An interesting fact is that the ax, being an ancient invention of mankind, has not undergone any cardinal changes since its appearance. One of the few improvements is that a special beard has appeared in the form of a small protrusion near the blade. It serves to strengthen the fastening of the cutting part to the ax handle, as well as to increase the level of protection of this element from impacts. A good ax is able to perform its functions properly for a very long period of time.
How to check the quality
The service life of the product largely depends on what steel grade is used for the cutting part of the head. If there is a choice, it is best to give preference to axes that will be immune to temperature changes and external damage during operation. The cutting part of the head of such products is made only of high carbon steel. In the era of the USSR, good axes were produced from different brands, including U7A, U8, U8A andU8GA.
To this day, there is an easy and quick way to check the quality of the product right before buying. It is enough to take any dense solid object and hit it on the blade on the handle. This is followed by a sound that you need to carefully listen to. A loud and long hum will indicate proper quality. The tool will be able to serve for a long time on the farm, and the owner will not need to sharpen it regularly and remove the nicks that have arisen.

Choosing the right ax
This is one of those cases where the appearance of a product is directly related to its final characteristics and purpose. The buyer should inspect the surface of the cutting head. This part of the instrument can conditionally be narrow, medium or wide. A suitable option is selected depending on the needs for which the ax is useful. Also important is the weight of the product. For example, a heavy tool will do a good job of chopping wood, but will require better physical data from its owner. Light axes will not be able to deal a serious blow to anything, and the swing itself must be sharp and powerful, which also implies a certain physical preparation.
Not all elements clearly affect the final functionality. For example, an ax handle is selected solely from personal preferences and convenience criteria, and therefore this part of the design is not universal. In terms of strength, plastic is in no way inferior to wooden products. A very convenient option can be called an iron ax handle with rubberizedhandle, but the tool itself will thus acquire additional weight.
General buying tips
All criteria for choosing a tool usually depend on the tasks that the product will perform. For starters, you should look at the shape and sharpening of the blade. From the first, everything is quite simple. The rounded shape allows better cutting with an axe, while the straight one is the best choice for chopping wood. Blade sharpening can have a different angle. If this parameter is at 40 degrees or less, then the tool will penetrate the material much easier, but you will have to resort to sharpening it quite often. Large angles are suitable for chopping meat or chopping wood. There are also combined versions with blunter edges and a sharper center.
After you need to look at what kind of wedge the ax has. You will have to choose between wooden and metal options. On the other hand, today some models of axes are sold without a wedge at all. This element is necessary for firmly fixing the impact part of the tool. With proper skill, you can independently carry out the so-called wedging of an ax. Next, you should pay attention to the handle itself, the length of which should be optimal for long and productive work. It is easy to choose this parameter - just compare the indicator with the length of the arm from the shoulder joint to the wrist. With a perfect match, there is simply no better tool to be found.

How to make an ax
The first step is to decide on future wishes. Productcan be made heavy or light, depending on the goals and personal convenience. Heavy axes weigh from 1 to 1.4 kg and have a handle from 55 to 65 cm in length, while the parameters of lightweight options are about 0.8-1 kg in weight and 40-60 cm in length of the handle, respectively. Next, you need to choose a wooden blank from acacia, maple or oak. Other hardwoods will do just fine. Regardless of the material chosen, it will be necessary to dry it for a very long period. Then, on a wooden blank, the contours of the handle are drawn according to a previously prepared template. A slight thickening should also be made at the end of the handle, otherwise the hand will constantly slip off during operation.
The handle is cut with a knife, chisel or electric jigsaw. The purchased nozzle is tried on to the wooden part. If necessary, further grinding is carried out, because the parts must fit together perfectly. In the future, you will need to make a mark on the ax in the place where the stabbing part ends. The resulting segment is divided in two. The second mark is made with a hacksaw. This moment is important for someone who wants to make an ax with their own hands, because a wedge will be located here, which will help to fix the ax handle tightly.

Travel axes
Such products provide a relatively compact size and modest weight. A good hiking ax should have semi-circular edges, for the reason that it will often be carried in a closed backpack. Manufacturers prefer to create a user-friendly design and provide an additional case in the box.
Tourist models have very compact handles up to half a meter long and well-sharpened sharp blades. The latter makes it possible to use the product as a conventional cutting knife. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the rather high cost compared to other proposals, the gradual appearance of rust due to wearing in a case and the inability to perform some standard work like chopping logs.
Meat Axes
Ideal for cutting bones and meat products. The use of this type of tool is for the most part the prerogative of professionals, and at home, such models are easily replaced with simple multifunctional axes. Butchers use the product for the daily cutting of a large number of carcasses of animals and birds. Among the distinguishing features of the tool, one can single out the presence of a wide blade, high density of steel, alloying in the best models and a large overall weight. The material for the ax handle, as a rule, is certain types of wood.
Among the undoubted advantages of such models, it is necessary to highlight the ability to cut almost any intractable material, as well as excellent durability and safety margin. However, only a man with good physical fitness will be able to fully work with the product. The weight of standard options starts from three kilograms. In addition, wooden axes tend to dry out over the years.

