How to make slopes with your own hands?

How to make slopes with your own hands?
How to make slopes with your own hands?

After installing windows or doors, it is necessary to make slopes correctly. They significantly improve the appearance of the structure, prevent heat loss through the cracks. To carry out such a finish, different materials are used.

If you wish, you can do this work yourself. To do this, you need to consider in detail the manufacturing technology of such a finish. How to make slopes with your own hands will be discussed later.

Slope assignment

Before considering how to make slopes with your own hands, you need to consider their purpose. Some owners of houses and apartments believe that it is enough to blow out the joints with mounting foam after installing plastic windows or doors. However, this is not the case. Mounting foam will not fully protect the home from heat loss.

How to make slopes on plastic windows?
How to make slopes on plastic windows?

It should be said that such material requires additional protection. If the mounting foam is left open for a long time, it will actively absorb moisture. Temperature fluctuations also have a devastating effect on it. As a result, insulatinglayer is rapidly destroyed. He will no longer be able to protect the room from drafts and noise. Heat losses through improperly mounted slopes are up to 40%.

Properly executed slopes can not only protect the mounting seams from destruction. They will act as additional thermal insulation. Also, the slopes are decorative trim. The windows will not fog up.


To understand how to make slopes on doors and windows, you need to consider in detail their varieties. This type of finish can be made from different materials. Previously, the plastering method was used to create slopes. New content has arrived today. They are easy to install and durable.

The most popular type are plastic slopes. They are in harmony with plastic windows or balcony blocks. According to their technical characteristics, these materials are similar. Plastic is durable and easy to clean. He is not afraid of temperature changes.

How to make slopes yourself?
How to make slopes yourself?

One of the new types of plastic slopes are special sandwich panels. They include a layer of insulation. This greatly simplifies the installation process.

Another popular type of slope is drywall trim. This is one of the most inexpensive materials. It has high environmental performance. Drywall can be used in any room.

Features of plastering

To choose the right finishing technology, you need to consider in detail how to makeslopes on plastic windows. The most ancient is the method of plastering. It was used back in the 90s of the last century. Plastering will be an acceptable option if a major or complete refurbishment of the premises is underway.

How to make slopes with your own hands?
How to make slopes with your own hands?

In the process of applying plaster, the walls will definitely get dirty. If they already have a layer of wallpaper or other finishing, it will be ruined. Therefore, this option is not suitable for already renovated premises.

This method often involves the installation of beacons. Such corners will help strengthen the base of the window or doorway. When dismantling an old window, building materials in this area can deform, crack and crumble. To prevent further destruction of the opening surface, corners are used.

Preparation for plastering

There is a relatively simple and proven method for years, how to make slopes on windows with your own hands from plaster. First you need to install beacons. The first of them is installed so that the plaster mixture lies on the frame for at least 5 cm. The lighthouse must be in a strictly horizontal position.

How to make slopes correctly?
How to make slopes correctly?

The second corner must be installed at the corners of the window or doorway. The distance between all beacons must be the same. Skews are not allowed. This is checked using the building level.

If the slopes need to be finished from the inside of the room, you can use a gypsum plaster mixture. She isenvironmentally friendly, non-flammable. With the help of such a composition, even large potholes and cracks can be covered up. If you need to make a layer of more than 3 cm, fine sifted sand is added to the composition. For outdoor work, a special facade plaster or cement mixture with water-repellent components is used.

Plastering procedure

Studying the technology, how to properly make slopes, you should pay special attention to the plastering process. When the putty of the appropriate type is mixed, you can get to work. The composition is applied to the surface in several layers. When the first layer is created, it is allowed to dry.

How to make slopes from plastic?
How to make slopes from plastic?

First spray. The first layer can be quite rough. For this, a special starting gypsum putty can be used (for interior work). After it dries, priming is carried out. On the first layer lay out the second time the plaster. It must be carefully leveled.

The third layer will be the finish. It is created from a special putty. It consists of a small fraction. The result is a perfectly smooth white surface. The final layer is only a few millimeters. When it dries well, the surface is treated with fine-grained sandpaper. You can also use a grinder.

Completion of the plastering process

After applying the plaster, the final stage of this type of finish should be carried out correctly. When learning how to make slopes on windows, this technology needs to be considered in detail. In places where putty connects withdoor block, you need to cover the gaps. For this, a special sealant is used.

The joint is cut with a clerical knife to a depth of 3 mm. The angle of inclination should be 45º. The recess must be primed and treated with a sealant. You need to do this procedure carefully. The line should be very straight. This will help the use of masking tape. The sealant layer must be leveled with a rubber spatula. Then, before the sealant dries, the tape is removed.

