Have anyone thought why the door is not covered with frost in the cold season in the apartment? Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is good thermal insulation of the door. But not only in this matter. The main reason for the absence of frost on the door is the presence of a vestibule room - a small space that separates the entrance doors to the apartment and the street. This room also happens in a private house. But first things first.
General concept of tambura
There are several meanings of the tambour room, but they all essentially come down to one. So, a vestibule is a separate room or a small part of it, preventing cold air from entering the living rooms immediately. It serves as a kind of air cushion where street and indoor air meet.
Another purpose of the vestibule is to retain dirt, dust and sand brought on the sole of the shoe. Whatever rug is laid in front of the front door or inside the apartment and house, it will not be able to ensure complete cleanliness. But a separate room where you can change street shoes for home shoes,quite cope with such a task.

There are no building codes that would regulate the mandatory dimensions of the vestibule. But when designing it, one should take into account at least the width of the inner door, which, as a rule, opens outwards. Therefore, the minimum depth of the vestibule should be 1.3-1.5 m. If additional use of the vestibule space is expected, then, accordingly, its area must be increased.
Location of the vestibule and its necessity
According to its location, the vestibule can be built into the house or as an extension (in a private house) to the house.

Public establishments also often have a vestibule. In this case, during its construction, it should be taken into account that the more people come / leave at the same time, the more complex the vestibule plan should be. Otherwise, there will be no sense from it at all, because. cold air will be drawn in quickly.
Many people believe that the vestibule is a completely unnecessary room in the house. It either eats up part of the living space, or requires additional costs for an extension. In fact, the cost of its construction is fully justified, because. funds for heating housing with a tambour room require much less than without it. This is especially noticeable in areas where the cold season lasts long enough.
Tambour in a private house
The construction of the vestibule was invented a long time ago, when a small extension to a private house was called the word"canopy". Today, such a room can be decorated in any style and used not only as a buffer zone. For example, using double-glazed windows, you can build an air structure that will perfectly perform the main functions of the vestibule. If the room is made spacious enough and the windows are large, you will get an excellent veranda, where you can gather guests at the table in the warm season.

In the tambour room there can be not only internal and external doors, but also an entrance to another separate room. So, often the entrance to the garage attached to the house is made from the vestibule. Then, even in wet or cold weather, there will be no need to go outside to get into the car, and gasoline vapors will not penetrate the housing. An additional door can also lead to the utility building or boiler room.
Tambour in an apartment building
Tambour at the entrance, directly at the entrance, in modern houses is not always the case. More precisely, there is a room and an entrance door, of course. But the next inner door separating the entrance to the stairs may not be.
A vestibule in an apartment building is also called a room that separates 2 or more apartments from the rest of the corridor. Such a fence is usually made not by developers, but by the owners themselves after settlement. If we turn to the legislation in this case, then such premises are possible only if the other owners of the apartments located on this floor are not against redevelopment. Also, when constructing a vestibule in an apartment building, the following conditions should be taken into account:
- entrance doors to the apartment to the neighbors should open freely;
- common electrical panels, cables, etc. should not be located in the separated area.

Tambour finishing
First of all, finishing the vestibule is necessary in a private house. It is desirable to additionally insulate the attached room using heat-insulating materials. You can fix them both inside and outside the room. The heat-insulating layer is puttied on top and proceed to the fine finish. Materials for the outside are chosen in accordance with the overall concept of the house.
The built-in tambour does not require additional insulation, finishing will be enough for it. The walls of the vestibule room can be painted, textured plaster applied to them, upholstered with plastic panels - i.e. use materials that do not react to temperature changes and are not afraid of the cold.
The vestibule flooring should be chosen so that it meets the following parameters:
- was solid;
- durable (or at least easy to install);
- easy care.
Linoleum, ceramic tiles, and porcelain stoneware correspond to these characteristics. If desired, you can use more expensive materials, such as stone.
Often in apartment buildings, a vestibule is a room used by residents of two or more apartments. And so there may not be a finish at all. But if relations between neighbors are good, then finishingperformed jointly. Materials in this case are selected similar to those used in the vestibule of a private house.
Operation of the vestibule room
In addition to the basic functions of protecting residential premises from cold and dirt, the vestibule can serve as a pantry. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room allows, then you can put a cabinet in it, for example, for tools or sports equipment. The entrance vestibule in an apartment building can be used to store various food supplies, because, unlike a similar room in a private house, there will be no negative temperatures here, but it will not be too warm either.
In a small room, you can simply lay a dirt mat and install a small shelf for shoes. In order for the rug to really trap dirt, it should be chosen especially carefully. In this case, a variant of a metal fine mesh with a rubber base is suitable. The base will not allow the rug to slide, and dust and sand will settle in the grid cells.

Tambour heating
There is a lot of controversy regarding the heating of the tambour room. Tambour in a private house is one situation. According to building codes, heating devices cannot be installed there. Firstly, it can lead to freezing of the coolant. Secondly, even if it does not freeze, the cost of heating itself will increase. This is also not very profitable. Therefore, if there is a great desire to supply the vestibule with additional heating, you should opt for a floor heating system. He and the room will warm a little, and dry the wetshoes.
An alternative option is to install a split system above the front doors. The outer doors will then be separated by a jet of warm air. It is not necessary to choose a large system power (given the small size of the room), and it will not work all the time. This method is often used by public institutions (shopping centers, banks and other institutions). Naturally, in this case, the power of the split system should be greater than in a private house.

In apartments, additional insulation is rarely used in vestibules, because there are heaters in the entrance and they are enough to warm the room a little. But if there is a goal, for example, to dry shoes in the wet and cold season, then in this situation a floor heating system will also be appropriate. Another point is the attachment of the vestibule to the apartment and its insulation. But such an action is illegal, because. the vestibule in this case is part of the common corridor and cannot be assigned.
What else is called a tambura?
The vestibule is not only a room that protects the living space from cold and dirt. There is another meaning of this word. So, tambour also means a special kind of knitting (embroidery).

In addition, there is a vestibule in the train car. It also protects the interior from cold, smoke and wind.
Whether to build a vestibule in a private house, whether to separate the apartment with an additional door from the site or not - each owner decides for himself, but the presence of this small room, obviously, gives a lot of positivemoments.