Hyper-pressed facing brick: types, composition, characteristics and reviews

Hyper-pressed facing brick: types, composition, characteristics and reviews
Hyper-pressed facing brick: types, composition, characteristics and reviews

In modern construction, the boundary between the areas of application of different groups of materials is shrinking rapidly. In many ways, this is facilitated by the introduction of new technologies in production processes. Traditional brick is usually associated with masonry walls and partitions. The function of facing components is assigned to tiled products, siding and wood. At the same time, hyperpressed facing brick is able to perform both the tasks of decorative finishing and ensure the strength of the formed walls. The methods of its production have a number of significant differences from the production of ordinary bricks, which determined the unique qualities of this material.

hyperpressed facing brick
hyperpressed facing brick

Production technology and equipment

Production is carried out using hyper-pressing technology. In special molds under a pressure of more than 20 MPa, the cement-mineral mixture for bricks is compacted. In production, special equipment for hyper-pressed bricks is used, due to which a conveyor line is formed. The standard list of such units includes the following:

  • main installation for the implementation of the processhyperpress (press);
  • concrete mixer;
  • conveyor line;
  • brick cutting machine;
  • Chamfered brick forming tool
hyperpressed brick
hyperpressed brick

A feature of this manufacturing method is a high load on the raw mass, from which high-strength hyper-pressed bricks are subsequently obtained. The technology practically eliminates the preservation of voids, which affects the hardness and durability of the material. Process efficiency is improved in part by separating the crushing and mixing processes.

Composition of hyper-pressed bricks

Most of the raw materials for making hyper-pressed bricks are slag and waste. In particular, the products of processing of metallurgical plants, asbestos-cement plants, power plants and mining and processing enterprises are used. About 10% of the composition is formed by finely ground limestone rocks with the inclusion of water and cement. The remaining part, which consists of hyperpressed brick, includes marbles, dolomites, shell rocks, travertines and other elements. According to the composition, one can trace the differences of this technology. So, in comparison with the production of ceramic bricks, the molded products do not undergo firing and do not dry. If we compare it with the manufacture of silicate bricks, we can note the absence of sand in the composition.

hyper pressed brick reviews
hyper pressed brick reviews

Material specifications

Of course, consumers for the most part do not go into the intricacies of technologicalprocesses and immediately pay attention to what characteristics hyperpressed brick for facing has. So, among the technical indicators it is worth noting the following:

  • strength rates vary from 100 to 400 kg/cm2;
  • weight averages 2000 kg/m3;
  • water absorption capacity - 3-7%;
  • frost resistance - 300 cycles;
  • fire resistance corresponds to the group of non-combustible materials;
  • low thermal conductivity comparable to special thermal insulators.


Despite certain difficulties in the manufacturing process, production allows the production of various models of bricks. In terms of performance properties, the material itself remains the same, but the structural and textural qualities are quite different. On the construction market, you can find hyper-pressed facing bricks in the following range:

  1. Pricked. Has a specific texture that mimics chips.
  2. Figured. May be in the form of various geometric shapes, which enhances the aesthetic value of the cladding.
  3. Full bodied. High strength and suitable for traditional masonry.
  4. Hollow. Usually used for decorative outdoor decoration with heat insulator function.
hyper pressed brick price
hyper pressed brick price

It is also worth noting that hyperpressed brick is available in different colors, which significantly expands the possibilities of aesthetic design of buildings. Standard for such a brick are yellow, red and green shades.


The owners of houses built with such bricks generally praise the purchase. In terms of strength, durability and reliability, the material does not cause criticism. Moreover, many complain that the products are not amenable to manual processing. On the one hand, this indicates the quality of the material, but on the other hand, it requires the use of special equipment that will allow cutting hyperpressed bricks. Reviews also note the heaviness of the material. Still, the high density of products affects and, as a result, an increase in mass. By the way, the weight of one brick reaches 4 kg. As a result, both transport and handling of the material at the construction site becomes more difficult, especially when it comes to large batches.

hyper pressed brick equipment
hyper pressed brick equipment

There are also complaints about color fading, although this factor depends on the conscientiousness of the manufacturer who produces hyperpressed bricks. Reviews note that the even sides of the elements especially burn out in the sun. Therefore, if the texture qualities are fundamental, then it is recommended to purchase a "torn" brick - such a texture is the least prone to fading.

How much does a hyper-pressed brick cost?

The high cost can be attributed to another disadvantage of such bricks, but their operational advantages pay off. On average, prices range from 17 to 22 rubles. a piece. This is the cost of a full-bodied material. But it is important to understand that hyper-pressed brick, the price of which is notexceeds 20 rubles, in most cases it has a minimum level of density relative to technological standards. If you need to get high-quality and durable walls, then it is advisable to purchase material that is more expensive and with a maximum level of density.


When considering the option of purchasing hyper-pressed products, many are faced with the question of how this material differs from ordinary bricks. By and large, he wins in two qualities. These are durability and aesthetic properties. It is obvious that hyperpressed brick with its density will provide the building with high reliability. This is indicated not only by manufacturers, but also by builders who used this material.

hyperpressed brick technology
hyperpressed brick technology

Decorative, variety of textures and textures is also an important advantage. After all, it is not without reason that such a brick is used not only by private homeowners, but also by developers of large shopping centers. A respectable appearance can be obtained with the help of other materials, but not all of them are able to provide similar indicators of strength and reliability.
