Waterproofing and insulation of the foundation: materials and technologies

Waterproofing and insulation of the foundation: materials and technologies
Waterproofing and insulation of the foundation: materials and technologies

Everyone knows that it is impossible to build a solid and strong house without erecting a reliable solid foundation. But only engineers know how to properly make the foundation for their home, so that later several floors of the building can be raised on it. But the foundation is the basis of the structure in the construction of any structure. It is he who is entrusted with the most important function - to transfer to the ground the static load associated with the pressure exerted on the base of the building. That's why this part of the house is so important.

Foundation waterproofing and insulation
Foundation waterproofing and insulation

In addition, the foundation transfers to the ground and other dynamic loads that arise under the influence of numerous factors, such as wind, groundwater, vehicles moving nearby and others. And if the foundation of the structure is erected in compliance with all the requirements put forward, then the destruction or deformation of the buildingexcluded.

Foundation Protection

In order for a house to have a reliable and solid foundation in the long term, it is not enough just to design and calculate it correctly. A mandatory set of measures is needed to protect against such external factors that have a destructive effect on the main load-bearing structures of the building. The main ones are ground and atmospheric waters, as well as temperature differences. That is why waterproofing and insulation of the foundation are always relevant.

Concrete, which is part of a monolithic base, has an unpleasant characteristic: when moisture gets on its surface, it, playing the role of a sponge, begins to absorb water in significant volumes. Therefore, in order to preserve the frame of reinforcement, as well as to maintain the parameters of the optimal microclimate in the basement and basement floors, the foundation is waterproofed. The SNiP regulating this process presupposes a certain procedure for its implementation. Needless to say, this process is mandatory.

Waterproofing the foundation with rolled materials
Waterproofing the foundation with rolled materials

As for insulation, with its help you can not only protect the building from sudden temperature changes, but also get the opportunity to keep heat inside it for a longer time. In turn, waterproofing the foundation (SNiP 2.02.01-83) using special materials and compounds makes it possible to protect it from the harmful effects of moisture.

Requirements of SNiP

On how well waterproofing and insulation will be madefoundation, depends primarily on the reliability of the entire structure. Therefore, especially strict requirements are imposed on this work in construction. All proper work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, which is a system of all regulatory documents and norms related to construction. They require mandatory insulation and waterproofing work in cases where groundwater or sewage, as well as "certain other fluids" can have a high or moderate impact.

But even in the absence of this external factor, waterproofing and insulation of the foundation will by no means become an unnecessary measure.


Today, there are several of the most popular building materials, with the help of which insulation and waterproofing of the foundation and blind areas are carried out. In particular, protection against moisture is most often carried out with penetron, linochrome or penoplex. Let's consider each of them separately. Penetron materials are the most popular insulation today. This component increases the water resistance of concrete by creating a network of crystals in cracks and pores. Penetron compacts concrete so strongly that water has no chance to penetrate inside. In those places where the waterproofing of the foundation with rolled materials is relevant, lynocre, which has a multilayer structure, is most often used. It, being built-up, has a number of advantages: high moisture, bio-resistance and resistance to decay.

Insulation and waterproofing of the foundation and blind areas
Insulation and waterproofing of the foundation and blind areas

Material such as penoplex is also often used for waterproofing the foundation with insulation. The technology of its application is quite simple. In addition, this material not only insulates and insulates the base, with it the owner of the house will completely forget about mold and mildew. Many people are often interested in whether waterproofing is needed when insulating the foundation with foam plastic. Experts believe that it is not needed, since this material perfectly performs both of these functions at once. Another bituminous roll material - bikrost - was created specifically for base insulation. It is quite high quality and economical.


Based on the climatic features of a particular area, a method is also selected. There are several waterproofing technologies: horizontal, provided for a strip foundation, cement, coating, cold method and liquid rubber method. They differ not only in the material used, but also in the complexity of the work.

