Heater "Solarogaz": reviews

Heater "Solarogaz": reviews
Heater "Solarogaz": reviews

With the development of technological progress, the problem of heating suburban housing in winter and autumn does not go away. No one discounts the construction of a Russian stove, with which you can heat living quarters and cook dinner. The option is also justified with the installation of a modern potbelly stove, which has not lost its relevance today. However, each of these options comes at a high cost, although dead wood from the garden or wood scraps can be used as fuel.

An investment of this kind may be ineffective, which is especially true when you appear in a country house only from time to time. Quick heating of the room can be ensured using the equipment "Solarogaz", reviews of which you can read below.

Feedback on the features of the equipment brand "Solarogaz"

solar gas reviews
solar gas reviews

The solar gas device, which is classified according to the principle of operation, can act as a possible option for heating a country house. The device can operate on diesel fuel, converting heat in closed combustion mode. Users like thatthe device can be selected taking into account the power, which is why it will be able to cope with the heating of different areas.

You can install such a unit in greenhouses, garages, as well as country houses. Buyers emphasize that the standard fuel consumption is quite enough for continuous operation for 20 hours. Such an oven will allow you to heat and cook food. The described heater runs on gas, it emits heat in the infrared spectrum, a heat-radiating ceramic surface is used for this, and not direct combustion of gas.

Features and benefits reviews

solar gas heater reviews
solar gas heater reviews

Equipment "Solarogaz", reviews of which should help you make the right choice, can be used in repair and construction, when there is a need to quickly dry surfaces or materials. The device can be connected to the main gas network or cylinder. Buyers claim that the device will use an average of 200 g of liquefied gas per hour, while heating an area of 20 m22.

The described units are quite compact, and their weight does not exceed a kilogram, which is very popular with consumers, because they get the opportunity to transport equipment in the trunk of a car. The result of all this is the possibility of a comfortable stay in a country house even in winter, while the operation of the equipment provides the optimum temperature with a relatively low gas consumption.

Reviews on design features

solar gas gie reviews
solar gas gie reviews

Reviewingequipment of the Solarogaz brand, you must read reviews about it before buying. In them, consumers mention that the described devices are made in the form of a plate, which has the shape of a rectangle. Inside are:

  • heater block;
  • jet;
  • filter;
  • glass fiber filter;
  • fuel tank.

The latter has a capacity of 2.5 liters, which, according to consumers, is enough for long-term work without additional replenishment of the tank. Diesel fuel or lighting kerosene can be used as fuel. The grate, made of heat-resistant steel, which, according to buyers, has a long service life, is located above the burner. It can be used to place dishes for heating food. Consumers emphasize that safety measures must be observed when using the equipment, since fuel equipment is a source of increased danger.

Feedback on performance features

solarogaz by 2 5 reviews
solarogaz by 2 5 reviews

When deciding to purchase a Solarogaz brand heater, read the reviews about it first. Indeed, in them, consumers talk about the fact that the start of heating occurs immediately after turning on the device. The average size of the units is quite compact. The power turns out to be quite enough to heat rooms with dimensions of 4x6 m.

After an hour of operation of the heater, you can reduce the power, while the heat transfer will still remain quite intense. The wordsconsumers, the smell during operation of the furnace is almost not felt. After purchasing such heaters, consumers emphasize that they can stay in country houses even in winter.

It is noteworthy that the device is able to cope with the heating of a greenhouse where tender seedlings of cultivated plants grow. After a few months of operation, consumers are advised to replace the wick. Without such equipment, the use of greenhouses during the cold periods of the year is impossible. This is what attracts buyers.

Reviews about the heater brand "PO-2, 5"

solar gas furnace reviews
solar gas furnace reviews

"Solyarogaz PO-2, 5", reviews of which can help you make the right choice, is made of stainless steel and is a heater with a furnace function. Kerosene or diesel fuel can be used as fuel. The equipment power of 2500 W, according to buyers, is quite enough to heat residential and non-residential premises that are impressive in size.

In an hour, the equipment will use 0.2 liters of fuel, while the volume of the fuel tank is 3.2 liters. One refueling of fuel will be enough for a burning time of 18 hours. "Solarogaz PO-2, 5 SAVO", reviews of which you must read, has compact dimensions that are 370 x 420 x 320 mm. This equipment weighs only 5.6 kg and is a mobile device.

Reviews on the GII-2, 3 model

solarogaz by 2 5 savo reviews
solarogaz by 2 5 savo reviews

"Solyarogaz GII-2, 3", reviews of which are quite often the most positive, can be usedfor heating rooms, drying during construction work, as well as cooking and heating food. This device is an infrared gas burner. The rated thermal power is 2.3 kW. This value, according to users, can vary in both directions by 5-10%.

Liquid gas nominal pressure is 3 kPa. The temperature of the radiating surface is 800 °C. Customers like the compact dimensions, which are equal to 240x190x120 mm, the weight of the equipment is very small - 2 kg, which allows even a child to entrust the movement of the device.

Operating time reviews

solar gas 2 3 reviews
solar gas 2 3 reviews

"Solarogaz GII", reviews of which are quite good, is characterized by a certain period of combustion of liquefied gas. It is regulated by using a standard cylinder with a certain capacity. For example, if you use a 5-liter bottle, then the burning time will be 10.5 hours. Buyers who want to provide 112 hours of work emphasize that they are purchasing 50-liter bottles.

Reviews about the miracle furnace brand "Solarogaz"

The Solarogaz stove, reviews of which help consumers make the right choice, allows you to cope with situations when the electricity is turned off, the firewood runs out or there is no way to bring gas lines to the house. When a household has a liquid fuel stove, according to buyers, it allows you to make life in a country house more comfortable.

The size of such equipment can be compared to a small box. In someModels of such ovens have a glass bulb around the heating element. Consumers emphasize that miracle ovens do not emit smoke during operation, so they can be used to heat residential premises and garages, as well as utility blocks where people work and animals are.

The Solarogaz heater, reviews of which are presented in the article and will allow you to make a choice, emits a little smoke only when igniting and extinguishing, so buyers recommend all these procedures to be carried out on the street. Diesel heaters suggest the need to ventilate the premises during operation. The principle of operation of such a device is that the fuel enters the boiler bowl by gravity, when heated, it passes into a gaseous mixture that enters the combustion chamber. This is where the even combustion of the fuel takes place with the release of heat.


If you want to go on a trip, then you can take with you a compact heating equipment "Solarogaz", which weighs almost nothing, and consumes fuel in small quantities. The advantage of such a heater is also that it can be purchased at almost any gas station, but a car with a diesel engine can become a source of some flammable liquid at any time.

In the line of the company "Solarogaz" you can find more than half a dozen models of heating equipment that can use kerosene or diesel fuel. The weight and design of such units do not affect the average fuel consumption.
