How to build a treehouse

How to build a treehouse
How to build a treehouse

How to build a hut from branches? This question, most likely, is asked only by those people who often relax in nature. When planning a trip like this, choosing the right place to stay for the night is quite an important thing. However, this somewhat limits the number of places where you can go. But the ability to build a hut opens up many new horizons.

What is a hut and what types are there

Before answering the question of how to build a hut with your own hands, you need to understand what it is, what they are and why they are built. By itself, a hut is a shelter for an overnight stay, which can be built in a short time from improvised materials. It can also be used to protect against snow or wind. To date, only 3 types of such small temporary buildings are common - these are shed huts, gable and circular. Sometimes, if the terrain allows, you can build a hut in the recess.

Homemade hut for relaxation
Homemade hut for relaxation

What you need to build a hut in the forest

Let's get it right. How can you build a hut? It is worth starting to consider this issue from the fact that you need to find a suitable place that will be safe for an overnight stay. Based on these considerations, noit is recommended to build temporary housing at the bottom of the canyon, in a narrow gorge or on the banks of the river. This is due to the fact that during rain or floods such places are the most unsafe. In addition, mountain slopes or places under sagging rocks are considered dangerous places.

How to build a hut? For its construction, you must have the bare minimum - an ax, knife, rope or tape. You can try to do without them, but they significantly reduce the time of work. In addition, such devices are most often at hand, especially if you are planning a trip to nature. How to build a hut that will be a reliable shelter? Most often, the usual technique of weaving from branches is used for this. To close all the cracks in the walls and roof, you can use moss, leaves, grass, etc. An ax and a knife are needed in order to make it easier to get everything you need.

Pipe type hut
Pipe type hut

Single model

How to build a shed type hut? In its appearance, this structure is more like a wall of a house than a full-fledged shelter. Most often, shed buildings are an ordinary canvas, knitted from branches and other materials that rest against a fallen tree, a large stone, two trees standing side by side, etc.

You can build a roof or wall from ordinary branches, and then cover it abundantly with leaves if you need to hide from bad weather or the sun. However, there are several significant downsides. Firstly, it will not work to completely hide from the wind and snow behind one wall. Secondly, in such a hut you can only rest, you can’t spend the night in it.out.

How to build a hut in the best possible way? The best version of a single-slope model is built as follows. It is necessary to find two strong logs that will have a good branching at the top, and their length will be from 2 to 2.5 meters. At an angle to the base, logs are driven into the ground, and a crossbar is attached to them. Further, branches are laid at a distance of 30 cm. One of their edges is strongly pressed into the soil, the other rests on the crossbar.

Shelter for protection from snow
Shelter for protection from snow

Gable model

How to build a hut of this type? In fact, the process of erecting temporary housing here is similar to the first sample. The only difference is that the wall is installed on both sides of the crossbar. Such a building is considered the most practical and most frequently used among all types of huts.

One of the sides is completely covered with branches, leaves, moss, etc. The second remains open - this will be the entrance to the shelter. For example, if an oilcloth or large polyethylene was taken on a trip, then they can cover the hut to increase its protection from wind and rain. Another significant difference is the care for the internal space, and not just the external one. Since it is already possible to spend the night in this type of shelter, you need to think about the cover on which you will have to sleep. This is especially important if you do not have, for example, sleeping bags. Sleeping on wet ground is not recommended. It is best to make something like a stretcher, which is strewn with dry foliage on top, for example. You can use unnecessary things, they can be a great bed.

Do-it-yourself gable hut
Do-it-yourself gable hut

Construction nuances

There are some important tips that you will need during the construction of the shelter. Firstly, if the weather is characterized by increased rainfall, then it is recommended to dig a small ditch around the hut, which will protect people from water. To build a building that will be able to withstand heavy rain, its thickness should be approximately 20-25 centimeters. The angle of the walls should be 45 degrees.

Here it is important to pay attention to the fact that you need to look not for those materials that will be the most comfortable, but those that will be dry. This is very important for maintaining he alth. Sleeping on a wet surface will certainly cause illness.

gable hut
gable hut


In fact, in our time, few people may need to build a shelter in an extreme situation, and therefore there is another option that can be built on the lawn or in the courtyard of a private house. How to build a hut at home?

Most often, for such purposes, such a model is chosen, which is called a wigwam. It is being built quite simply, but you need to be careful, especially if there will be children there later.

Building a shelter frame is fairly simple. It is best to draw a circle - this will be the place to install the supports. From below, bars, sticks, branches are dug into the ground, and from above they are all gathered in a heap and connected to each other. Most often, tape, rope or wire is used for this. The main thing is that the connection is tight enough. That's all, frameconsidered collected. After assembly, it remains only to cover the resulting shelter with some material. This is the case if the branches for the wigwam were initially cleared of leaves. However, for maximum enjoyment, it is best to leave them in place.

Homemade round-type hut on a tree
Homemade round-type hut on a tree

How to build a treehouse

You can build housing or a temporary shelter not only on the ground, but also on a tree, but here, of course, you will need more various tools and time. Here it is very important to choose the right tree on which the structure will be placed. It should be quite powerful, the tree trunk should be thick, like the branches on which the house will rest. If the plant has rotten areas, a large number of knots, or any other defects that affect its strength, it should never be used.

Also, drawing up a drawing will be a very important step. If an ordinary hut is being built in a short period of time and without any plan, then a well-designed scheme is required here. In addition, since the shelter will be located at a height, you will need a ladder to climb up there. Firstly, it should be as comfortable as possible, and secondly, it should not spoil the overall appearance of the building. How to build a hut for children on a tree? The question is not in vain put in this way. It is unlikely that adults will build such a shelter for themselves, most often this is done for children. This is very important, since the weight of the residents significantly affects the choice, in particular, the thickness of the boards from whichbuild a hut.

Homemade treehouse
Homemade treehouse

Tree House

Step-by-step instructions, as well as a description of the implementation of all work - this is a rather long document. Here it is very important to properly mount the supports. To successfully implement the plan, you will have to be able to transfer the projection from the ground to the tree. In addition, you will have to build a fairly strong platform that will be used as a floor. Supports for it can be both the branches of the tree itself, and additional pillars built by man. It is important to remember that the installation of support pillars is best done at an angle, so the strength will be higher.

Since this building is not temporary, but is installed for a long period of time, you will have to take care of protecting the wood from moisture and various pests. Naturally, materials must be processed before construction begins. The feedstock must be free of defects and also sufficiently dry.
