Euphorbia Mil: care, conditions and reproduction

Euphorbia Mil: care, conditions and reproduction
Euphorbia Mil: care, conditions and reproduction

Spurge is a genus of plants from the Euphorbiaceae family. In appearance, they can be grass, shrubs or stunted trees. The appearance of the stem and leaves is so different that an ignorant person at the sight of some varieties will never guess that the plant belongs to the euphorbia family. However, all representatives of this genus have a distinctive feature - white milky juice. About 120 species are used as decorative ones, among which is Mil's spurge. This species is endemic to the island of Madagascar, but is successfully grown in other countries on window sills, in greenhouses or greenhouses. Some flower growers call it "Crown of Thorns". There is a belief that it was Mila's Euphorbia that was used for Jesus Christ as a crown.

Euphorbia Mil
Euphorbia Mil

Plant characteristics

Euphorbia milii is a shrub with branched stems that can reach a height of 1.8 meters. In appearance, it can be mistaken for a cactus. stemsslightly ribbed, have a grayish tint. Leaves appear together with thorns in preleaves only on young shoots. Over time, dried leaves fall off. The thorns on the stems harden and remain with the plant throughout its lifespan.

Euphorbia milii flowers are inconspicuous, but surrounded by bright leaves. Inflorescences are made up of several flowers in an amount of two to four. They are on a special stem that protrudes above the leaves and thorns.

spurge mile euphorbia milii
spurge mile euphorbia milii

Growing conditions

Spurge Mil, like other plants of the genus, does not like direct sunlight. Lighting should be bright but diffused. Although it is believed that this species is not afraid of the sun's rays.

For good growth, you must try to observe the temperature regime. The optimum air temperature is 25-26 ˚С. In the summer, you can safely take it out into the street, if possible. Euphorbia does not require regular abundant watering, and is also not afraid of dry air. The soil needs sod-clay with the addition of leafy and sandy.

Europe care

Watering is carried out approximately the same as for cacti - 1-2 times a week. If the plant receives too much water or is in a humid environment, it may die. In winter, watering should be minimal.

When grown at home or in greenhouse conditions, Euphorbia Mil needs to be fed. It can only be produced from spring to autumn no more than once a month. This will require fertilizers forcacti, they are produced by many companies. The main thing is that they contain cytokinins, auxins, vitamins B, C, humic acids, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Euphorbia milii
Euphorbia milii

Spurge Mil: reproduction

The plant propagates in several ways: seeds and cuttings. At home, the first method is almost impossible. But still you can try. Ripened seeds must be placed in a container with a nutrient soil mixture and slightly pressed. Cover the pot with glass or film. It is necessary to check the presence of moisture in the ground and add if necessary using a spray bottle. Sprouted seeds, or rather sprouts, are carefully transplanted into pots.

spurge mile reproduction
spurge mile reproduction

Growing spurge from cuttings is much easier. In the second half of summer, lateral processes are cut from the main stems. It is necessary to lower the cut point in warm water so that the milky juice stacks. It also needs to be treated with charcoal and left to dry. Three days later, the dried shoot is planted in a pot with a sand-peat soil mixture.

Plant transplant

Both young and adult plants that are grown at home require repotting after a certain period of time. This makes it possible to replace depleted soil and allow the flower to develop a more powerful root system. This, in turn, will promote the growth of new shoots. Euphorbia Mil at a young age is transplanted annually into a container that is slightly larger than the previous one. Mature plants are transplanted every three years. This operationproduced in the spring. Milkweed pots should be shallow but wide.

Pests and diseases

No matter how unpretentious the plant is, various diseases or pests can start on it. For those who do not know what a diseased milkweed Mil looks like, photos in books on gardening and floriculture will help. Of the parasites, aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, and scale insects are most often planted. It is necessary to mechanically, that is, manually and with the help of improvised means, remove insects. Treat the plant with preparations containing parmethrin. Also suitable are "Decis", "Fitoverm", "Derris". Affected leaves must be removed.

If the plant has stopped growing, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, most likely, if all the conditions of care are met, the root mealybug has wound up. If the fungus is already there, it is clearly visible on the roots. Whitish accumulations, similar to flour, are difficult to confuse with something else. The pot must be disinfected, the earth must be replaced. The diseased plant, or rather its roots, should be gently washed with an insecticide solution. If it is not possible to replace the earth, then you can boil the old one. Only after this will it be necessary to add mineral fertilizers to it.

Euphorbia Mil photo
Euphorbia Mil photo

The hardest thing to get rid of is the spider mite. An integrated approach is required: from the treatment of milkweed with water and laundry soap and an increase in humidity around the plant, to the use of various acaricides. Which one to use depends on the temperature in the room. Processing should be done every 10 days. Sometimesit is easier to grow a new milkweed Mil than to cure an old one from a tick.
