Beans, well-known to Russian summer residents, are among the ten most consumed foods in the world. This unpretentious and productive crop can be grown in almost any climate and on soils of any composition. There are a huge number of varieties and forms. Below in the article and consider what types of beans are (with photo). Perhaps this will help one of the summer residents to decide on the choice of a particular variety of this wonderful crop.
Main classification
Today, biologists know more than 250 species of beans, annual and perennial. They are classified primarily into two large groups:
- Phaseolus L (American).
- Vigna Savi (Asian).

The second variety of beans is characterized by very long pods and small seeds. This crop is cultivated mainly only in Asia. In European countries, Russia, South and North America, Phaseolus L beans are most widely used. Its main distinguishing feature is short pods and rather large beans with a characteristic “beak”.
Varieties in the form of a bush
Currentlytime bean varieties can be grown in the world:
- weaving;
- curly;
- bush.
All these types of beans are quite popular with domestic gardeners. The main stem of weaving varieties can reach a length of five meters. Curly beans are slightly shorter. Its lashes grow in a season to no more than 2 m. Bush varieties are rather compact plants. Their height usually does not exceed 30-60 cm. This variety, in turn, can be strongly or slightly bushy.
Types by features of use
In the gardens of Russian summer residents, you can most often see ordinary shelled beans. It is grown exclusively for beans. However, recently in our country, varieties of this crop cultivated to obtain green juicy shoulder blades have become increasingly popular. There are the following types of beans in this group:
- asparagus (pod) sugar;
- semi-sugar.
The pods of the first variety of beans on the inside completely lack a strengthening dense parchment layer. That is, they do not have hard fibrous tissue, the presence of which is typical for all peeling varieties. Such shoulder blades can be fried, stewed or boiled. They are also eaten raw or in summer salads.
The light taste of asparagus is what distinguishes green beans. Its types, as well as peeling, are diverse (curly, bushy, climbing). But all of them, thanks to such an unusual taste, are called asparagus.

Semi-sugar beans are very similar to green beans. At the very beginning of growth, her shoulder blades are also completely devoid of a hard fibrous parchment layer, and therefore can be eaten. The difference between this variety and sugar lies only in the fact that as it ripens, the parchment layer still appears in its shoulder blades. Therefore, it is impossible to delay the harvesting of such beans. Hardened pods of semi-sugar varieties can, however, simply be left on the lashes until mature beans are obtained.
Decorative shape
Different types of asparagus and shelling beans make delicious shoulder blades and beans. However, in the gardens of Russian summer residents, another very interesting form of this culture is often grown - decorative. Beautifully flowering varieties of beans are used most often to decorate various kinds of vertical surfaces in courtyards and gardens. It is customary to plant decorative varieties near hedges, arbors, terraces, next to fountains, etc. There are two main types of such beans:
- multicolor;
- garden.
All varieties of ornamental beans have one very interesting feature: the shade of the buds of this plant always matches the color of its fruits.
Varieties by type of beans
Bean seeds can have a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. The number of beans in one pod can also be different - from three to seven. In the temperate latitudes of Europe and Russia, unpretentious varieties with white seeds are most often grown. Farmers in South America and Asia prefer to grow dark beans.
Best beansthis culture can be classified into three main groups:
- small-seeded (1 thousand beans weigh no more than 200 g);
- medium seed (200-400g);
- large-seed (more than 400 g).
Different types of beans can have white, black or red beans. There are also varieties with variegated seeds. The amount and ratio of substances useful for the body in beans of different colors may differ.

White beans
Beans of this color are characterized primarily by the fact that they do not contain too much protein (7 g per 100 g). Therefore, such beans should definitely be grown by people suffering from excess weight. It is useful to eat white beans and the elderly.
In addition, the seeds of such beans contain a lot of iron. Therefore, eating them helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system and the overall he alth of the body. Cooking beans of this color is best in combination with vegetables containing a large amount of vitamin C.
Types of white beans, like any other, are different. If desired, you can purchase seeds of a bush, climbing or weaving form.
Best varieties with white beans
Practically all varieties of beans are grown using the same technology. The yield of this garden crop depends to a large extent only on the chosen variety and the amount of time devoted to plants during the warm season. White beans are especially popular with gardeners. Accordingly, andmany varieties have been bred. The most requested are:
- "Black eye". The fruits of this bean are very small. The variety is called so because there is always a small black dot on its white seeds. The skin of these beans is very thin, and therefore they cook quickly and do not even require soaking.
- "Chali". This variety produces rather large seeds, which are used mainly for cooking second courses. The consistency of chali beans is very dense. Therefore, they can be safely boiled first and then fried.
- "Nevi". This pea bean is valued for its high iron and fiber content and is very beneficial for the human body.
Red beans
Types and varieties of this crop must also be considered. Beans of this color are no less popular among domestic housewives than white ones. Red beans contain a fairly large amount of protein - 8 g per 100 g.
The main advantage of this color beans is that they contain just a huge amount of antioxidants. According to this indicator, red beans are ahead of even currants. Actually, antioxidants are special substances that protect the human body from harmful radionuclides and slow down the aging process. It is thanks to their presence that red beans are considered one of the most useful crops of all grown by summer residents. There are different types of it. This color can have both ordinary and Asian beans. Existbush and weaving varieties with red seeds. Ornamental bean seeds may also have this color.

