How to choose the right wallpaper for the hall?

How to choose the right wallpaper for the hall?
How to choose the right wallpaper for the hall?

Often, when buying wallpaper for the hall, the owners of standard apartments are sure that the choice for them is very limited. The fear of getting a tiny room by using bright colors or large patterns forces you to opt for a faceless beige color. A bland combination with a white baseboard is called "classic".

Types of modern wallpapers

There are many ideas to decorate the room in style. You just need to first decide which wallpaper to buy in the hall.

Wallpaper for painting has a different composition, on which the price category depends. The basis can be paper, non-woven interlining, fiberglass from natural materials, from jute. Most are suitable for repainting up to 15 times. Perfectly hide the unevenness of the walls.

Wallpaper for painting
Wallpaper for painting
  • Paper. They have several layers. When choosing wallpaper for the hall, give preference to wallpaper with three layers. They are easier to remove from the wall. No special surface preparation required. Pass steam, i.e. "breathe". Unfortunately, short-lived.
  • Non-woven. Elastic, with a breathable base. Convenient for pasting meter width. Not afraid of scratches, very durable. Some types can be washed.
  • Vinyl. On paper or non-wovenbase coated with polyvinyl chloride. Foamed vinyl creates a textured surface. Easy to stick. They are washable and do not fade over time. They don't "breathe". A decent thickness will add soundproofing to the room.
  • Textile. Very refined and expensive. Capricious - they are cleaned only with a vacuum cleaner and protected from the sun. Give the living room a high level of respectability.
  • Liquid. Made from natural cellulose. The mass is soaked and applied with a spatula. Increase sound insulation. Works as an insulating layer. For decoration, silk fibers, linen, colored mineral flakes are added.
  • Wallpaper with sickle base. Vegetable fiber, which is coated with foamed cellulose. Market novelty. Good wear resistance.
  • Lincrust Wallpaper. Premium class. The paper base is covered with voluminous mastic, which imitates various drawings. Mastic is made from wood flour mixed with natural varnishes. The drawing is created manually. Exclusive.

Hide the corners

Wallpaper - not necessarily just a background or a rich decoration. It is a trouble-free tool in experienced hands for visual correction of space.

Bright, moving from one wall to another, the wallpaper pattern in the hall will help to tactfully hide the flaws of the room.

This technique distracts attention from the irregular shape of the trapezoid. Works great to hide ledges or recesses that are exposed where they shouldn't be.

Wallpaper combination
Wallpaper combination

Bright ornament

Active wallpaper for the hall in the photo pasted on one side. Reception masks bulky furniture, distractingattention.

Designers will not agree with the common misconception that large active ornaments cannot be used in small rooms. It's not about the size of the ornament, but how much it is present in the room.

Try using a room wallpaper design with a contrasting pattern. If only stick on one wall, it works well even in a modest room.

Bright wallpaper
Bright wallpaper

To everyone who does not dare to start and doubts, professionals advise to try to paste over the only wall - behind the sofa. Decorate the living room, and it will not “rush” into the eyes of those sitting on it.

But do not forget that in this option you will have to think carefully about the selection of furniture. It is selected without patterns and in contrast to the colorful background.

Replace the baseboard with a border

The well-known method of combined wallpaper in the hall is widely advertised. Paste the room according to the principle: dark down, white up. The ratio is usually 1:2. Two types of wallpaper are combined so that the upper part is about twice as large.

Room designers break these rules.

Try and you change the proportion. A finishing strip of wallpaper can be combined with wall decoration with other finishing materials. For example, with painting or mirror panels.

Pay attention to proportions

Combine wallpaper of two types in the hall according to the principle of a narrow bottom plus a wide top, good for rooms with a low ceiling.

wallpaper border
wallpaper border

It is recommended to glue the lower part to a height of no more than onemeters. Be careful: the wallpaper line with this technique should be aligned parallel to the floor. After all, the beveled edge of the curb will immediately be visible. The walls are not always geometrically correct.

In high and free living rooms, a wide bottom is combined with a narrow top. Use this combination of wallpaper in the hall to visually lower the ceiling.

Lying stripe

You can beautifully horizontally paste two colors of wallpaper that will contrast. Or we combine monochrome wallpapers in the hall, but having different patterns or textures.

Wallpaper supported by wall panels looks noble. What exactly to apply at the top or bottom - determine for yourself.

Don't forget to mask the horizontal seam with decor. Use wooden or plastic slats, polyurethane ceiling molding, paper border.

If at the junction of the wallpaper their thickness is the same, then you can apply a paper border.

When joining wallpaper and wall panels, pay attention to the edge. It can be chosen to match the color of the wall or bright, then it looks decorative.

