Fire curtains: specifications, operating conditions and reviews

Fire curtains: specifications, operating conditions and reviews
Fire curtains: specifications, operating conditions and reviews

Among all devices and devices for protection against fire, a special place is occupied by fireproof roller blinds. They are compact, fast response, efficient in use. Due to their design, they can be installed in rooms for various purposes. Installation of fire curtains is carried out to protect door, window openings, individual elements, mechanisms and devices. They are used for zoning space, dividing corridors. Next, let's take a closer look at what fire curtains are.

fire curtains
fire curtains


Automatic fire curtains and fire curtains, as well as gates, doors and other barriers, prevent the spread of smoke and fire. Their tasks include the retention of toxic products on the one hand and oxygen on the other. Among other things, fire curtains are today considered a fairly effective means of extinguishing. If the supply of fresh air is interrupted, the flame may go out on its own. If fire retardants are used in conjunction with automatic foam, gas or water extinguishing systems, then the fire can be extinguished without human intervention.


Fire curtains are made from a material with the following properties:

  • Strength.
  • Flexibility.
  • Light weight.
  • Air tight.
  • Weather resistant.
  • High level of chemical resistance.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
fire curtains price
fire curtains price

Production Features

The most suitable material for the manufacture of fire fighting devices today is fiberglass. For its production, refractory grades of glass are used, similar to those used in barriers and partitions. In order to increase the level of mechanical strength, each fiberglass thread is reinforced with steel wire or the entire surface of the curtains is reinforced with stainless steel mesh. The outer curtains of the body (they contain the drive mechanisms and the canvas itself in a non-working state) are equipped with heating. The material of the curtain itself is treated with silicone. This helps to reduce the negative impact of moisture and temperature changes on the product, and also ensures the normal operation of the device in any weather.

fire curtains ei 60
fire curtains ei 60

Design features

Fire curtains, the price of whichvaries from 7 to 7.8 thousand rubles, can be installed both indoors and outdoors. In the upper part of the door or window opening there is a cylindrical body made of stainless or galvanized steel. It contains a shaft on rollers or bearings. They provide ease of rotation in both directions. With the help of a gearbox, one end of the shaft is connected to an electric motor, which works to lift the web when opening. In non-working condition, the curtain is fixed along the upper edge on the shaft along its entire length and tightly wound on it. A special metal tire runs along the bottom edge. It performs several tasks at once:

  • Holding the canvas in expanded form.
  • The direction of the cuts along the side sealing structures.
  • Unrolling curtains under its own weight.
  • Closing the housing slot when not in use.

Some designs provide mechanisms for moving the web not only in the vertical, but also in the horizontal direction. These products differ only in the features of the electric drive. It functions for both closing and opening the curtain.

installation of fire curtains
installation of fire curtains

Working mechanism

To hold the canvas in the upper position, an electromagnet is provided in the design. It is part of an electric motor that is constantly energized. After a signal is received from the central control or fire alarm device, the circuit is opened. As a result, when released, the tire falls down and stretches the canvas. The curtain on its lower edge fits snugly against the structural element of the frame structure. Side cuts are located inside the corresponding guides, or are pressed against the perimeter of the opening. The folding of the web is carried out when a signal is given by a manual button or an automatic switching system. As a result, the electric motor drives the winding shaft. The design also includes limit switches. They are installed directly on the engine and turn it off automatically when the bottom tire reaches a certain position. If the case will be suspended at some distance from the ceiling, then the entire upper part must be carefully sealed. In Russia, fire curtains EI 60 are considered the most popular. Let's take a closer look at the scope of their use.

fireproof roller blinds
fireproof roller blinds


The high level of fire resistance of EI 60 fireproof curtain structures allows them to be used to protect not only warehouse or technical premises. They can be installed in shops, educational institutions, sports facilities and other objects of permanent residence of people. Designs contain the spread of open flame and high temperature for an hour. Products are produced that can withstand fire for a longer time. This leads to the use of fixtures in brick and concrete structures. As a rule, such structures are not used in wooden and temporary buildings.

Product sizes

They may bethe most varied. Some curtains have impressive parameters. The width of individual products can reach 50, and the height - 10 meters. Thanks to this, it is possible to fence off premises of a large area. In such large-sized structures, special openings are provided for the movement of people during evacuation and for providing access for firefighters to the outbreak. Fire-retardant canvases with loopholes have the same stability as deaf ones. The passages are mounted at the junction areas of the individual longitudinal parts. Neither cold nor hot smoke penetrates through such loopholes.
