Our modern life flows in a fast-moving stream, and therefore taking a bath in our time is already a luxury. Now the most demanded water procedure is a shower. An invigorating reception in the morning before work and a relaxing rain before bed. This habit has appeared in many Russians. Many apartments initially do not have suitable paraphernalia, and therefore many people look for it in stores. But some are thinking about how to make a shower cabin themselves.
As for the abundance of sanitary ware assortment that we can observe on the market, the dimensions of the booths are almost identical to each other. Only the design, brand and, in fact, the cost itself changes. And the price of such plumbing is in a wide range, depending on the labor costs and the materials used. But let's get back to the topic and try to figure out whether it is possible to translate our plans into reality at all?
Any jobalways starts with a preparatory stage, which involves drawing up a clear plan (it is better to schematically depict the shower stall in detail), taking the necessary measurements, drawing up an estimate, as well as preparing the necessary materials and tools. By the way, about the latter: if the goal is to make a shower cabin yourself, then you need to prepare everything you need:
- bricks (for pallet);
- cement;
- metal mesh;
- waterproofing compound;
- drill (well, there's just no way without it);
- paint brush;
- spatula;
- beacons;
- building level;
- roulette.
Immediately before starting work, it is necessary to determine the place where the shower stall will be located. Choose the right form in accordance not only with personal preferences, but also according to the characteristics of the room. Select base dimensions. If the dimensions of the bathroom allow, then it is better to make it more spacious in order to comfortably take water procedures.
You also have to decide on the height of the booth: will it be up to the ceiling, or will there be some space left. But it can perform a number of functions - quick drying, ventilation. As a rule, according to the standard, the height is 1000x1000 mm, but if desired, it can be changed at your discretion. Just take into account the thickness of the material when creating the structure.
With regard to any shower tray is its foundation, because it needs to withstand the weight of the human body. Also its purposeis to collect and remove dirty water into the drain system. In this case, the installation of the pallet will depend on its shape:
- round;
- rectangular;
- oval;
- angular.
And depending on the height of the sides, the base for the shower stall can be flat or shallow or resemble a miniature bath. Moreover, in the first case, due to the small height of the sides, taking a shower is greatly simplified, since there is no need to step over a high obstacle. At the same time, such pallets require a good drain system, as a lot of water simply does not fit.

When deciding how to make a shower cabin in an apartment yourself, you can choose a base that resembles a bath. It is quite deep, which allows you not to worry about water drainage. In this case, sometimes the pallet can serve as the bath itself if necessary. But this is with regard to finished products that can be purchased at the store. This will save money and time on the arrangement of the shower area. So, how to make your own shower cabin without help?
Varieties of finished pallets
Currently, the range of pallets is presented in various materials:
- steel;
- cast iron;
- acrylic (quaryla);
- ceramics;
- stone (natural or artificial);
- wood, glass.
The steel base has an enamel coating, but at the same time, the strength of such a surface is not very high,moreover, cracks may appear over time. Heating is slow, and the soundproofing properties are also not very good. The only good thing is the availability. If you need to make a shower cabin yourself instead of a bath, this will result in significant savings. In addition, there are models with legs that can be adjusted in height. And in addition to products with thin sides (1.5 mm), there are thick-walled pallets (3.5 mm) that make less noise.
Cast iron pallets are highly durable and long lasting. Although the surface also heats up for a long time, it retains heat longer. The cost of these products is low, which is a plus. However, they are heavy, which makes installation difficult, and the choice is rather modest.
Acrylic pallets are very popular due to the fact that they can be given almost any shape. The service life of products, as a rule, does not exceed 10-15 years. At the same time, they are not very durable and are easily damaged by falling heavy objects. The load limit is no more than 130 kg. In addition, a strong frame is required for installing the pallet. Quaryl is an improved version of acrylic with the inclusion of quartz dust. Just look at the photo of shower cabins - and you will want to make the same one right there.

