How to make a floor in the dressing room?

How to make a floor in the dressing room?
How to make a floor in the dressing room?

The floor in the dressing room (it is impossible to imagine a bath without this room), like most other rooms, you can build yourself, as well as use the services of professionals. However, it should be borne in mind that the services of outside contractors will cost much more, and it is not a fact that the result will be better than the person imagined. In addition, professionals in most cases work with several refined technologies, and you can carefully weigh the pros and cons of all available methods. In addition, when assembling the floor in the waiting room with your own hands, it is necessary to take into account the design of adjacent rooms and the general concept. However, structurally, in any case, it will be different, and this must be understood even during the development of the project of the entire bath structure. This article describes how to make a warm floor in the dressing room with your own hands. However, before that, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for flooring.

Floors in the dressing room
Floors in the dressing room

Flooring in the dressing room

Before the main work, you need to decide on the type of coating that will be used for the floor. In fact, the design of the floor in the dressing room starts from top to bottom: having chosen the type of flooring for yourself, you should consider the option of arranging the dressing room in practice. For this, the thickness is considered, as well as the structure of the underlying layer and its composition.

Gender Requirements

Before you build a warm floor in the dressing room, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic standards and requirements for flooring. It must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be pleasant to the touch, which depends on the relief and physical properties of the material.
  2. Do not slip.
  3. Looking quite attractive on the outside.
  4. Easy to mount.
  5. Easy to clean up and maintain.
  6. Be very affordable.

The floor in the dressing room, made by hand, must also have excellent environmental performance.

Which tree to pick?

The wooden floor in the dressing room is in most cases assembled from a planed, tongue-and-groove, massive board, the normative humidity of which is about 13 percent. By purchasing raw lumber, you can get questionable savings, which in the future can be disappointing. The fact is that the ideal fit of the material during its laying will soon be violated by shrinkage deformations.

man doing floors
man doing floors

But which floor in the dressing room shouldbe? What types of wood are used in this case? As in other cases, preference is given to materials with medium or high hardness. These types of wood include the following:

  1. Beech.
  2. Birch.
  3. Maple.
  4. Ash.
  5. Larch.
  6. Karagach.
  7. Tees.
  8. Oak.
  9. Acacia.
  10. Rob.

Above we looked at how to cover the floor in the dressing room. And now you should familiarize yourself with how to build this floor yourself. But before that, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools.

Constructive elements

The floors in the dressing room can be compared to a layer cake. This design includes a base, thermal insulation, vapor barrier, waterproofing, as well as flooring. Floors are placed in different conditions in different bathrooms, and the quality of their surface often helps to ensure performance.

In most cases, Russian baths are made of wood, so the main problem is to provide floor insulation in the dressing room. Like the entire building, in this case the floors are made of wood. In this case, the base is made of logs, between which waterproofing, thermal insulation, and a vapor barrier layer with foil should be laid alternately.

Another very common option for arranging a subfloor is a concrete screed. However, such a surface will be very cold, so it needs reliable thermal insulation.

Floor repair
Floor repair

Insulating elements forgender

The layered construction of the floor in the dressing room includes several elements. These items are described below:

  1. Waterproofing. It is needed in order to protect the floor from flood and groundwater, to prevent the accumulation of moisture that comes from the inside. The waterproofing layer will be formed from moisture-proof roll materials, which should include polyethylene film and roofing material. The second component for waterproofing protection involves the impregnation of wooden parts, which eliminates the risk of rotting of the material. In addition, the so-called pasting method is used, in which the joints of the elements are sealed with special tapes with a sticky layer.
  2. Vapor barrier. During the opening of the doors to the steam room, steam begins to enter the dressing room, thus affecting the materials of the floor structure. If a vapor barrier is installed, then a layer is included that is impermeable to vapor. In most cases, films with aluminum foil are used as this protection. The basis of the film can be PVC, polyethylene, and also polypropylene. In principle, membrane materials can also be used, which provide good vapor barrier.
  3. Thermal insulation. A reliable heat-insulating layer in the dressing room is a must. The thickness of this layer will depend on the material used, but on average it is 15 cm. The most popular heat-insulating material is ecowool, mineral wool, expanded clay, extruded polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene. As for cheap options,then you can use ordinary sawdust. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the thermal insulation properties of expanded clay or mineral wool will be significantly lower if moisture gets in. Thus, during their application, the role of the waterproofing layer increases.

