Collections of modern finishing coatings regularly surprise the consumer with new textures and textures. Manufacturers of materials for wall and floor laying have long introduced the main natural patterns and patterns into their model families and are successfully developing them. In the lines of wallpaper, laminates, fabric coatings, you can find imitation of wood, leather, metal and even glass. However, modern technologies make it possible to stylize not only the appearance, but also the structure of the material. This effect is provided by marble plaster, the photo of which is presented below.

What is marble flooring?
In the manufacture of such plaster, marble chips and stone dust are used. In this way, not only the surface of the natural mineral is recreated, but also, to some extent, its internal content - of course, in a mixture with other components. So, for a bunch, developers use an aqueous emulsion based on acrylic copolymers. Other additives are added, including water-repellent additives, preservatives and solvents. The result is a plaster with marble chips, which can also imitate the characteristics of a real stone. Indeed, one should not think thateach version of the composition involved pure marble.
Sometimes manufacturers use mixed compositions that also use granite particles. This does not mean that the quality of this material loses in terms of operational effect - just at the output, the coating acquires a different set of technical and physical properties. For example, marble chips have high adhesion qualities, but their strength leaves much to be desired. For its part, the granite filler performs a strengthening function, thanks to which the marble plaster acquires worthy indicators of mechanical resistance. However, the enhancement of certain qualities can also be achieved through other synthetic additives.
Advantages of marble plaster

As you can see, the marble coating not only provides an external resemblance to natural stone, but also partly repeats its structure. To a large extent, this also determines the advantages of the material. The use of such decoration inside the house ensures the environmental cleanliness of the room. Against the backdrop of the spread of artificial surfaces, this quality is especially highly valued. Also, marble plaster is characterized by vapor permeability, due to which the surfaces treated with it “breathe”. This quality contributes to the improvement of the microclimate in the room and has a beneficial preventive effect in terms of improving the local biological environment. For interior decoration in residential premises, mechanical resistance is not a fundamentally important quality, but it should still be noted that itcharacteristic of almost all compositions of marble coating.
Where is it appropriate to use marble plaster?

You can use the coating when finishing any surfaces where the specific texture of marble will look advantageous. Typically, interior spaces are designed in this way, but exterior surfaces are no exception. The fact is that the presence of plasticizers and moisture-resistant additives in the mass of plaster makes the final coating practically invulnerable to the effects of precipitation. Moreover, in some modifications, decorative marble plaster is positioned as frost-resistant. This means that the composition can be used to decorate the facade in cold regions. On the other hand, the coating is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures, which makes it possible to use it as a universal cladding.
Preparing walls for finishing
Maximum disclosure of the positive qualities of this material is possible only if the installation is correctly performed, which begins with the preparation of a rough surface. At this stage, it is necessary to perform two tasks - to rid the working area of obvious defects and to form the basic basis on which the material will later fall. In order for marble plaster to cover the surface evenly and without defects, the wall should be treated with putty and primer with deep penetration. Further, using a conventional roller, a mineral-based base substrate with a quartz filler is formed. The task of this layer isensure sufficient adhesion of the plaster to the surface. Now you can proceed to the direct laying of the marble coating.
Applying technique

The method of laying marble coating is in many ways similar to the traditional method of applying plaster. The mixture is formed in a container with water in such a way that a creamy mass is obtained at the exit. Next, using a trowel and spatula, the solution is applied to the work surface. External polymerization of the mixture occurs within 20-30 minutes, so the procedure should be performed without delay. It is recommended to immediately prepare the solution in a volume sufficient to completely cover the target area.
The technique used for laying facade marble plaster is somewhat different. The application of the composition in this case may require the inclusion of reinforcing materials in the structure. For this purpose, composite and fiberglass thin meshes are used, which increase the strength properties of the coating. The plaster dries quickly enough - usually after 2-3 days the surface is ready for full use.
Marble plaster manufacturers

For the first time this type of plaster was introduced on the market by Bayramiks. To this day, this manufacturer is a trendsetter in technological fashion in this segment, releasing coatings of various textures and textures. The competition for this brand is the Bolars company, which has fully mastered the method of manufacturing the material and is successfully experimenting withits compositions. There are no particular differences in the approaches of these companies to the formation of model lines, but Bayramix marble plaster is considered to be of higher quality and more durable. In the assortment of the company you can find both compositions for interior decoration, and modifications for outdoor use.
Marble Reviews

Users appreciate the decorative properties of the coating. Many types of cladding are famous for their resistance to mechanical stress, but today it is not so easy to develop a truly original texture. It is precisely due to the aesthetic qualities that marble plaster stands out against the general background. Reviews note that it reproduces the pattern of natural stone in almost detail. Of course, one can note the competition in stylistic merits between the stone itself and the plaster, but in other respects, the advantage will be precisely on the side of the artificial composition. Users emphasize the convenience in its use. Not the last place among the selection criteria is affordability, coupled with the environmental safety of this material.

Imitation of natural stone is considered one of the most difficult technological methods. The fact is that the operation of many coatings under the influence of cold, humidity and sunlight is accompanied by a distortion of the texture, as a result of which the very effect of recreating natural material disappears. In this regard, marble plaster is one of the most reliablecoatings. Synthetic additives that manufacturers make to the composition of such mixtures endow the coating with a wide range of protective qualities. So, for facade compositions, the introduction of frost-resistant and moisture-proof additives has become mandatory, and for materials intended for interior decoration, antibacterial and anti-allergic inclusions are being developed.