Ceramic trays are easy to care for, and their surface looks harmonious against the backdrop of sanitary ware, sinks and other sanitary ware. The material is also durable, heats up slowly, and its cost is quite high. As for the color scheme,most of the products are white and beige. Due to the fragility of the material on the pallet, it is better to try not to drop anything. Although there is an alternative - porcelain. Such products are even more expensive, but durability and quality are at a higher level.
Artificial stones based on polyester resin are as durable as natural material, and they have sound-absorbing properties. And thanks to the wide range of colors, it is possible to make pallets with imitation for any necessary natural material.
Expensive and stylish pallets are made from natural stone, marble, granite, travertine are often used. This is the best way to solve the problem of how to make a shower cabin yourself without a pallet or with a base. This material heats up in a short time and is able to retain heat for a long time. At the same time, the products are very strong, durable, and the original pattern, formed by natural conditions, allows you to create a unique solution. But, like cast iron pallets, stone products are heavy and massive.
Pallets can be made from wood and glass, which, in their originality, will give odds to almost any other artificial material. At the same time, glass products look more elegant and elegant. Their surface is coated with a special coating that provides protection against mechanical damage. It is impossible to slip on it, which is already a plus. But you have to pay for quality - the cost of such pallets is high.
Wooden bases look no less elegant and original. Mainly used for productionlarch or oak, and the material itself is treated with steam under high pressure. Making your own shower cabin with your own hands using this material is not difficult. Especially if you have certain woodworking skills.
Despite some of the advantages of purchased options, not everyone prefers them, trying to do everything on their own. Yes, it is difficult, it requires a certain amount of time, but at the same time, a place for taking a water procedure can be created in almost any size.
Brick base
Step 1. To make a brick pallet, the first step is to decide on a place to drain the water. To do this, it is worth bringing the pipe to the place where the pallet is erected, which is connected to the sewer. The drain hole can be centered on the base to ensure even drainage of water. The height of the drain channel should be approximately 200 mm from the floor. The drain is threaded into the pipe, after which it is fixed to the floor with clamps.

Step 2. Now you need to treat the floor and walls with a waterproofing compound, which will prevent the formation of mold during the use of the shower.

Step 3. How to make your own shower tray? This can be done after a little preparation (step 2). To do this, the contour of the base should be formed from bricks. At the same time, its shape can be any, only it is worth considering the features of the bathroom. The pallet is easiest to erect squaretype.

Step 4. A metal mesh is laid around the perimeter of the base, which will give strength to the entire home-made structure.
Step 5. The entire surface of the base is laid out with a brick. After that, a cement screed is made on top. At the same time, you should try not to damage the drain channel, and you should also form a slope in its direction so that water does not collect in the pan.
Step 6. After the screed has dried, it is necessary to cover the surface with a leveling compound. In conclusion, it remains to finish with any material.
Scheme of a similar design is as follows:

Tile tray
The question of how to make a shower cabin in the bathroom on your own worries everyone who does not want to acquire a factory design. And tile can help with this, which is suitable not only for wall cladding, now with its help you can erect the foundation for a plumbing structure.
Building a tile pallet is practically no different from building a brick base. That is, the whole procedure is almost the same:
- Determine a place for the drain channel, connect the sewer, install the drain itself.
- Treat floor and walls with waterproofing mortar.
- The contour of the base is also laid out with bricks.
- The bottom of the pallet is lined with a metal mesh to increase strength. After that, it is necessary to put construction beacons and pour a cement screed with crushed stone.
- When everything is dry, you canstart laying tiles or mosaics. Joints between tiles should be treated with waterproofing grout.
This base is ready, and you can subsequently proceed to the installation of walls. However, it is worth considering one no less interesting option for a homemade shower cabin.

Interesting option
How to make a shower in the house yourself? The answer will be to present an interesting option for a shower cabin without a tray, which is not only suitable for private real estate, but will also look great in any apartment. This is especially true for those families where there are elderly people, since it is more difficult for them to step over high sides. With the right approach, such booths will look stylish and elegant.

Only design should be done at the stage of repairing the entire premises. And if the floor is already done, then you can not avoid differences in its level between the floor of the bathroom and the shower stall.
How to make a shower cabin yourself without a pallet? The photos below show that this is not such a difficult job. Actually, the process itself will be as follows (consider the option with a drain to the floor):
- Stage number 1. The installation of the form for concrete is done in the selected place for the booth. For this, boards 50x100 mm or a finished frame are used.
- Stage number 2. A waterproofing layer is laid on the bottom of the mold, for which a rubber membrane is suitable. At the same time, its end should go to the walls to a height of 20 cm. The canvas is attached to the boards,starting from the corner with nails or a stapler.
- Stage number 3. Now it's worth equipping a drain for water. In the intended place, it is necessary to cut a hole in accordance with the size of the drain. Then the plate is installed and fastened with bolts. Then a drain drain is placed, only before pouring concrete it should be closed with a protective tape.
- Stage number 4. A cement mortar is made, according to the instructions for packaging the material. But you can buy a ready-made mixture, which will greatly simplify the task. The thickness of the floor near the walls of the form should be 60 mm, and in the area of the drain - 30 mm, no more.
- Stage number 5. Now you can start laying the finish coat with tile or porcelain tiles. Any size and color of the material.
Thus, the task of how to make a shower cabin with your own hands is not difficult. But before that, you should decide in advance on the dimensions of the shower stall, and they will depend on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Markup should be carried out, while it is better to place the plumbing in the corner of the bathroom.
Wall Requirements
To the walls of the room, where the level of humidity is quite high, there are certain requirements. In many apartments, the issue is resolved by conducting high-quality waterproofing of the walls, as is the case with the floor. Even in cases where later tiling will be done.
As far as the shower is concerned, a slightly different approach is required regarding wall cladding. Here it is desirable to sheathe the walls with waterproof plasterboard in advance, but it is better to opt for specialaquapanels or moisture-resistant sheets of gypsum fiber.