Best varieties with red beans
A variety of beans with such seeds can also be seen quite often in the suburban areas of Russian summer residents. The best red peeling varieties in our country are:
- "Precocious". The beans of this bean ripen within 55-60 days after planting. Their main distinguishing features are: a long, beautiful and neat shape, a pleasant pink-red color.
- "Tomato". This variety of red beans is great for canning and cooking traditional Georgian dishes. Its fruits are brown, oblong and slightly flattened.
- "Tashkent". This rather thermophilic variety is grown mainly in the southern regions of Russia. However, when using the seedling method, you can get good harvests in the middle zone of the country. The beans of this variety are quite large.
Black beans
This variety is also grown by domestic gardeners, but much less often white and red. However, this does not mean that black beans are less useful. Protein in it, for example, contains more than in white and red (9 g). And therefore, if necessary, it can even become an excellent substitute for meat. Moreover, black bean proteins are close to animal protein in their characteristics.
To the benefits of seeds of this color, in addition toamong other things, it can be attributed to the fact that eating them contributes to the normalization of the chemical balance in the stomach.
The best varieties of black beans
Since this variety is not grown very willingly by Russian gardeners, and there are not so many varieties of it. The best available are:
- "Kids". The beans of this bean are kidney-shaped and black (slightly reddish) in color. After boiling, the skin of the seeds of this variety becomes very thin. At the same time, the color of the beans also changes. Boiled seeds take on a delicate pink hue.
- "Preto". The seeds of this variety have a rich black color and a white scar. The beans are creamy on the inside. The main distinguishing feature of this bean is a light berry flavor. The taste of preto beans is also original - sweetish with bitterness. These beans should be cooked for a long time, at least 90 minutes, with pre-soaking.
Different types of black beans, as well as white or red, can be curly, weaving, bush. These beans are usually eaten as a side dish. But very often they are also added to hot first courses. Black beans can make soups and borscht taste much more pleasant and rich.

What are the varieties and types of asparagus beans
This form, as already mentioned, is not yet very popular with domestic summer residents. However, asparagus beans in the gardens of Russians have recently been seen more and more often. There are also many varieties of this variety. Gardeners in central Russia are likely to fit:
- "Oil King". The pods of this early high-yielding variety are honey-yellow in color and completely devoid of fibers. Taste, judging by the reviews of summer residents, they have just great.
- "Saxa". This early ripe bush variety is also very popular with gardeners. Its pods are green, slightly curved. The height of the saxa bean stalk does not exceed 40 cm.
The varieties discussed above are bush varieties. But there are also very popular types of curly asparagus beans. These include:
- "Golden Nectar". The blades of this early variety ripen on the 70th day after planting. They are yellow in color. The length of one pod can reach 25 cm. The mass of the whip of this bean is quite large. Therefore, it is recommended to prop them up with something.
- "Purple Queen". This is an unusually interesting variety, the pods of which have a rich purple color. The main advantage of the "Purple Queen" is a high yield, as well as excellent palatability of the blades.
- "Winner". This bean during the flowering period is sometimes even confused with decorative. The pods of the "winner" variety are flat and very long (up to 30 cm). Since these beans are whimsical, only experienced gardeners should grow them.
Asparagus (green) beans are cultivated, the types and varieties of which are quite diverse, approximately according to the same technology as the usual shelling. The only thing is that at the stage of growth of the shoulder blades, she needs more thorough watering.

Asian bean varieties
It is biologically similar to common beans grown in America, Europe and Russia. The only difference is that its pods are longer and juicier. The most popular types of Asian beans are:
- "Mash". This variety is traditionally cultivated in Pakistan and India. Its distinctive feature is that its beans are very similar to green peas.
- "Azuki". The homeland of this fruitful bean is the Himalayas. Grown "adzuki" throughout Southeast Asia and Japan. The beans of this variety are distinguished by a beautiful dark red hue.
- "Urd". The beans of this bean are somewhat similar to mung bean seeds, but are black in color. This variety is very old. It was grown 4000 years ago. Currently, such beans are cultivated in India, China, Japan and many other countries in the Asian region.
- "Snake pea". This is a very popular variety in Asia, producing very long pods.
The best varieties of Asian beans
Of course, as a very popular variety, breeders also did not bypass the cowpea. The best varieties of such beans are:
- "Macaretti". This variety has very powerful lashes. The length of its pods in some cases reaches 35 cm. The advantages of the variety, among other things, includeunpretentiousness. Macaretti blades ripen approximately 63-65 days after planting.
- "Liana". This green bean forms shoots up to 3 m long, and therefore needs support. Her shoulder blades are allowed to be eaten both raw and thermally processed.

Besides these two varieties, Chinese types of green beans "siji con 28/2 kontou" and "groik" are quite popular. These two hybrids produce shoots no longer than 1.5 m, and therefore do not need support. Also, bushy varieties of Asian beans "gasson" and "u-cha-contou" have proven themselves well among gardeners. The height of these hybrids does not exceed 0.7-0.8 m, and the pods have a parchment layer. Therefore, they are grown exclusively for beans.