Horizontal way

If a private house does not provide for a basement, then this method is most often used. In this case, the foundation is waterproofed with rolled materials. In addition, this method is considered quite economical. Masters must carefully consider each step in order to avoid mistakes, since it will be impossible to correct them in the future. Around the building, just above the blind area, a material is applied that does not rot. Coating can be done using rubber, bitumen or cement. For stability, the foundation is waterproofed with rolled materials. It can be rubitex orruberoid, stekloizol or profikorm, hydrostekloizol and other self-adhesive waterproof materials.

Insulation and waterproofing of the foundation of a private house
Insulation and waterproofing of the foundation of a private house

Protection of the strip foundation

Insulation and waterproofing of the foundation of a private house, taking into account the presence of a basement, is somewhat different from the previous method. Depending on the material capabilities of the owners, various materials are used. Most often, complex waterproofing and insulation of the strip foundation are carried out, providing full protection of the structure. First, the surface of the pit is treated with two or three layers of clay: this serves as a barrier against the penetration of liquid. Then, a roofing material or film is placed under the sole of the foundation. The first building material is applied in two layers and smeared with bituminous mastic. Both the insulating film and the roofing material must be laid tightly and overlapped, carefully avoiding leaving gaps.

The next step is bricklaying or adding thermal insulation material. Some also do plastering. Drainage is also desirable to remove moisture from the building so that the water in the base does not stagnate, but easily flows along the groove into a special drain well. The internal and external processing of the foundation walls can be carried out with the same materials.

Foundation waterproofing SNiP
Foundation waterproofing SNiP

Coating method

This option is suitable for a monolithic base. In this case, waterproofing and insulation of the foundation do not require coating of joints, since only coating is done, which createsprotective film. Waterproofing can be performed in one or more layers both from the outside and from the inside of the building. For this, solutions made on bitumen-rubber and bitumen-polymer bases are used. The most profitable option is to use hot bitumen. To warm it up, you need special equipment. Bituminous mastic will heat up and become liquid, so you can work with it even at sub-zero temperatures. For the safety of residents, material made on the basis of organic solvents is not used in the interior. In this case, it is better to take a water-based mastic.

Foundation waterproofing with insulation technology
Foundation waterproofing with insulation technology

Cement waterproofing

It is one of the universal options and is used for both interior and exterior decoration. Cement waterproofing is ideal for foundations of buildings with high humidity, such as bathhouses or laundries. On sale there are ready-made mixtures of two different compositions. Some consist of sand, cement and various additives. Others are made from more elastic materials, such as polymers.

Self waterproofing and foundation insulation

It is quite possible to do this work with your own hands to someone who understands at least something in construction. To carry out the work competently and reliably, a novice master should follow a certain sequence of actions. First you need to prepare the surface of the foundation, clean it of dust and dirt, removing everything that could interfere with the adhesion of the insulatingbase material. Sharp elements are also eliminated in the process. Then the surface is treated with a primer solution. After it dries, the main insulating component is applied. If we are talking about the use of a deposited material, for example, linochrome, then in this case the lower part of the rolled roll is heated with a burner, while also heating the foundation. The insulator, slowly rolling out, is pressed against the surface.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing and insulation of the foundation
Do-it-yourself waterproofing and insulation of the foundation


This factor also needs to be carefully considered. After all, insulation has two main goals: to minimize body loss, especially in winter, and to prevent the destruction of the foundation due to freezing of the soil around it. Thanks to him, the microclimate inside the house improves and its ideal condition is preserved for a long time.

The most common mistakes

The first is the wrong choice of material. Many people incorrectly believe that any insulator can be used simultaneously on both internal and external surfaces of the house, including those located underground. For example, the use of roofing material to protect the foundation leads to sad consequences. Firstly, the roof waterproofing agent has a lower strength index, besides, it is not intended for tension and must be fastened along the length with a certain margin. Because of this, from seasonal temperature fluctuations, when the soil becomes mobile, numerous mechanical damages occur in such material.

Many experts today oppose the use of roofing material or bituminous mastic for waterproofing and insulation of the foundation. In some ways they are right, since these two materials tend to dry out a lot after five years of use, and after ten or more years they can begin to leak moisture.