Required tools

Before you make the floor in the dressing room with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  1. Bulgarian.
  2. Circular saw.
  3. Grinder.
  4. Planer.
  5. Electric drill.
  6. Hacksaw.
  7. Screwdriver.
  8. Chisel.
  9. Furniture stapler.
  10. Hammer.
  11. Screwdriver.
  12. Pliers.
  13. Paint brush.
  14. Building level.
  15. Metal ruler.
  16. Roulette.
Heated floors in the dressing room
Heated floors in the dressing room

Production Features

Before starting the main process, you should choose a place for future work. If you do not know how to insulate the floor in the dressing room, then first of all it is necessary to remove all the vegetation on the soil surface, and also remove the soil layer to a depth of about 20 cm.. Then the surface is leveled, after which the first waterproofing layer is laid there, for which, in most cases, roofing material is used.

Wooden logs should be made of timber, the thickness of which should be 10-15 cm. During laying, they will rise to a heightabout 10 cm above the surface, for which stone, brick or concrete posts are used. The level of the lags must be carefully aligned horizontally using the building level. The step of laying these beams will depend on the size of the room, and it is in the range of 40-60 cm. Immediately before laying, they must be impregnated with a non-combustible solution and an anti-rotting compound.


The next step is to lay the thermal insulation between the resulting lags. If rolled or tiled material is used, then the racks must be sealed with a film with an adhesive layer.

The material is attached to the logs using a furniture stapler with the edges on the beam. The ceiling on the walls is made with a height of about 15 cm. If expanded clay is used, then it is poured directly between the lags with a layer of about 20 cm and compacted tightly. On top of the heat-insulating layer, it is necessary to lay 2 layers of waterproofing, after which a layer of vapor barrier is laid, with the foil layer up. The roll material is laid with an overlap of 15 cm, and the joint is sealed with a film with a sticky layer.

Finish coat

But what is the floor in the dressing room covered with? This issue should be resolved after the formation of the subfloor, which is the basis. The most common coating in the form of boards. For these purposes, coniferous wood is most often used, it is better to use larch. The thickness of the board is about 3 cm and the width is about 25 cm. The surface of the board must be well planed. After that the boardsfit together very tightly.

You should pay attention to the fact that it is mandatory at this stage to impregnate the wood with an antiseptic composition. As such a composition, a water-soluble impregnation, a combined antiseptic, an oil composition, an antiseptic made on the basis of an organic solvent can be used. These impregnations are applied with a paint brush in 2-3 passes.

Floor installation
Floor installation


And how can you paint the floors in the dressing room? In most cases, in this situation, 2 methods are used: painting and varnishing. When applying such coatings, it is necessary to properly prepare the surface. To do this, you need to completely eliminate dirt, grease stains and dust. After that, a primer layer is applied over the wood, which provides a perfect finish.

Technical solution

As mentioned earlier, one of the important conditions for arranging a dressing room is to provide underfloor heating. Thermal insulation retains heat well, but the greatest comfort can be achieved by equipping a special floor covering using technical solutions.

Water floors

In bathing conditions, it will be quite simple to implement the option of water floors. In this case, the floor surface is heated through pipes that are laid under the floor covering. Hot water is passed through the pipes, which is heated through a sauna stove. Water supply can be provided from the central water supply, as well as use your own system, which is powered bywell or well.

Floor insulation
Floor insulation

Electric floors

Another way to heat floors is electric heating. To equip warm floors in the dressing room, a special heating cable is mounted under the surface, which has a high electrical resistance of current-conducting wires.

Infrared panel

Another modern floor heating option is an infrared panel. It can be placed directly under the outer covering throughout the room or in a specific area. When electrical voltage is applied to this panel, it begins to emit infrared rays, which heat up not the air, but the person who is in the field of their distribution.

Dressing room in the bath
Dressing room in the bath


It is not necessary to seek the help of professional builders to equip the floors in your dressing room. If you follow all the recommendations and advice that were given in this article, then you can independently build very good floors. You should also remember that warm floors are one of the important conditions after bath procedures.
