Geyser: connection and installation

Geyser: connection and installation
Geyser: connection and installation

Practical and convenient equipment was and remains a geyser, with which you can get hot water without spending a lot of money on electricity. Previously, such devices were made to last, they were quite effective, but not very safe.

To heat water, it was necessary to open a tap in the bathroom, after which, using a match, the consumer ignited the gas in the equipment. This miracle of technology could cause a lot of trouble, it periodically became clogged, the combustion stopped, and the entire room was filled with gas, which certainly led to the danger of an explosion. If the water boiled in the pipes, then they could not withstand the pressure.

Soviet speakers were bulky and looked ridiculous, so the first task was to install them. Over time, the design of such devices has changed. Today, speakers have become not only ergonomic, but also stylish. Instead of a match, a piezoelectric element is used today. If you purchase a gas water heater, the connection will not be a problem. Use of similar devicestoday it is not so dangerous, the threat of an explosion is minimal, and if the wick goes out, then the gas will not be supplied.

Recommendations for column installation

geyser, connection
geyser, connection

As a main rule, when connecting a gas column, there must be agreement with the special authorities responsible for the safety of gas supply. The geyser, which is connected by specialists, will work properly, the guarantee will apply to it. For all questions, please contact the specialists of the organization that uses the license to carry out such work.

It is important not to forget about the technical conditions that you must adhere to if you are connecting a column with an open combustion chamber. Before carrying out work, it is necessary to prepare certain tools and materials, namely:

  • water pipe;
  • plastic pipe;
  • magnetic filter;
  • fittings for metal-plastic;
  • corrugation;
  • Maevsky tap;
  • pipe cutter;
  • wrenches;
  • soldering iron;
  • drill;
  • dowels or self-tapping screws;
  • faucet;
  • s alt filter;
  • gas cock;
  • fittings american.

The water pipe must be made of PVC, and the metal-plastic pipe will be needed for gas supply. When choosing fittings, it should be borne in mind that with their help it will be necessary to connect metal-plastic. But the soldering iron should be designed for soldering pipes.

Determining the installation location

gas water connection
gas water connection

Installation, connection of a geyser are processes that require compliance with certain rules and regulations. Before starting work, you need to make sure that the equipment harmoniously fits into the interior. For the column to work, you need an extractor hood. If there is a chimney, then the hood can be mounted to it.

A hole should be made in the wall or ceiling to insert the asbestos pipe. Its length should be 1.5 m or more. A column can be installed under the hood, it should be located at a height inaccessible to children. However, you should not strengthen the column near the ceiling, because you still have to adjust the automation to control the water temperature.

A gas water heater, which can be connected by hand, must be strengthened with dowels, they will need holes. But first, the wizard has to perform markup. For this, a drill is used, but with the help of self-tapping screws you have to fasten the column.


gas column connection hose
gas column connection hose

Corrugation is used to connect the column with the hood. One end of the corrugation should be put on the hole, while the other should be inserted into the chimney outlet, or rather, into the hood. When the hose for connecting the geyser has been installed, you can proceed to the gas supply.

Some home craftsmen are wondering how to install the equipment in order to screw on the gas valve correctly. To do this, experts recommend embedding in a gas pipetee. Such work can be carried out by welding or by the method of threaded connection, while the tee has to be screwed in. Next, the gas line is connected to the column; for this, a pipe must be drawn from the latter to the tap, which is simultaneously fixed with clips. We still have to connect the gas column to the water supply. These works will be discussed below.

Plumbing connection

water connection to the gas column
water connection to the gas column

Using the same technology as connecting to a gas pipeline, a tee should be inserted into the water supply system. If a metal pipe is used, then a compression fitting should be installed, then a water tap is mounted. As in the first case, it is necessary to mark the path from the column to the water supply in order to connect to the pipe.

A s alt filter should be installed next to the equipment, followed by a magnetic filter. Studying the rules for installing gas equipment, you can note that you need a Mayevsky crane. It is necessary for the device to last longer. After that, the gas water heater must be connected to the hot water supply system.

Checking performance

geyser do-it-yourself connection
geyser do-it-yourself connection

The gas water heater, which can be connected by any home master, must be checked for operability. To do this, the valve is opened so that the gas enters. Having prepared a solution of soap and water, you can check the joints of the gas pipes, as well as the faucet connection. If yoububbles are noticed, there may be a leak in this place, which should be repaired.

Next, you can check the water supply, for this, a hot water tap and a Mayevsky tap are opened. It is necessary to wait for some time for air to come out of the pipes and the filter to collect. Then the tap can be closed, and after a short operation of the equipment, you can start using water for domestic purposes.

Specialist recommendations

installation gas column connection
installation gas column connection

If you purchase a gas water heater, the connection is best, of course, entrusted to specialists. They are familiar with the basic norms and rules that are prescribed in SNiP 42-01-2002. They say that some points are mandatory for execution, which describe work with polypropylene and metal gas pipelines.

The room where the speaker will be installed must have an area of 7.5 m22 or more. It is important to provide adequate ventilation. But the distance from floor to ceiling should be at least 2 m. There should be a 120-mm chimney in the room, which should not include vents that are present in any apartment. It is important to make sure that the pressure in the water supply system is not less than 0.1 atm.


Connecting water to the gas water heater was described above, but this rule is not the only one to follow. For example, the wall where the column will be attached must be made of non-combustible materials. In addition, the column is forbidden to be placed above the gas stove.
