Goocha Lava stoves are the most powerful in the line of this manufacturer. They are made of cast iron, and the rated power of the equipment is 12 kW. These devices belong to the budget segment, but are made with care and quality.
Why choose Lava ovens
Like all furnaces of the manufacturer, these are made of cast iron, but they have additional advantages, among which we should highlight the additional heat transfer time after heating, as well as a long period of operation.

The stove performs not only utilitarian functions, but also serves as a decoration for the interior of the hall or living room. Cast iron is of high quality and executed in a good artistic style. These two features can be called an undeniable advantage. Among other things, the equipment has a "clean glass" system, while hot air is directed to the glass and does not allow its surface to be smoked. That is why the user will be able to watch the flames.
Features overview
The Lava oven has many positive features. Among them, unsurpassed characteristics of thermal power should be highlighted. On sale you can find devices for 10 and 15kW. However, the manufacturer claims a figure of 12.5 kW. As you know, a furnace with a power of 12 kW can be heated up to 30 kW, everything will depend not only on the combustion mode, but also on the fuel. These designs do not have cooking surfaces, so they have two ways of venting gases - from behind and from above.

Lava stove uses wood as fuel, the volume of the heated room can reach 220 m33. The efficiency is 78.1% a, but the volume of the combustion chamber is 450 x 334 x 230 mm. The firebox material is based on cast iron, the firebox door is not made of a solid cast-iron sheet, but with the use of glass. The opening of the furnace door has dimensions of 340 x 286 mm, logs can be used with a maximum length ranging from 30 to 40 cm. The chimney has a diameter of 120 mm. Its minimum height is 5 m. The weight of the equipment is 155 kg, the overall dimensions are 540 x 493 x 946 mm.

Key Benefits
The Lava stove will be needed by owners of country houses who plan to visit real estate not only in warm weather, but also in early spring, late autumn and even winter. Today, heating stoves are not considered a luxury, they act as a necessary source of heat. Ideally, if the cottage has central heating, however, for many this is not practical, so the problem can be solved by buying a Lava stove.
These devices are manufactured at the Serbian factory, the model has an excellentprotection against cracking and mechanical damage, which can occur during temperature changes or sudden impacts. It should be noted convenient overall proportions and dimensions, the device is compact, easy to use and practical. The undeniable advantage is the affordable price. For cooking, the equipment can be supplied with a hob. The burner has an unusual shape, which allows you to place two containers on its surface at once.

The Lava stove can work normally, heating the house. Cast iron is famous for accumulating heat, so within 20 minutes after kindling, the equipment will begin to give energy to the external environment. Among other things, you can get aesthetic pleasure from a burning flame. Facade glass has a significant size, which allows you to admire the flame from anywhere in the room.
Overview of the features of the Lava Ferlux oven
The Lava Ferlux oven is also on sale today, it has some features in the form of a hob. The device has a long burning system, so in the smoldering mode the equipment will work for another 8 hours from one firewood tab. Continuous burning will depend on the quality of the wood used, and more specifically, its degree of moisture content and density. In Russian conditions, it is best to use birch and oak firewood.
The stove-fireplace "Lava Ferlux" has the function of secondary afterburning of carbon monoxide. This system improves efficiency, which saves fuel. AsAdditional design features of the model include a sliding damper, with which you can adjust the combustion mode. Present in the model and capacious removable ash chamber. It is located independently, which allows you to get rid of ash even during the operation of the furnace. This is an actual moment in conditions of round-the-clock heating.

The model is stable, this is ensured by four figured legs. For blowing glass, air supply regulators are used, this is called the “clean glass” system. There is also a rotary cast-iron grate in the device. The Gucha Lava Ferlux stove can be connected to the chimney both from the back and from above, there are outlets in these places. For convenient use of the furnace, there are non-heating handles on the facade, they are stationary. This model is made in the classical traditions of French bourgeoisie. The side walls and facade have a strict ornament, it resembles Kasli art casting. The stove has an attractive appearance, its design allows you to install equipment in almost any interior.
Reviews about the model "Lava Ferlux"
If you decide to purchase the Ferlux model, it is initially recommended to read the reviews. Furnaces "Lava Ferlux", according to buyers, are sold assembled, so it will be easy to mount them yourself. In this case, it will only be necessary to connect the outlet to the chimney. The equipment weighs quite a lot, but the arrangement of the foundation is not required. According to buyers,floor insulation, it is necessary to use metal or glass sheets that are laid on the pre-furnace zone.
Before installing the oven, lay ceramic tiles on the floor, this will allow for a safer installation. Consumers claim that according to fire safety standards, there should not be easily combustible structures within 30 cm. It is desirable to increase this distance, because high temperatures can ruin household utensils, furniture and interior items.

Overview of Vesuvius Lava Furnace Features
Vesuvius Lava stove can hold up to 40 kg of stones, they heat up to 350 °C in the heater. This allows you to maintain a certain temperature level in the steam room even after you have stopped adding firewood. This model was developed for fast heating of rooms. It is made of structural steel, in some places the thickness of the product reaches 12 mm. The ash pan regulates the intensity of the burning of firewood and the temperature in the steam room: if you push it out, the firewood will burn more intensely, if you push it in, they will smolder. Depending on the modification, such an oven can serve a steam room, the volume of which varies from 8 to 28 m3.
Gucha Lava stoves can be used in country houses not only as the main source of heat, but also as a backup equipment in case of a gas shutdown. Sometimes these devices are also saved during power outages. This oven can prevent freezing at home, because when heating, electricity orwhen gas is interrupted, property owners are sometimes faced with the need to move in with relatives or friends.