Axes for firewood
Preferably used for its intended purpose. Quality blades made of carbon steel are usually installed. The advantage is that the owner is unlikely to have a question in the foreseeable future about how to sharpen an ax that is used for chopping firewood. However, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with at least the theoretical part. The sharpening procedure is carried out either manually using various materials, or on an automatic electric machine. It is important to observe the original angles, otherwise the product may become less effective in operation. With this type of axes, it is better to sharpen the blade at 40-60 degrees.
The advantages of such a tool are its availability for the end user, ease of use and quite widely varying prices for models. Choosing the right option is quite simple, but it is also worth considering the very narrow specialization of the ax. Often you can find negative reviews about this particular category. The reason is the huge number of low-quality Chinese fakes in the building materials market.
Double-sided and forged axes
The models have a pair of blades with the same dimensions and thickness. In such a product, special attention is paid to balance for ease of operation. Blades are made of high carbon steel. In addition to the main tasks, this ax can also serve as a throwing weapon for recreational or competitive purposes. Unfortunately, the shock function is absent due to design features. For an unprepared person, there is a high probabilitycausing dangerous injury to yourself. Some collectors choose to purchase double forged battle axes for training or decoration. Of course, such products are made by blacksmiths individually to order.
If high quality is required regardless of price, then the best option is hard to find. For example, you can order a forged ax on an ash ax handle. With this tool you can chop and chop wood. The blacksmith who will be engaged in the manufacture of the ax will help you choose the best all parameters, including the weight, size, angle and degree of sharpening of the blade, as well as the most convenient handle length. On the farm, such a tool can last until the end of life.

Timber axes
A good lumberjack knows exactly what he needs. For deforestation in plots, special methods for making tools are used. In particular, the cutting surface of the head is specially processed by hand, and then undergoes a mechanical forging procedure. It is not customary to save on lumberjack ax materials, and therefore steel grades with the highest strength indicators are used.
The handle of the tool is no less important, because the worker must manage it during the whole working day. Empirically, it was found that the optimal material for this element of the ax is a kind of hazel called hickory. Impact force is one of the most significant indicators in the case of a lumberjack, for which products are deliberately weighted. Daily stressful work is associated with riskinjury. Manufacturers are trying to make the blades rounded to avoid unnecessary production incidents.
Carpenter's Axes
A good carpenter needs a quality tool no less than someone who is engaged in manual deforestation or wood splitting. Especially for the convenience of the work of masters of this profession, axes with ergonomic wooden handles and an average blade thickness appeared on the building materials market. The latter is sharpened at a right angle, while each carpenter chooses the degree of sharpening strictly individually, according to his own preferences.
A good craftsman's tool must be perfectly balanced. In addition, a very high degree of sharpness of the blade is required, which can be fixed on the ax handle in various ways. Since carpenters also work quite a lot and intensively with the product, manufacturers try to make their models as safe as possible. Each professional after the purchase will certainly customize the sharpening to your taste. It is worth noting that such a product is very specialized, that is, it will not work to chop or chop firewood with it.

Long-handled axes
This variety of this tool even has its own name - a cleaver. The handle for this type of ax is light and long. In the role of the material of the latter, impact-resistant plastic is usually used. The blade steel is always hardened, and the angle of its sharpening is from 40 to 60 degrees. Among the advantages of long axes is the rather low cost permarket and a wide range of models. Light weight combined with good balance helps to seriously increase the final impact force. The problem is the same - very narrow specialization. In addition, there is no way to visually determine how well the model in question is made.
Camping Axes
Such products often have common features with tourist ones. They imply the presence of a short handle and low weight, as well as the presence of a protective cover in the kit. A good hiking ax is made with a polyurethane rubberized handle and a wide, sharp blade. The scope of such models is quite extensive, because in extreme conditions of the wild nature, many actions may be required with the help of an improvised tool. However, the quality of steel is not always at a high level, that is, it may require quite frequent sharpening.

Household axes
A common choice for a carpenter or builder. The ax as a tool in this case is used for chopping firewood, cutting timber or logs. Preference is given to a wooden handle and high-quality steel for the blade. Multifunctionality at an affordable price - this is how you can briefly characterize such a choice. At the same time, after five or six years, the handle may begin to crack.