Natural ventilation in the garage - features, diagram and recommendations

Natural ventilation in the garage - features, diagram and recommendations
Natural ventilation in the garage - features, diagram and recommendations

If you want to keep your car in good condition for as long as possible, it is recommended to create the appropriate conditions in the garage. They can be achieved through ventilation. When the budget is limited, car owners decide to take care of natural ventilation, which does not involve the purchase of additional equipment. Efficient air exchange is also necessary in order to remove toxic fumes and exhaust gases, as well as to remove the resulting condensate.

Features and layout

basement garage ventilation
basement garage ventilation

The most common garage ventilation system is natural. Under such conditions, air flows penetrate inside and are brought out through artificially created openings. But you need to choose their diameter correctly, you need to carry out the calculation. To arrange ventilation, prepare:

  • perforator;
  • grinder;
  • protective grilles and caps;
  • plastic pipes.

An angle grinder will be neededfor cutting pipes. You will need a puncher to make holes. Sewer pipes can be plastic pipes. For example, consider the norms for a room measuring 6 x 3 m. In this case, the holes should have a diameter of 27 cm.

Additional nuances

The scheme provides for holes in the walls where air ducts will be inserted. Holes are removed from the floor by 15 cm. An outlet pipe will be located on the opposite wall. They take her out to the roof. If there is a desire to improve air exchange, the roof over the pipe should be made higher. The minimum height is 50 cm. The ventilation scheme in the garage according to this principle is effective only in the cold season, while in summer air circulation can be negligible or even absent.

Main Features

cellar ventilation in the garage
cellar ventilation in the garage

When calculating ventilation, it is important to determine the performance of the system. For this, the value of air exchange and its multiplicity are calculated. By reviewing the relevant regulatory documents, you can find out how much air should enter the room to meet the oxygen needs of one person per hour. This value is equal to 60 m3. The number of air volume changes can be determined by multiplying the normalized air exchange rate by the volume of the room.

Based on the calculations, a ventilation scheme is drawn up based on the physical properties of air at different temperatures. The air flow will enter the room, and initially its temperature will be lower. Heenters at the bottom of the room, gradually warming up and rising towards the ceiling. There are exhaust grilles.

If the natural ventilation in the garage will have holes with an air supply valve, then additional holes are located closer to the floor. Air ducts will be on top. The design of the system provides for the calculation of the cross section of the channels. The circulation of flows is carried out by external factors. To ensure intensive draft, a larger cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe duct will be required than with the installation of forced ventilation.

About the length of channels

The speed of streams moving along the channels will depend on their length. The organization of natural circulation is not always justified. To increase traction, you can use a mechanical action - deflectors. Their design is simple, and they are located at the outlet of the air ducts. Deflectors have some features of the mechanisms that contribute to rarefaction of air in the radius of action, which increases the speed of air flow.

When designing a system, an important feature is the influence of the temperature value outside. In summer, natural ventilation almost stops working, because the temperature difference between inside and outside is negligible.

Ventilation recommendations

If you are faced with the question of how to properly ventilate the garage, then you should familiarize yourself with the technology. According to her, it is necessary to lay channels in the walls through which circulation will be carried out. In the wall, the cross section of the channel can be approximately 140 mm.

Thickness of masonry hoodchannel is equal to 1.5 bricks. If the channel thickness is less, a backdraft effect may occur. If there are several rooms, then horizontal branches are arranged from the main channel, the diameter of which is smaller and can be 100 mm. The wiring can be made of plastic pipes.

Setting up the system in the basement garage

ventilation in garage
ventilation in garage

If you need ventilation in the garage, you can learn how to do it correctly from the article. When the garage is located in the basement, dampness often occurs there and condensation accumulates. Therefore, ventilation in such a room is absolutely necessary. On opposite sides there are holes that are covered with bars so that rodents do not get inside.

More efficient ventilation can be done using pipes. Their diameter varies from 8 to 15 cm. Should be purchased:

  • thermal insulation;
  • lattices;
  • visors.

The latter will provide protection from precipitation. One end of the pipe, through which the flow of air will be provided, is installed in a hole with a deviation from the floor of 35 cm. The upper end is led out through the base and placed along the wall. The length of the outer part should be 60 cm.

About aesthetics and functionality

For a more aesthetic appearance, the pipe is made invisible. The supply pipe is installed in a hole under the ceiling. It is taken out through the ceilings, and it ends at a height of 60 cm from the roof. Condensation may accumulate in the chimney. In this case, it will drain into the basement. There needinstall a container where the liquid will collect. Pipes for the system can also be made from asbestos cement.