Before painting, a layer of plaster is primed. For finishing, you can use compositions on an oil, acrylic basis. The second option is preferable. The paint is applied in 2 layers. This is necessary to create the desired shade. The first layer should dry well. Only then can the paint be applied a second time. The process of puttying slopes takes about a week.

Plastic slopes

Knowing how finishing is done with plaster, you need to consider the technique of how to make plastic slopes. This is one of the most popular methods today. With temperature differences, the material of metal-plastic windows and slopes will expand and contract synchronously. Therefore, this type of finish is popular.

How to make slopes from panels?
How to make slopes from panels?

Plastic is used for window decoration both inside and outside the premises. There are three types of slopes in this category. The first of these includes panels made of foamed plastic. The second group included sandwich panels. The third category includes mixed finishes. The slope in this case consists of drywall with a plastic toplayer.

Often, when arranging plastic windows and doors, sandwich panels are used. They are reasonably priced. At the same time, they are easy to install. Such material does not cause condensation on the windows. Their thickness should be more than 1 cm. You can choose any color and texture of the plastic surface. The slopes will harmoniously fit into the interior.

Installation of sandwich panels

There is a simple technique for making slopes from panels. On the outer edge of the opening, you need to fix a wooden rail with self-tapping screws. It should be even, which is checked using the building level. This rail will take the load of the sandwich panel.

How to make slopes on windows?
How to make slopes on windows?

Next, you need to mount the starting profile into the grooves. It will need to attach a slope to it. Next, it is warmed up. A layer of mineral wool or polystyrene is laid behind the plastic. The first option is preferable. It does not burn, is an environmentally friendly material.

From the outside, the slopes are mounted to the wall. This procedure is performed using self-tapping screws. Their hats are covered with special plugs. You can also fix the slopes with brackets. But this is a more time-consuming and complex process. The first option is simpler, so it is used much more often.

PVC foam slopes

Next, you should consider another option, how to make plastic slopes. In this case, foamed PVC is used. They have a smooth top layer. From this material, you can make slopes of a semicircular shape. To bend a strip fromfoamed PVC, it is cut in several places. The furrow should not exceed a third of the panel thickness. After giving the sheet the required shape, the incisions must be smeared with glue.

Installation requires prior fixation of the profile. The panel will be installed on it. The space between the wall and the PVC sheet must be blown out with foam. This procedure is carried out carefully so that the foam does not expand too much inside the structure.

After that, the profile is fixed to the outer corner. Joints must be carefully treated with silicone. Their surfaces are smoothed with a rubber spatula.

For panels that combine drywall and plastic, installation is carried out in the same way as for sandwich panels.

Drywall slopes

Another option for making slopes on windows is to use drywall. This is a practical, relatively inexpensive material. If its top layer gets dirty or damaged for any reason, it can be repaired. In this case, drywall is puttied and plastered.

The disadvantage of this finishing method is the lengthy installation process. You will need to complete several steps. First, a frame is created. You can do without it if the surface of the base is even. Next, drywall sheets are laid. They are puttied, covered with a primer. Next up is painting.

In favor of the presented type of finish, we can say that this is one of the most durable types of finishes. Drywall slopes are easy to maintain. This method is only suitable for interior work and dry rooms. This materialstrongly absorbs moisture. On sale is a special moisture-resistant drywall. However, its cost will be much higher.

Wireframe installation method

You should consider how to make drywall slopes when using a frame. This will require a galvanized profile. If this procedure is carried out for door slopes, metal guides can be used. First, the opening is blown with foam. Its excess is cut off after a day.

A guide profile must be installed along the perimeter of the opening. The frame must consist of galvanized guides. When it is assembled, a layer of mineral wool is laid inside the structure. After that, plasterboard sheets can be mounted on top of the frame. It is sanded and sanded. The corners are closed with a metal corner profile. This will prevent them from delamination.

When drywall is prepared for further processing, it is covered with a primer layer. When it dries, you can apply a layer of acrylic paint.

Frameless method

You should also consider how to make drywall slopes without a frame. This method is not always suitable. Only if old slopes were previously installed, new trim sheets can be mounted on them. The base is cleaned, coated with a primer.

Pearlfix glue is applied pointwise on drywall. Then it is installed on the base and additionally fixed to the old frame with self-tapping screws. When the materials dry, they are covered with finishing putty.

Having considered how to make slopes, you can choose the right way to finish and complete the entire procedureyourself.
