they can be removed with sandpaper. Preferably afterafter drying and grouting, prime again and apply a corrective layer of putty, which is intended primarily for leveling minor flaws. At the last stage, surface finishing can be carried out. Wall painting is very popular these days for great aesthetic results.
