Do not assume that the design of the toilet is not so important in the interior of a house or apartment. This room is just as important as all the others. By looking at modern solutions, you can determine which ideas are suitable for your bathroom. The most familiar and common way to decorate this room is to decorate it with ceramic tiles. The tile is easy to clean, highly durable and hygienic.
Today, this finish is presented in many varieties, so you can choose a budget type of decor or a more expensive option. In the first case, we are talking about glazed tiles, in the second - about porcelain stoneware. Finishing the toilet with tiles may involve the use of snow-white material. The shape of the products in this case can be any - rectangular or square. In this case, the seams are filled with dark grout. The purpose of this contrast is to imitate the retro style.
Another fashionable novelty is the use of a combination of plain tiles with patterns or a mixceramics from several collections that are not similar to each other. If you also decide to follow the experience of the majority and choose tiles for finishing the bathroom, then you should familiarize yourself with the features of its installation.
Choosing the size and shape of toilet tiles

Finishing a toilet with tiles begins with the choice of material, the shape and size of which determines the perception of the room. It is necessary to choose products, taking into account some features. Assessing the scale of the room, you can choose the size of the interior details. The smaller the area of the bathroom, the smaller the size of the tiles should be, otherwise the room will seem even more limited.
If you have to work with a room in which the floor has dimensions equal to 0.8 x 1.5 m, then the best solution is square-shaped products with a side of 15 cm. For walls, this rule is not so categorical. However, subject to the above conditions, tiles larger than 15 cm are still not worth buying.
Ideas for the bathroom when decorating the room with tiles

Depending on the color, material and texture, toilet tiles must be selected according to certain rules. The most common in the range of building materials is found in glass ceramic tiles or mosaics. Each species is attractive in its own way. Moisture resistance and low price are ceramic tiles. Glass tiles are characterized by high chemical resistance and attractive appearance. Mosaic is commonly used inthe case when the master wants to take advantage of the wide possibilities in the design of paintings and patterns.
If the room is rather limited in area, then it is best to use light-colored tiles that reflect light well. In this case, the floor can be made contrasting, even black. This will give you a sense of depth. With this solution, you can visually increase the volume of the room. Before you finish the toilet with tiles, it is important to choose the right material. Pay attention to its texture. For a bathroom, it is better to prefer products with a non-smooth surface, this will prevent slipping.
It will be possible to decorate the space with the help of patterned tiles, borders and inserts. If the geometry of the toilet is stretched upward, then you need to try to visually expand the room by laying the tiles across, for this, rectangular products are selected.
Preparing for repairs

Toilet tiling design can include different styles. However, in any case, everything must be prepared for repair. For example, to dismantle an old finish, use:
- chisel;
- hammer;
- perforator;
- mask;
- drill;
- spatula;
- safety glasses;
- grout scraper.
Installation is carried out using a simple kit:
- level;
- tile cutter;
- scraper for leveling the surface.
Dismantling the old finishes

Tiling a toilet necessarily provides for the need to dismantle the old material. Tiled modern adhesive quite easily moves away from the wall, so it is easy to remove it. In this case, it is enough to use a tool with which it would be possible to pick up the entire ceramic and remove it from the wall. However, the old rules for finishing provide for the installation of tiles on cement mortar.
If you are faced with just such an option, then you should not even try to save ceramics. Such a removal will look like painstaking and long work, and a chisel and a perforator will have to be used. The tool is placed at an angle, so it will be easy to carry out monotonous work.
Finishing a toilet in a panel house is carried out according to the same principle as described in the article. It is also important to remove old material. The next step is to get rid of the remnants of the solution by using a regular hammer and chisel. Before you start dismantling the old tiles, you should cover the floor so that cleaning does not take much time. The master is recommended to arm himself with goggles and a respirator.
Laying toilet tiles

Preparation for tiling involves the dismantling of the old flooring. It is better not to touch the toilet, it is recommended in this case to cut the tiles to fit the shape of the sanitary appliance and lay them around. The surface of the floor and walls should be coated with a primer, after which you can start layingtiles. You need to start from the floor.
Work methodology

If you started repairing a bathroom, then the work must be carried out in accordance with a certain technology. It involves applying a layer of glue to the back of the tile. First you need to use whole tiles, starting from the center of the room.
The next step is to move towards the periphery using trimmings. Work should begin from the entrance, moving deeper. The gap between the products should be 2 mm. It can be adjusted with plastic crosses. Finishing the toilet with tiles involves the use of a building level, which is used at every stage of laying the material. Glue is applied to the base with a sweep, this will eliminate shells and layers under the finish layer.
Laying tiles on the walls

As soon as the tile adhesive, which was used to lay the tiles on the floor, has dried, you can proceed to the installation of the material on the walls. You need to start from below. Installation of each next row will begin after laying the previous one. These works are carried out from the far corner, while the cut tile should be located at the entrance. The seams between the tiles are covered with grout of a suitable color.
Specialist recommendations
If you are going to repair the bathroom yourself, then you need to take into account the small area of \u200b\u200bthe room. In this case, the master should prepare for the fact that the tiles will have to be cut in large quantities. If the old toilet remains in place, then the work will increase, because you will have to adjust the material to the installed plumbing. In order to determine the center line of the seam, you need to mark the center of the room.
Depending on the dimensions of the toilet, the classic masonry of large products is possible in one of two options. On a small area, it is better to lay one tile in the center, and then apply trimming on the sides. If the area is more spacious, then in the center you can lay two tiles, turning them in different directions. In this case, you will have to use the trimming technique on the sides.
Tiling a toilet in an apartment provides for the need to wait for the tile adhesive to dry. This usually takes 3 days, everything will depend on the air temperature and humidity.
Tile Wall Expert Tips
Before you start laying tiles on the walls, you need to draw a vertical and horizontal line from the floor using a level. If the floor has not yet been prepared, then to mount the first row to the wall, it is necessary to screw the profile. The first tile should be laid along the marked lines, then work is moving towards the end wall.
Tiling a small toilet involves the use of a rail, which is used to finish the area above the doorway. The rail is fixed horizontally above the door. Once the tiles have been laid on the side walls, you can move on to the end part. When grouting, the composition that has appeared on the surface of the products can be easily removed with a damp sponge.
After considering the ideas of decorating the toilet with tiles, you can choose a better option for yourself. For example, modern designers have recently increasingly suggested the use of tempered glass. Its installation is carried out using the same technology as the kitchen apron.
The walls are first covered with wallpaper or painted, and then the glass is installed on those areas that are most polluted. However, if you decide to use tiles, then you can install it yourself. At the same time, it is important to properly prepare the surface, for this it is cleaned, plastered and the mesh is scratched in order to increase the adhesive qualities of the materials. You can also use a metal blank to increase the adhesion of tiles to walls and floors.