Wall papering: photo options, technology

Wall papering: photo options, technology
Wall papering: photo options, technology

Papering the walls with wallpaper is not such a difficult process, which is within the power of everyone who is eager to change the design of their rooms on their own. Even a beginner can do this. But so that the repair does not turn into a laborious and very unpleasant job, you need to know some of the rules and nuances of this process. In addition, the selection of wallpaper can be an exciting experience, since there can be a lot of options for pasting walls. We'll talk more about both later in this article.

Variants of wall papering

Modern design solutions allow you to visually transform any room by dividing it into zones, raising or lowering the ceilings, expanding or narrowing the space, emphasizing the advantages and hiding the flaws. All this is made possible through the use of different patterns, colors or textures within the same room.

Wall pasting with wallpaper of different types can be donein several ways: horizontal, vertical, patchwork and inset. All of them can look original if you choose the right materials. Horizontal division allows you to combine wallpapers of different thicknesses. For example, the bottom of the wall can be dark and embossed, while the top is light and smoother. With this arrangement, a decorative border is glued at the junction between two types of wallpaper.

Vertical wallpaper division is a great option for living rooms. Two different materials may have the same color or pattern, but they must have the same thickness, width and texture. A good solution would be to use a contrasting combination or monochrome, when the wallpaper is the same color, but different shades.

Pasting the walls with two different wallpapers
Pasting the walls with two different wallpapers

Patchwork wallpaper combination suggests a common background, but different images. As for individual inserts, their purpose is to highlight a certain area, for example, a playroom in a children's room. Below are photos of pasting the walls with different wallpapers, successfully combined with each other. Let's take a closer look at each of the above options.

Horizontal combination

This is a classic trick that has been used for a very long time. In our time, when the choice of textures and colors is simply huge, it sounded completely new. This combination is perfect for rooms with high ceilings and a small area. It is able to smooth out the so-called well effect. Horizontal combination assumes the presence of at least one strip that encircles the room asthe entire perimeter, and capturing only part of it.

Horizontal wall paper
Horizontal wall paper

According to the rules, the division zone can be either in the upper third of the wall or in the lower one. The first of them should be lighter, and the second, respectively, darker. Sometimes designers break this rule and place a strip at eye level, where they place additional decorative elements.

Vertical division

Such as in the photo below, pasting the walls with wallpaper can adjust the height of the ceiling, especially if the pattern is striped. However, it is not necessary that their alternation be regular. Modern design often uses a similar image on one wall, and on the rest - either plain wallpaper or with a barely noticeable ornament.

However, this is not the only option. Vertical stripes can be located not only on one, but also on two, or even three walls. In this type of combination, there is one unusual trick with which you can make a low room higher. To do this, one strip lead directly to the ceiling. So the border of the transition is blurred, as it were, from which there is a feeling of increased volume.

Photo of wall papering
Photo of wall papering

Wallpaper may differ in pattern and color, but not texture. For such a combination, it is better to take material from the same collection. This is not difficult to do, since many manufacturers produce several drawings that combine with each other at once, and even in different colors. Usually there are three or four kinds of images in each collection andthe same number of plain backgrounds.

Zoning and decorative inserts

Papering walls in two colors or more is often used in small studio apartments in order to delimit space and highlight separate functional areas, such as a kitchen and a resting place. Exactly the same principle is often used in children's rooms. Here you can organize such separate areas as bedroom, play and study. The same is done in cases where two children live in the same room.

Wall zoning with wallpaper
Wall zoning with wallpaper

Decorative inserts or panels are suitable for classic interior design. To create them, use textured or embossed wallpapers, as well as silk-screen printing. Sometimes the panel is decorated with a molding frame. Such an insert will look great not only in a classic interior, but also in country and Provence styles. Some use the principle of panels in modern designs, such as modern. In this case, the frame can be a border from the same collection as the wallpaper.