These materials are more resistant to moisture and are stronger and more wear resistant. If tiles are used, then a water-repellent fugue will be required to seal the joints. These additives contain special compounds that trap moisture and prevent it from getting past the surface of the walls.
When deciding how to make a shower cabin yourself, these requirements should not be ignored! To level the walls, you can apply sanitizing plaster. Its uniqueness lies in two layers: the first retains moisture, preventing it from being absorbed into the walls, and due to the second, s alts crystallize in the liquid, preventing them from appearing on the surface.
Shaping a fiberglass shower enclosure
After the base is completely ready, you can proceed to the actual formation of the booth itself, that is, the installation of the walls. And in addition to the above options in the "Requirements" section, the shower area can be distinguished using other materials: the same brick, tile, artificial or natural stone. But the most popular option is the use of fiberglass. Here we will consider it in more detail.
If a square shape was originally chosen, then everything is much easier - you need to put only two walls. In the case of any other form, everything depends on its complexity. While the pallet was being mounted, measurements of the cabin height had already been made. In addition, it is worth determining where the shower head will be located, as well as the faucet itself.
And before you make the shower cabin in the bathroom yourself, you should once again check the accuracy of measurements with a building level. Then, using a drill, you should make mounting holes for the profile, after which it is attached to the walls. Fiberglass walls are installed in the finished side panels, which are fixed by means of special devices. A sliding door is placed next, and the entire booth is carefully sealed.
Let's dwell on this important point separately. Usually their installation is carried out at the last stage of creating a shower stall. The door not only separates the dry space and the wet zone, it can be used to zone the entire room. With standard rectangular cabin shapes, you can pick up any door, according to the size. It can be either a solid canvas or an accordion. Moreover, the last sliding option is more convenient.

In most cases, doors are made of glass, while triplex or tempered material is supplied to production. This choice is due to safety: if the glass breaks, its fragments will remain on the film, which makes it possible to exclude their spread throughout the room. Yes, it is expensive, but when choosing how to make a shower cabin yourself, you should not save money, since personal safety and all other family members are much more important.
At the same time, the installation process itself also matters. As the best option - buy special guides, rollers, furniture profile. The guides are fixed at the top and bottom of the cabin, anda frame is formed from the profile, where the selected door material is placed. Then holes for the rollers are drilled in the doors. After their installation, the door is finally fixed in place and aligned with the vertical plane.
Plumbing and sewerage
Connecting a shower stall to the sewerage and water supply is the most important and crucial step. Therefore, it is recommended to entrust the work to professionals, but if you have certain skills and experience, you can do it yourself.
Water supply pipes lead to the wall where the booth itself will be located. As an emergency additional measure, it is worth installing ball valves. In case of an unforeseen situation, they can be used to quickly turn off the water. If necessary, you can still install water filters. Thanks to them, the water supply system will work longer, and the quality of the liquid itself will improve by an order of magnitude.
All plumbing parts are connected by flexible hoses and plastic tubes. After that, a fixture for a watering can is attached. It is not enough to know how to make a shower cabin yourself; upon completion, you must not forget to check the performance of the entire created system. And this is not only water supply, but also drainage.
But as for the sewerage, its connection is made at the stage of installation of the pallet. At the same time, it is worth checking the tightness of the connection and the speed at which the water leaves.
The question is whether to purchase a ready-made structure or do everything yourself, everyone decides for himself. However, it must be borne in mind that the shower cubicle must bereliable and not the last role is given to the pallet. And if there is not enough money for the whole structure, then you can at least buy a base, and it is already easier to deal with the walls.

But even when doing all the work on your own, you should pay attention to important points: a shower cubicle must be practical, functional, and most importantly, safe to use! If the goal is to make your own shower stall, the above recommendations will help.