Decorative vases, plates, trays and other decorations made of glass can give the room a special charm. You can make them yourself by melting down the accumulated glass jars and bottles. Consider how to melt glass at home?
Material preparation
Before melting glass at home, you should prepare for the procedure. Collect unwanted old cans and bottles. Before melting, these containers must be cleaned and dried. Remove labels from bottles.
Stubborn stickers can be removed by soaking the item in hot soapy water. Soak it in liquid for 3 to 4 hours, or leave it in soapy water overnight, after which you can easily remove the labels.

You should also get rid of the glue that remained on the glass. After soaking the bottles, you can easily scrape off the remaining adhesive. Use a small spatula, an unused plastic card, or a wallpaper scraper for this purpose.
If the inscriptions are painted directly on theglass, you can leave it. But it must be taken into account that after such melting, the paint will remain on the glass in a small amount.
Glass melting
It is very easy to melt such material at home. You just need to purchase a special oven, which will cost about 7 thousand rubles. However, the costs will quickly pay for themselves, because you will have practically no competitors.
The oven can work with almost any microwave oven model. First you need to take out a special plate for heating from there and warm up the stove.
Use the glass cutter to cut the glass into pieces. From phase paper, cut a piece slightly larger than the intended finished product. We lay out the desired pattern on paper and place it on the bottom of the oven. Close the lid and turn on the microwave at the highest power for 2 minutes.
When you see an orange glow inside the furnace, it means that the glass has started to melt. Now put on gloves and carefully check the condition of the product by slightly opening the oven. If it's not done yet, continue baking, but no more than 5 minutes as this may damage the oven.
When finished baking, remove the oven, do not open it until it has completely cooled down to prevent damage to the product.

After cooling, the material will look the same as it was before melting.
Melting point
What is the melting point of glass in degrees? It starts at about 750 ° C and ends at 2500 ° C. However, it should be noted that this materialmay have different composition and characteristics, which makes it difficult to accurately determine the value.