Wallpaper for the hall in the apartment, pasted horizontally, is a very bold technique. Proper use of it allows you to visually expand the room. At the same time, choose wallpaper in the hall monochrome.

horizontal stripe
horizontal stripe

Carefully experiment with bold colors and crisp patterns. Can make your eyes pop.

Unusual verticals

If you want to stick wallpaper vertically by combining them, then choose the same width and similar texture.

Experienceddecorators select shades of the same color. If they take different tones, then they are not very contrasting.

A good design of the living room is obtained by alternating wallpaper without a pattern and with an ornament.

By sticking the stripes vertically, you get more accents than by dividing the walls horizontally. As a rule, such surfaces no longer need additional decoration. Think about what the joint of the canvases will look like. A good way is to glue the strips with an indent, and paint the wall between the wallpaper in a suitable tone.

Let the wall please the eye

You've already heard and read a lot about accent walls. They are designed to decorate the room. Usually they are made active, bright. They contrast with the rest of the walls of the hall. That is why such a wall is recommended not to be placed in the field of view.

Or maybe try the opposite - buy beautiful wallpaper in the hall just for the wall, which always falls under the review.

accent wall
accent wall

This could be a mural that expands the space. Then you can admire them while relaxing on the sofa. Using this technique, it is better to make all other walls neutral - paste over discreet wallpaper or paint.

There is space on the ceiling

Sometimes the role of a bright accent wall is trusted to play in the living room … the ceiling. Paste it with spectacular wallpaper with the support of a restrained color of the walls.

Perhaps if the apartment has a ceiling height of two and a half meters, it will be too extravagant. However, if there is a desire to decorate the attic in an unusual way, or you have a Stalinist apartment, where the ceilingsabove three meters, then you may well conduct such an experiment.

Just imagine: a classic interior. It is characterized by light shades, clear proportions, symmetry. But suddenly a natural riot of flora bursts in from above - it looks fantastic.

It is interesting to apply another way - the accent wall splashes onto the ceiling. In this way, different zones are distinguished. It is universal - suitable for a hall of any height.

If the living room has a standard height, then do not combine too contrasting wallpapers. It will turn out well if they have a different texture or a slightly noticeable ornament.

How about dark walls?

Combining dark and light wallpapers is the most effective technique for interior designers. Visually changes the visual dimensions of the premises. Oddly enough, widely used for small rooms.

You can paste dark wallpaper on two walls or only one. The dark color gives depth to the space and "pulls back" the surface.

dark wallpaper
dark wallpaper

Which darken walls - depends on the location of the furniture. Leave the free sides light, you will get visual space.

You won't reduce the light in a room by sticking dark wallpaper on the wall where the window is. It still doesn't reflect light.

To visually deepen and elevate the living room at the same time, stick dark wallpapers near the windows. Make the floor and ceiling light. The room seems more elongated, a little longer. The solution is very good for a small square hall.

Mosaic from wallpapers

Interesting decor can becreate by taking five or six rolls of wallpaper in a variety of textures and colors.

Cut them into squares of the desired size and make a colorful collage. A panel on the wall will help out if the wallpaper is not enough. Surely friends had unused leftovers after the repair.

Remains of wallpaper
Remains of wallpaper

Very attractive combination of embossing with smooth wallpaper. Matte surfaces look interesting along with glossy ones.

Effective inserts

Collections of luxury wallpapers are very expensive. But do not deny yourself the pleasure of admiring them.

Use the find of interior decorators. The wall is not completely covered with wallpaper, but only some sections that are enclosed in a frame of moldings. The background for such "pictures" is made monophonic. Interiors tend to be classic.

Molding frames
Molding frames

Expensive wallpapers based on natural materials look good in such a frame. This way you can hide their sloppy edges.

Simple silhouettes of animals, trees, houses are cut out of the remnants of wallpaper by hand. They are glued over plain walls.

Correcting the room

  • Low ceilings are visually elevated with vertical wallpaper. It is good to choose wallpaper with stripes.
  • If the hall is stretched out like a pencil case, a combination of wallpaper, transverse stripes or a horizontal pattern on the end walls will help.
  • The wall between the columns is masked with photo wallpapers or highlighted with a contrasting color.
  • If the wall is long and there is no furniture along it, decorate it by combiningwallpaper.
  • Decorate a very small room with wallpaper with a small and rhythmic pattern.
  • When a large room contains little furniture, large prints will give coziness.
  • Follow the fashion for combining wallpapers with care. This is only appropriate when zoning the living room. For example, when they want to separate the recreation area and the dining area.
  • Comfort in a spacious hall is created by vertical contrasting stripes on the wall on either side of the TV. The composition is reminiscent of a fireplace area.

Wallpaper is the most affordable type of room decoration. At the same time, they allow you to realize all your ideas for creating a stylish and cozy hall.