Pasting the walls with wallpaper in the form of a panel
Pasting the walls with wallpaper in the form of a panel

After reading the second part of the article, someone might think that this job cannot be done on their own, but believe me, it is much easier than it seems.

Required Tools

In order for the work to progress quickly, you need to have at least a minimal set of those tools that you will definitely need when pasting walls with wallpaper. Before proceeding with the main process, you should make sure that you have:

  • plastic wrap to be used as bedding;
  • plumb or level to determine the correct location of the wallpaper;
  • bucket for diluting the adhesive composition;
  • big scissors for cutting fabrics;
  • roller for pressing wallpaper after pasting them on the wall;
  • a sharp construction or clerical knife for cutting wallpaper;
  • metal spatula for cleaning wall surfaces;
  • marker or pencil to make marks;
  • brush or special brush for applying glue to walls and wallpapers;
  • measurement tape or tape measure needed for measurements.

Cleaning and priming the surface

First of all, you need to start preparing the walls for wallpapering. It is worth starting by cleaning the surface of old paint, wallpaper residues and other things. There are materials for pasting walls that do not need a perfect leveling of the surface. In other cases, it is still worth doing their cleaning, as well as sealing the most noticeable depressions, cracks, other defects and irregularities.

The following process is a must as it makes the plane smooth and makes wallpapering the walls much easier. In addition, most primers are characterized by the presence of antiseptic properties, and also help to improve adhesion to the surface. It has been noticed that many try to skip this process, but in vain. Wall papers that have not been treated with a primer may come off, stick poorly and lie unevenly.

Having done this work, you must wait until the surfacedry completely. Only after that you can safely proceed to sticking wallpaper. It is very important that there are no drafts during this process, so all windows must be closed and the air conditioner turned off.

Wall cleaning for wallpapering
Wall cleaning for wallpapering

Glue preparation, measurements and cutting

All of the above actions are a necessary intermediate step, without which it is impossible to do. It's time to start making wallpaper paste. It must be diluted with water in the proportions indicated on the package, and then thoroughly mixed until it is completely dissolved. Then this mass must be left for a while, so that it settles, and proceed with the measurements.

To make wallpapering the walls with your own hands, you need to cut them into strips. To do this, it is necessary to determine the height of the walls and add another 10 cm to this value. The resulting figure is the desired length of the strip. Now you need to calculate their number. This is done as follows: the width of the wall and roll is measured, and then the first value is divided by the second. This figure will be the number of strips that will be needed to glue this surface.

It is most convenient to cut the wallpaper on the floor, after spreading the film on it. To cut the strip to the desired length, the roll is rolled out, measured and cut with a construction knife or large scissors.

Apply adhesive

Having made the required number of blanks, they proceed to the next process, which has its own nuances. The fact is that the technology of pasting surfacesordinary paper and vinyl wallpaper, having the same base, is somewhat different from the one used when working with non-woven trellises.

The difference lies in the application of the adhesive. In the case of vinyl and paper wallpaper, they lubricate the canvas, after which it should lie down for about 5-7 minutes. Only after this time they can be glued to the wall. Wallpaper with a non-woven base does not need to be smeared, since the composition is applied to the surface itself. This allows you to immediately proceed to the next step.

Wall papering
Wall papering

Wallpaper technology

This process is also quite simple, but requires the utmost concentration and accuracy. The first canvas is always glued from the inner corner of the room. In this case, it is necessary to make an overlap of 1.5-2 cm in size. Having attached this strip, the next one is glued to the adjacent surface so that in the corner one sheet overlaps the other by the width indicated above. Further, the room is glued around the entire perimeter. At this time, it is necessary to ensure that the wallpaper fits snugly against the wall surface and that air bubbles do not form under them.

Non-woven wallpaper is glued butt to butt. If there is a pattern, the stripes must be carefully adjusted so as not to violate the integrity of the image. It happens that pasting the walls is carried out for further painting. In this case, if the wallpaper does not have a pronounced structural pattern, the work is greatly simplified, since the fitting process is eliminated, which significantly reduces the consumption of materials.
