In order for the house to be warm, you need to install the heating system correctly. It may have a different design. But the main guide of the heating system is batteries that give off heat. At first glance, it seems that installing and connecting heating radiators with your own hands is an insurmountable task. But in reality this is not so. One has only to take as a basis some of the recommendations highlighted in this article.
How to choose?
To determine exactly which appliances are suitable for a house or apartment, you need to know their efficiency, as well as their mode of operation. According to the masters, it is important to pay attention to internal resistance. At the same time, if the technical capabilities are lower than the pressure in the heating circuit, there is a possibility of a violation of the integrity of the structure with all the ensuing consequences.

The next important factor is the allowed heating temperature. Specifiedmaximum value after which a malfunction occurs:
- If it's an offline system, the threshold goes up to 95 degrees.
- If centralized using plastic equipment - up to 90 degrees.
- Centralized, but when using steel pipes, up to 120 degrees Celsius.

If there is a violation, then some elements are melted and, consequently, depressurization occurs.
Acceptable battery clogging
This indicator is of interest to many, since the water is not the most purified. There is a methodology for calculating permissible errors, but it is difficult to do without filters. They are removable, which allows them to be removed and cleaned. So there is no violation of integrity and other failures.
Where is the battery mounted?
When installing heating radiators, their location is taken into account. In addition, a decision will also be made on what is more suitable for efficient work. Masters believe that structures should be in the coldest places. This will reduce the risk of an unnecessary decrease in the temperature in the room and the presence of a draft. Do not forget that radiators will require maintenance. It is worth providing free access to them. When installing heating radiators with your own hands, the following places are selected:
- Under the window sills. This is a very common option. In this case, you can hide part of the structure and at the same time prevent drafts, since it is from the window sills that most often comescold air.
- On any interior space.
- Unprotected corners of the room. This is required so that no heat is blown out.
- Bathrooms, bathtubs that are connected to a load-bearing wall.
- Hallways of private houses due to opening doors.
- Entrances of apartment buildings, etc.
Modern heating appliances can have different sizes, so they are located anywhere. When installing heating radiators, there are special fasteners, so that installation is simplified. It is believed that already at the level of planning a house it is worth marking the entire heating system.
What do radiators look like?
On sale you can find several directions:
- Radiators.
- Convectors.
- Registers.
It is clear that the first is the most common and used type. It consists of separate sections that work independently. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, docking occurs. It is carried out with the help of connecting devices. As a result, the battery becomes universal. But before assembling the structure of the required size, the required power and heat level are calculated. From this, a certain amount is put. But the horizontal basis of this design is the upper and lower collectors.
Today, one-piece radiators can also be found on sale, they are less versatile, but have their advantages. The first is maximum reliability, as they are connected by welding or casting. In any case, external data can be varied.

The next representative is a convector. This is a one-piece design, available in several variations. There are:
- Wall.
- Floor.
- Plinth.
And the last thing is the registers. They consist of horizontal pipes and are not collapsible. But most often they use radiators.
Which material to choose?
Before you start installing heating radiators, you should study the market and understand what offers are available. Most often, products are distinguished by the type of material. These include:
- Cast iron. The first appeared on the market. It is a reliable alloy that can withstand severe loads. The service life exceeds 40 years. However, they are heavy. But due to this, after turning off the heating, they keep warm for a long time.
- Steel. They have a low heat transfer rate, if compared with the first representative. The general appearance is a steel pipe construction with a decent service life.
- Aluminum. Good and resistant material, which allows the use of a different heating rate. Heat transfer is maximum. But the products do not tolerate water hammer. You need to install water filters so that the heater does not fail.
- Bimetallic. Installation of bimetallic heating radiators is carried out according to the standard scheme. What it is? Steel inside and aluminum outside. As a result, the work is characterized in the same way as for integral coolants made of such materials. The cost is quite high.
- Copper. The main plus is the maximumheat transfer. These designs are suitable for any room. The big minus is the very high price.
- Plastic. They appeared not so long ago, but are more suitable for autonomous heating. They have a short service life. Sensitive to many indicators, in particular, to temperature. It should not be higher than 80 degrees.

Once the battery is selected, it's time to calculate the heat dissipation capacity. If this is not done, then the room will be cold or you will incur unnecessary waste.
Calculation of heat supply capacity
There are special formulas that allow you to understand how to make heating. At their basis, the calculation is always carried out per 1 square meter, after which it comes to understand how many heating radiators are needed. If you keep accurate data, then you should not forget which side the room faces, whether the wall is external, etc.
Also, the masters say that one should not forget about the level of insulation of the walls of the house and the weather conditions in the region of residence. Pay attention to the number of storeys of the room, ceilings, the size of window openings, and what quality they are. After receiving the number, a coefficient of 1.15 is applied to it for the error and the ability to regulate the microclimate. Everyone can cope with this task, having initial knowledge in mathematics.
How to connect batteries?
Before you install aluminum heating radiators, you should think about how to properly route pipes. The differences are in the supply of cold water and the return of warm. In colloqui althey are called supply and return. There is also a stand. This is a vertical pipe. There are the following types of wiring:
- Single pipe. Here, the supply and return occurs according to one design. Radiators rise in series and heat up in the same way.
- Two-pipe. It’s easier here - one falls on the supply, and the second returns the coolant. Both are connected to each battery. Experts say that it is better to install a two-pipe system, as it keeps heat longer.
It is from the selected connection option that the heating efficiency of the battery will be calculated. How are radiators connected? Strapping schemes and installation of batteries may vary. There are several easy installation methods. After the calculation, everyone will select the appropriate one:
- Diagonally. When the heating system is inefficient, this option is the best, because water enters the heater from above, fills it and exits from below, but from different sides. Heating occurs over the entire surface. If a large number of radiators are used for heating, then this option is the most suitable.
- Mounting the heating radiator piping on the side. It turns out that water enters from above, and exits from below. This option has been used at all times, and today is no less relevant. If the system is functioning correctly, then do-it-yourself installation of heating radiators in this way will be appropriate. But the number of sections should not be more than ten pieces. In the event of a malfunction, the final radiators will not receive proper heating of the coolant.
- Fixation from below. Such a scheme for mounting a radiatorheating is carried out on both sides. According to the masters, the effectiveness of this method is minimal. But for plastic pipes, the method is suitable, since the installation method is fast. The advantage is that the wiring is under the floor and does not spoil the design of the room. If the installation is done correctly, then heating occurs evenly.

