DIY solar water heaters: basic designs

DIY solar water heaters: basic designs
DIY solar water heaters: basic designs

The issue of saving is now being raised by many people, especially those who live in their homes. The opportunity not to overpay for services is tempting, which is why people are looking for all kinds of ways to save on hot water and heating. This is especially true in the cold season, when you have to pay too much money for utilities. In search of savings, people often turn to solar energy, so now you can often hear about how to make a solar water heater.

Why is this so relevant?

One type of solar water heater
One type of solar water heater

The device allows you to partially release the boiler from the heating functions in the house. A solar water heater is presented as a device that absorbs energy from the sun and converts it into heat. Further, this energy will be transferred to the coolant, and it will already spread it throughout the house. Such devices allow you to significantly save on heating, which means that you will pay several times less on bills.

What is this water heater?

Solar water heater is a climate device that is appliedto create hot water. This device is actively used in water supply and heating systems. The main difference of this device from others is that it introduces renewable, and most importantly, free natural resources.

Worth remembering! The solar water heater allows you to extract solar energy even in cloudy weather, so this device can be used at any time of the year.

This is a very convenient device that allows you to save money. You can buy or make your own solar water heater. The second option will be more budgetary than the first.

How does this machine work?

Installation of a solar water heater
Installation of a solar water heater

Before you think about how to make a solar water heater with your own hands, you need to understand its principle of operation in more detail.

Each such apparatus has two working units - a solar radiation trap and a heat exchange battery. The last component is very important, because it is he who converts solar energy into heat, and you need it for heating. Thermal energy is then transferred to the coolant, and in most cases this role is played by ordinary water.

What types of machines are there?

Water heater resembling a table
Water heater resembling a table

Thermal solar collectors are divided:

  • for high-temperature (water is heated from eighty degrees Celsius);
  • medium temperature (liquid warms up to eighty degrees Celsius);
  • low-temperature (water warms up tofifty degrees Celsius).

Solar water heaters are divided by design:

  • for vacuum;
  • integrated savings;
  • flat.

The storage apparatus is also called a thermosiphon collector. Such devices can not only heat water, but also maintain its temperature indicators at a set level. This option is considered the most economical, because it does not use pumps. Structurally, such an apparatus consists of a couple of containers with liquid, which is located in a heat-insulating case with a glass lid, through which sunlight enters and water is heated. The device is easy to manufacture and use, besides it is inexpensive, however, it will not be used in winter.

The flat apparatus is a body with a heat exchanger. Usually the design is made for home purposes. At the same time, the body is closed with polycarbonate or glass, the heat exchanger is painted black, like all its parts. Such devices are often used to heat water in the pool, in the country, or as an additional design for home heating.

Vacuum machines are the most efficient, and their design resembles a thermos. The pipes are inserted into each other, the space between them is filled with vacuum, and this is also an excellent heat insulator. The heat carrier is water, it can be used for heating the house, as well as for technical needs. It is worth noting that this water is not used for washing, it just goes to the boiler, which heats the water, whichcirculates in another circuit.

The solar water heater for the pool is actively used, because it allows you to save a lot on heating the water. At the same time, the devices do not consume any fuel and there are no emissions into the environment, and the efficiency of devices can reach eighty percent.

By type of carrier, devices are divided into the following:

  1. Liquid. The coolant is water or antifreeze. The product is made from different heat exchangers.
  2. Air. This is a budget version of the product, but it only works as long as the outside temperature is at least ten degrees Celsius. Such devices do not leak and do not freeze through. Still such devices are used for drying crops.

Interesting fact: in Russia, the production of solar energy from spring to mid-autumn is about five kilowatts per square meter. This amount of energy allows you to heat approximately one hundred liters of water in a water heater with an area of 4 square meters without complications.

Would you like to warm the water all year round? Then you will need to use in practice solar water heaters for a house of a much larger area, and it is best to take a vacuum apparatus. In this case, you will be able to receive heated water all year round, you will remove the main load from the boiler and reduce energy consumption.

How much does the finished machine cost?

Finished solar collector
Finished solar collector

Many suppliers will be happy to offer you good solar water heaters for your home. Price rangeinstrumentation is very wide, ranging from five thousand rubles to one hundred and fifty thousand rubles. It all depends on the configuration and efficiency. Chinese models are in great demand, because they are inexpensive and productive.

Is it possible not to buy a device, but to make it?

There is a way to get a solar water heater at little cost. You probably already know that buying a factory-made device is not a budget idea. However, it is possible to provide a house with hot water, you just need to apply an alternative solution - use a homemade solar water heater. There are many different options for creating it: you can use glass and steel tubes, cellular polycarbonate, radiators, even beer cans. The easiest way to work is to use a refrigerator coil, but you will also need other components. In order to understand this issue, it will be necessary to consider in more detail the design of a solar heating water heater and the principle of its operation.

