These flowers belong to the Aster family, they are extremely undemanding to growing conditions. They are annual or perennial. Annuals are varieties such as American, blue, imperial cornflowers. The perennial includes large-headed cornflower, mountain, Russian. Petals are not only blue, as is commonly believed. The color can vary from snow white to deep purple, even yellow varieties are found. Garden cornflowers (photo below) also differ in the shape of the inflorescence. They can be small, large, simple or terry.

This plant is successfully used in the design of Moorish lawns, colored borders, perfectly combined with other plants in mixed flower beds. Cornflowers garden large varieties are grown for cutting. When choosing a place for these flowers, open sunny areas should be preferred. The intensity and timing of flowering largely depend on these factors. There are no special requirements for the soil, the main thing is that water does not stagnate, sandy loam, well-drained and slightly acidic. On calcareous (alkaline) soilmore intensive flowering is noted, while the color of the flowers is brighter.

Annual plants propagated by seeds, today the market offers a wide variety of mixes of cornflowers of different shapes and colors. They produce seeds in large quantities. Landing is done directly in the ground before winter or early spring. Cornflower garden perennial propagated by dividing rhizomes or cuttings, this should be done after the plant has faded. It is transplanted quite rarely, only in case of strong growth or when creating new flower beds. Water the flowers should be moderate, as the soil dries well. Periodically loosen the ground at the planting site and remove weeds. After planting, the seeds require intensive moisture. If the newly transplanted plant wilts, you need to remove the ground part and water it well, next season the flower will continue its lush vegetation. Once every three years, planting perennial cornflowers should be thinned out, the rhizomes divided and transplanted. If the acidity of the soil increases, the plant begins to wither. In this case, it is recommended to carry out liming of the soil. Garden cornflowers feel better on poor soils, so they do not need to be fed. Diseases and pests bypass these flowers. Perennial plants are especially unpretentious, cold and drought resistant.

When passing by a rye field, it is impossible not to notice bright blue heads among the ears. In this place, flowers are considered to be weeds, becausethat they can oppress useful crops. But in a well-kept garden, in a multi-colored flower bed, this is already a beautiful plant. When purchasing seeds, special attention should be paid to the manufacturer. The best garden cornflowers - from breeders from Novgorod or Novosibirsk. Seeds should be planted in open ground, well watered with dissolved humus and covered with a film or other material if planting is done in April. The plant begins to bloom at the end of June, it does not need to be specially watered, summer rains are enough. With their pink, white, purple and blue hues, cornflowers will delight until the end of summer.