Waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tiles with your own hands

Waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tiles with your own hands
Waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tiles with your own hands

When carrying out construction and repair work, some features of the premises should be taken into account. For example, a bathroom needs waterproofing of the floor. Much depends on the quality of such a procedure. First of all, there is a chance to avoid certain problems with neighbors if water suddenly leaked. In addition, waterproofing allows you to protect the floor from the negative effects of moisture. Also, an additional coating makes it possible to extend the life of many finishing materials.

bathroom floor waterproofing
bathroom floor waterproofing

Why do you need waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tiles?

Many believe that bathroom waterproofing is a waste of money. However, this is not the case. First of all, waterproofing helps protect the premises, as well as neighboring apartments from flooding.

The cost of arranging an additional layer usually costs 400-800 rubles per square meter. If you do all the work yourself, it will take much less. The cost of waterproofing depends on the price of building materials, which, in turn,depends on the composition, as well as the types of application of solutions.

Also, waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tiles is also required when arranging some heating systems. A similar procedure is also necessary in cases where the house is built from foam blocks. This building material must be protected from moisture.

waterproofing the wooden floor in the bathroom under the tiles
waterproofing the wooden floor in the bathroom under the tiles

Types of materials

At the moment, there are several basic types of materials that are designed to equip an additional protective layer. What should be the waterproofing of the floor in the bathroom under the tiles? Knauf, Ceresit, Aqua Stop, Hercules and so on are liquid solutions that are used to fill floors. They are sold, as a rule, in the form of a loose mixture. In addition, there are rolled materials that are welded or glued to a wooden floor or concrete screed. There are coating compositions. Rubberized materials, varnishes and bituminous mastics fall under this category.

Of course, the method of laying waterproofing depends on the selected composition. For example, rolled materials are best used when carrying out not repair, but construction work. In such cases, it is recommended to use an insulator on the roof, in subfloors and basements.

If finishing repairs are being carried out, it is better to use coating compounds, for example, bituminous mastics, special solutions, and so on.

bathroom floor waterproofing under knauf tiles
bathroom floor waterproofing under knauf tiles

Preparatory work

Before we startbefore laying the waterproofing layer, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface. If the floor is concrete, then for a start it is worth pouring an even screed, the thickness of which should not exceed 2 centimeters. In this case, the surface must be free of dust. It can be removed with a regular vacuum cleaner. Of course, you should not use expensive equipment, as the filters will become unusable very quickly. Also, there should be no cracks on the screed. If they nevertheless appeared, then they should be slightly expanded and filled with a solution.

In order for the waterproofing layer to adhere well to the coating, it is necessary to treat the surface with a primer. The composition must be dry. The primer should be bought special, which is designed for the treatment of concrete floors.

If the floor in the house is wooden, then you need to securely fasten the boards. You can also cover it completely with a sheet of plywood.

do-it-yourself waterproofing of the floor in the bathroom under the tiles
do-it-yourself waterproofing of the floor in the bathroom under the tiles

Which composition to choose

So, how and what is the waterproofing of the floor in the bathroom under the tile? Ceresit and other popular brands are sold in almost any hardware store. The range of such products is quite large. Therefore, the question arises: what to buy? It should be remembered that such compositions are of the same type and work according to the same principle. The main difference lies in some properties of materials, in consumption and application methods.

If you wish, you can immediately purchase a ready-made liquid composition or a dry mixture, which you will have to dilute yourself before work in accordance withmanufacturers' recommendations. In any case, if all the rules are followed, high-quality waterproofing of the floor in the bathroom under the tiles in a wooden house and in a residential apartment is obtained.

waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tiles in a wooden house
waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tiles in a wooden house

Preparing the solution

When the primer applied to the subfloor dries and absorbs, you can proceed to the main stage - the creation of a protective layer. Do-it-yourself waterproofing of the floor in the bathroom under the tiles is carried out using additional tools. Do not neglect the preparatory work and the application of special compositions to the coating. The cost of the primer is relatively low, and you can apply it yourself. This will ensure high quality of work performed.

To make waterproofing, you need to prepare a solution. If you purchased a special liquid composition designed for wood floors, you can skip this step. If the choice fell on a dry mixture, then you will have to prepare the solution yourself. For this you need:

  1. Pour the dry mixture into a deep container and add water. In this case, certain proportions should be observed: one part of the liquid is required for one part of the composition.
  2. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed so that a homogeneous mass is obtained without air bubbles and lumps. To do this, use a drill, as well as a special nozzle, which is designed specifically for mixing solutions.
bathroom floor waterproofing under ceresit tiles
bathroom floor waterproofing under ceresit tiles

What's next

Afterthe solution is ready, you can start arranging the waterproofing of the floor in the bathroom under the tiles. To apply the solution, you can use a special roller, brush or spatula. In this case, the choice depends not only on the convenience of application, but also on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Do not forget about such crucial places as the joints between the wall and the floor. Here, experts recommend laying a special waterproofing tape. If you decide to do without this material, then the corners, as well as the joints, need to be given special attention. It is better to coat them with a waterproofing compound several times.

How to apply

Waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tiles is an important stage in the repair work. Everything needs to be done right and right. It is better to apply the waterproofing composition in several layers: first, the first is applied, and the second - after 6 hours. After that, any construction and repair work on the premises must be stopped for approximately 48 hours. This is necessary so that the mixture applied to the floor can dry better. It is worth noting that the quality of waterproofing is very important for some types of heating systems.

The average cost of a mixture is about 500 rubles. It is not very expensive, so the solution should be applied carefully and sparingly. If liquid waterproofing of a wooden floor in a bathroom under a tile is applied, then it is possible to cover the surface with it in several layers with a brush. In some cases, the processing of walls to a height of 40 centimeters is required.

waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tile instructions
waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tile instructions

WhenIf desired, you can use backfill waterproofing. However, it should be noted that such compositions do not provide the necessary protection of the surface from moisture. When carrying out such work, a sufficiently large layer of backfill material should be made. This is the only way to avoid many problems in the future.

In addition, there is molded waterproofing of the floor in the bathroom under the tile. The instructions for using such a tool are clear and do not raise questions. Such a material has excellent properties due to the application technology. However, it is very difficult to carry out work on the arrangement of such waterproofing on your own. To avoid a large number of mistakes, it is better to invite specialists.

Painting method

The painting method of arranging waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tile is considered the simplest. If necessary, work can be carried out easily, quickly and without much cost. However, it should be borne in mind that such a protective coating has a short service life. This indicator is no more than 5 years.

After the waterproofing layer dries, you can make a small screed that will level the surface, strengthen it, and also prepare it for further laying tiles or other coatings.
