Aluminum is a non-ferrous metal with a low density. The surface of the alloy is silver-white, matte. It is very light and soft, due to which it has a low melting point - about 650 degrees. It has found its application in all spheres of human life. It is actively used in the food industry, including for the manufacture of various dishes. In terms of production among all metals, it ranks second in the world, after iron.

Aluminum is susceptible to attack by acids. Able to dissolve in concentrated alkali solutions. To avoid such phenomena, all aluminum products are covered with protective films. In a crushed dusty state, being in an oxygen environment, it supports active combustion.
A little about the properties and alloys of aluminum
The thermal and electrical conductive properties of this metal are comparable to those of gold, silver and copper. Very common in electrical engineering. Stranded wires and cables are made from it, they create windings for electric motors and transformers. Aluminum is very ductile, but very brittle. It can be rolled out to the property of a translucentfoil. Aluminum ingots can be easily planed and cut. With the introduction of appropriate additives, it is possible to significantly increase the strength of the alloy, thereby expanding the range of its application.
This alloy was developed in 1911 by German craftsmen in the town of Düren. Hence the name of the alloy, consisting of aluminum, copper, magnesium and manganese - duralumin, or duralumin. Such a combination and long-term hardening made it possible to increase the strength characteristics and maintain the former lightness (aluminum is 3 times lighter than steel). The duralumin alloy found great application in the aircraft industry, due to which it was nicknamed "winged metal". To maintain the anti-corrosion performance, it was coated with pure aluminum sputtering.
To exclude such sputtering, a different aluminum alloy with silicon inclusions, silumin, was developed. Due to its brilliance and silver color, aluminum is used in the manufacture of mirrors, both industrial and technical (for example, for telescopes), as well as household ones.
Use of aluminum alloys in the food industry
Aluminum in the food industry, as well as in everyday life, is used quite actively. From it they make dishes, all kinds of containers for liquids and mixtures, make machines and equipment for food production. For this, food-grade aluminum sheet is usually used. This is due to the fact that aluminum alloys do not affect the composition of products or components of cosmetics. All vitamins, useful substances, original properties and microelements are completely preserved. Moreover, they are unable to inflictharm to human he alth. Moreover, only food-grade aluminum and its alloys of certain grades are allowed in the food industry.

Metal alloys containing aluminum can also be used. All grades of this metal that are allowed to be used in the food industry must fully comply with GOST.
Use as packaging
In every house there were or even are kitchen utensils made of aluminum - these are spoons, cups, ladles, pots, juicers, meat grinders and much more. Aluminum foil is very popular in the culinary world, which is used when baking meat and vegetables or simply storing and transporting food. This foil is great for packing sweets, chocolate, ice cream, butter, cheese and cottage cheese.
Many creams and cosmetics, art paints (oil, tempera, gouache and even watercolor) are packed in a food-grade aluminum container. They also pack food for astronauts. It is safe to say that aluminum, including food grade, and alloys based on it have firmly entered our daily lives.

Food aluminum is widely used in the production of containers for canned food. Due to this proliferation, the amount of aluminum waste that decomposes in landfills is increasing every year.
The benefits of food grade aluminum
Food aluminum has many advantages, among which are the following:
- Not affected by corrosion. Thanks to this, kitchen equipment and tools are able to stay in water for a long time without harm to themselves.
- Food grade aluminum does not deform under high temperature.
- Despite its coming into contact with materials with organoleptic properties, there is no change in the properties of the products. All the vitamins they contain are also preserved.
- Due to sufficient rigidity, the material does not deform during cooking.
- Food aluminum is absolutely harmless to the human body and completely hygienic.
- Dishes made from this material can be used when cooking in ovens and microwave ovens.
Aluminum cookware and cooking equipment
Food grade aluminum and its alloys are found in many types of food preparation equipment. Since this metal is distinguished by its ability to form all kinds of alloys, it, as mentioned above, is actively used for the manufacture of a variety of kitchen containers. In addition, it is indispensable in the production of all kinds of heat-resistant products. For example, equipment for kitchens and various frying surfaces of household appliances.

Aluminum has excellent heat conductivity with low heat capacity. In addition, it practically does not deform at high temperature or during its differences. Due to its low melting point and its ductility, aluminum is actively used forcasting of various products used in the kitchen. It is suitable for the manufacture of various surfaces that are characterized by deep relief, all kinds of complex shapes and products with a large area. For example, it is great for all kinds of baked goods.
Aluminum alloys and GOST
Food aluminum, which is used for the production of dishes and other similar products, can be not only in its pure form, but also in the form of various alloys, each of which has international and national quality standards, which indicate, as for what purposes they can be used.

Food aluminum grades
Each brand of this metal has its own unique chemical composition. According to GOST, without taking into account the A5 grade in the food industry, you can use alloys such as Ak5M2, AK7, AK9, AK12. All other grades of food-grade aluminum are allowed to be used only with special permission.
Metal alloy grades including aluminum
Metal alloys containing aluminum can also be used. These include brands AB, AVM, A0, AD1, AD1M, AL22, AL23, AMg22. All these alloys are actively used for making spoons.

Quite often, products made of food-grade aluminum or its alloys must subsequently be coated with a special coating. But this can be done with the AMts brand, since its chemical composition is fully consistent with GOST.
Food aluminum has long and firmly entered our daily life. You cannot find a kitchen that does not have dishes made from this metal. Reviews about him are only positive, and, apparently, his popularity is not going to fall.