Ventilation device in a room with a basement

garage ventilation system
garage ventilation system

Ventilation in a garage with a basement is arranged almost according to the same principle as described above. In masonry, for this, a channel is made with a cross section of no more than one brick. The same channel will be made of blocks laid on the side face. The scheme is quite simple, but it provides intensive air exchange in the cellar.

A metal mesh should be installed on the channel. Pipes are located in different corners of the pit. One duct is responsible for the inflow, and the second for the exhaust. Such a system works in any basement, located not only under the garage, but also in open space.

Ventilation in the garage pit will be more intense if the end of the supply pipe is 45 cm from the floor. The end of the exhaust pipe is located under the ceiling. Pipes can be made from anything, namely:

  • tin;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • asbestoscement.

Pipes outside

The exhaust air duct is fixed so that one end of it is located from the floor in the range from 150 to 200 cm. The outer end is led 45 cm above the roof. The supply air duct is installed in the opposite corner. Outside, the pipe is brought out by 30 cm. The outlet channels should be covered with rain caps. To control the ventilation of the cellar, it is necessary to install dampers that allow you to regulate the air flow in the coldseason. This will prevent hypothermia in the room.

Installing a chimney in a garage cellar

do-it-yourself ventilation in the garage
do-it-yourself ventilation in the garage

Ventilation of the cellar in the garage can include the installation of an exhaust pipe in two ways: through and through the wall. In the first case, the pipe is discharged through the ceiling and roof, in the second, the lower part of the exhaust pipe is located horizontally and rises outside the garage. The length of the exhaust pipe must be selected so that after its installation, the upper cut is one meter above the highest point of the roof. The total length of the chimney must not be less than 3 m.

When ventilating a cellar in a garage, it is recommended to install a deflector on the top of the pipe, which will improve the intensity of air exchange by creating a vacuum. In addition, it will save the cellar from dust and precipitation. You can achieve the greatest efficiency if you purchase a deflector with an outer diameter 2 times the diameter of the pipe. The lower cut of the housing of this unit should be several centimeters below the cut of the ventilation pipe. The simplest deflector is a product in the form of a cone made of plastic or iron. You can make it yourself.

The lower cut of the exhaust pipe should be located under the ceiling of the cellar as high as possible. When installing ventilation in a garage in the basement area, the supply pipe should be installed so that about 0.5 m remains from its lower cut to the floor. The same distance must be maintained between the upper cut and the ground level. When choosing a pipe, you musttake into account its diameter, so that for each square meter of area there are about 15 mm. For this reason, asbestos or plastic sewer pipes are often used, with a diameter of up to 200 mm.

Plastic looks more attractive, but its mechanical strength is somewhat less. This material has less significant weight, is easier to seal and easier to cut. Sometimes tin ducts are used, although they are cheap, they are not a rational choice, as they are easily damaged and fail.

Ventilation device in a metal garage

Many today are concerned about the question of how to make ventilation in the garage. If the walls are made of metal, then the installation is carried out according to a similar ventilation method in a conventional garage. However, a number of nuances should be observed. For example, the inlet in the upper part is located at some distance from the gate lock. This prevents the gate from breaking through the ventilation openings.

Be sure to install protective grilles on the inlet openings. There is usually no viewing hole in an iron box, so the upper holes will be enough for air exchange. The intake of the inflow can be carried out through a loose porch and under the influence of wind. Condensation may appear on the surfaces of a metal garage in the absence of ventilation. In addition to high-quality ventilation, you can eliminate the accumulation of condensate by floor insulation.

How to improve the intensity of the natural hood

how to do it rightventilation in the garage
how to do it rightventilation in the garage

If you want to arrange ventilation in the garage with your own hands, you can install a deflector or heat the exhaust pipe. Cold air masses are heavier than warm air. The latter enters the highest point and exits through the exhaust ventilation duct. In order to improve the heating of the air in the upper layer inside the cold garage, it is necessary to make the exhaust duct black. As a result, the walls of the duct will absorb the maximum amount of solar energy and heat the air inside the duct. As a result, he will move up more intensively.

how to properly ventilate a garage
how to properly ventilate a garage

If you plan to improve the intensity of the system by painting the pipe when installing ventilation in the garage, you should not insulate the ventilation duct. You can prevent icing of the exhaust duct and maintain air exchange with a 40-watt incandescent lamp. Its cartridge is brought under the opening of the vertical channel and left switched on. The lamp will generate heat, which will be enough for the air to move at a speed of 0.4 m per second. At the same time, the air duct channel must be wrapped with insulating material, which should not come into contact with moisture.

There is little heat from the lamp, and it may not be enough for the full length of the exhaust pipe, because the air cools down. When installing ventilation in a garage, it is not worth using LED and fluorescent lamps to improve air exchange, because they generate less heat energy and are only suitable forlighting.