All these are ways to install and connect heating radiators with your own hands. It is clear that before buying equipment, you should decide how it will fit and whether it will look aesthetically pleasing.
What should not be forgotten?
The installation of heating radiators in a private house or apartment should begin as soon as the power is finally calculated and verified. The selection of the desired heating element is carried out in the store. The manufacturer must always state the power rating of the product being manufactured. It is worthwhile to pre-plan the installation site in order to purchase the desired battery size. Today it is possible to carry out the installation of heating radiators of any size. The price for individual production will be slightly higher than usual. Here you need to carefully calculate the number of required sections and add up the resulting power. What is the price for the installation of heating radiators? If you hire a specialist, the cost will be from a thousand rudders for one piece.
When the radiator has a collapsible design, you can play with the power indicator by adding or removing it. It also happens that in one room it is planned to use different designs. In this case, non-separable products are initially selected, andafter - complemented by collapsible.
It is acceptable to install batteries of different groups. In this case, it is better to mount an air outlet. You can place a heat-reflecting screen between the battery and the outer wall. It can be made from:
- Izospana.
- Alyufoma.
- Penofol.
Installation of a heating radiator in a house or apartment should be level, without a large deviation. Where an air vent is installed, a margin of error is allowed for efficiency. If the supply is from the riser, then it is worth considering the fact that the center of the inlets is not higher than the coolant supply outlet. Often a bypass is used in this installation. This is a special jumper. It is set in parallel with the battery connection. With the help of the bypass, the operation of the system is fully controlled.
When installing, you need to know how to match the pipe material. Because the expansion coefficients of the structure are different, and this can lead to failures in the operation of the entire system. If the pipe is steel, then the wiring should not be plastic. On sale, any heating sources have special packaging. You should not get rid of it until the installation of heating radiators and the connection is completed. This will help avoid the consequences of mechanical damage.
How to prepare the heater for installation?
After buying collapsible radiators, you need to assemble the required battery, calculate the power and only then install it. To make the assembly reliable, plumbing nipples and gaskets are used. What it is? Nipple - a short tube withthreaded out, right and left. Connection and uncoupling is carried out using a special key. Although many believe that it is easy to pick up another tool. Correct installation is carried out when working with a right-hand thread.
Special brackets are included with radiators. They are fixed. It will be reliable if they are mounted in the wall. So that the design does not bring inconvenience, it is worth considering the approximate distances:
- At least six centimeters from the floor, but no more than thirteen. This is enough for the cleaning to be carried out without difficulty and for the wall to be evenly heated.
- At least six centimeters away from the window sill.
- Make three centimeters or a little more from the wall itself.
The hook is attached to the radiator between the sections, so before starting work it is worth taking measurements and putting marks. There are end caps on the sides (right and left), they should be located according to their designation. How to markup correctly? There are elementary rules:
- Draw a vertical line (for example, under a window sill). The length corresponds to the radiator itself. This is the center.
- The distance between the first and last sections is measured.
- The horizontal line is being measured. The length corresponds to the distance measured in the previous paragraph.
- Without leaving the network center line, received data is deposited in both directions. As a result, the marked points will support the entire structure.
- The resulting center distance should be notedfrom the point of intersection of the horizontal line and the axial center down.
- After a horizontal line is drawn through the point. This is the center of the lower radiator bay.
- Next, the distance to the right and left under the lower hooks is already marked. They will already firmly fix the battery.
- Dowels are hammered into the obtained points. Brackets are already fixed in them.

This method is relevant for batteries made of different materials, but on condition that there are no more than eleven sections. If the design is larger, it is worth adding the number of fasteners. Sometimes brackets are limited or need to be purchased separately.
How to fix non-separable batteries and start the system?
Most often, such designs have the necessary elements in the kit. In addition, there is a detailed diagram of the location of fasteners. The meaning is similar to the procedures performed and described above. The principle of hanging convectors and registers is comparable to the operation of a radiator circuit and the use of hooks. The number of these components is basically four. The number will change if there is a possibility of a non-standard commit. When it is clear how to hang heaters, it's time to connect them.

Before starting, check all connections. If necessary, use sealing means (for example, FUM tape). Today, plastic wiring is often used. It is recognized as reliable and cheap. But you need to haveoptional equipment. This is:
- Device for soldering polypropylene pipes.
- Crimping device for fixing metal.
- Gloves for work.
- Temperature control units.
Before you go shopping for all the components, you should decide which pipes you will work with. You need adapters, fittings and other battery fixing elements. Once the assembly is completed and the reliability is checked, you can start the water. After that, the entire perimeter is examined for leaks. Next is the process of heat supply. This is a simple job, and if you follow all the recommendations, you can do it yourself.