Flat water heater details

Homemade solar water heater
Homemade solar water heater

Why flat water heater? This is due to the fact that people most often, when installing a solar water heater for a summer residence or at home, use this particular type to heat water. In such devices, the heat sink, presented in the form of a metal plate with a copper coil, is located in the housing. The body can be made of metal or wood, it doesn't matter. It happens that the heat sink is created not from a metal sheet, but from a tin profile. Instead of a copper coil, you can still use black pipes or PVC. It is worth saying that such systems are less productive, but for home purposes they will do just fine.

The heat sink is painted black, and thermal insulation is also laid between it and the back wall of the heater. In the upper part, the heater is covered with polycarbonate, or, if desired, it can be replaced with durable glass.

The receiver converts solar energy into thermal energy and transfers it to water or antifreeze.

Worth remembering! A glass or polycarbonate cover is a must, because it is a protection for the heat exchanger from external irritants. At the same time, glass, like polycarbonate, will let in sunlight, which means that it will need to be periodically cleaned from dust and dirt.

All seams between the glass and the body will need to be reliably sealed, because the performance of the collector directly depends on this action. If this is not done, then the heat will begin to escape through the cracks, and such solar water heaters for heating the house will not be very effective. To save even more heat, you will need to insulate the rear wall of the case.

Flat water heaters are attractive because they are easy to make and attractive price / quality ratio. However, such a device is suitable for those regions where there is high insolation all year round. Such devices will also be effective in the summer in the middle zone of the Russian Federation. In winter, the productivity of such an apparatus is noticeably reduced due to seriousheat loss through the body elements.

What materials will be needed to create a water heater and how much does it cost approximately?

Wall mounted solar water heaters
Wall mounted solar water heaters

You will need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Capacity, the volume of which is two hundred to three hundred liters. The price is from four thousand to twelve thousand rubles.
  2. Glass of two or three square meters and a frame for it. The price is a thousand rubles and five hundred rubles, respectively.
  3. Galvanized iron for profile and black painting. It will cost about four hundred rubles.
  4. Boards for creating a hull, the thickness of which is at least twenty-five millimeters, and the width is one hundred, one hundred twenty, one hundred and forty millimeters. The cost of one meter of such a board is three hundred rubles.
  5. Pipes for the radiator. The cost depends directly on what material you prefer.
  6. Thermal insulation material. One package costs about seven hundred rubles.
  7. At the bottom you can put chipboard or hardboard in order to reduce the final load. It will cost you three hundred rubles.
  8. Fasteners for the body: nails, various screws, corners for connection.

The final cost will directly depend on what sizes you will adhere to. Now let's talk about the manufacture of the main structure of the solar water heater.

Starting to manufacture the device

First you need to create a box. In addition to the walls, it is also necessary to create spacers from timber, boards in order to strengthen the structure. The bottom is made fromhardboard or chipboard, then you need to lay a heat-insulating layer. You can use mineral wool, polystyrene foam or other similar materials in your work. Upstairs, you will need to additionally lay a tin panel, after which the heat sink is mounted, and it is attached to the box. Before installation, all parts will need to be painted black, it is advisable to choose matte black paint. At the same time, choose heat-resistant paint. You will also need to paint additionally all the joints, tin plate, radiator, and so on.

Now you need to equip the water tank. Install it in a large container, and also perform more insulation. How to do it? Between the walls it is necessary to fill up some kind of heat-insulating layer, you will need to attach another water chamber with a float to the tank. The principle of operation is exactly the same as in the toilet tank. The structure is usually placed in the attic, under the roof, and do not forget to install the drive.

The water chamber should be located one meter higher than the storage tank. A solar water heater is installed on the roof of the house, preferably on the south side or just in a sunny area. If you install the device directly on the site, then the pipes that will lead to it will need to be marked with thermal insulation.

Now you need to connect everything into a single system, and this is done using pipes. After the water supply is connected. It is also desirable that as many pipes as possible be placed in the apparatus. It is best to try and fit at least ten or twelve. fillingthe system is made from the lower area, namely from the radiator, this will allow you to avoid air pockets. After filling the system with water, liquid will flow from the chamber through the drain tube.

In this case, you will need to fill the tank, and the water will circulate and warm up. The heated liquid will begin to displace the cold and will rise up. As a result, cold water will flow into the heat sink. As soon as the float valve operates in the chamber, cold water will again go down. This is how circulation will occur and there will be no mixing of liquid with different temperature indicators. At night, it is best to close the drive so that you avoid heat loss.

Some recommendations regarding the installation and construction of the apparatus

Solar water heaters installed on the roof
Solar water heaters installed on the roof

It doesn't matter if you have a solar vacuum water heater or any other, it is important that the device meets all consumer parameters, therefore it is recommended to follow the tips below:

  1. It is best to install drain valves in the lower area of the heat exchangers so that air can be bled.
  2. The hydraulic system must have a valve, which excludes the circulation of the coolant. If there is a sharp drop in temperature indicators, then the valve should be closed.
  3. Manifolds can be introduced into a complete hydraulic network if you need to improve the performance of the radiator.
  4. To get the desired water temperature, you will need to use mixers to supply heatedwater.
  5. Heat insulation must be reliable!

As you can see, you can create an apparatus on your own, the main thing is to be patient, stock up on all the materials and start designing. Everyone can create this water heater for their home, it just takes a little effort.
