One of the main problems of drinking water is its high content of iron. It is faced by private consumers and business owners. This applies to tap water and the one that is extracted from wells. As you know, iron can give water a cloudy orange tint and a very unpleasant taste. Among other things, such elements are very harmful to human he alth. For this reason, water purification is becoming a mandatory measure to prevent technical and he alth problems. Cleaning methods will be discussed below.
Iron in water
Deironing of water from a well is not required when this substance contains no more than 0.3 mg/l. If the parameters increase to 5 mg / l, then special filters should be installed. Groundwater contains dissolved ferrous iron. After contact of the liquid with air, the substance passes into a trivalent form, which contributes to the formation of rust familiar to everyone. If the parameters mentioned above increase more than 0.3 mg/l, then rusty spots will remain in the water. This has a detrimental effect onlaundry and sanitary ware washed in such water.

As practice shows, such water may well seem transparent and clean. If the iron content is increased to 1 mg/l, then it will become cloudy, acquire a yellow tint and have a metallic taste. Deferrization of water from a well is required for the reason that this substance quickly covers the inner surface of the pipes, leaving a residue. This spoils the enamel and disables the technique. If you consume such water, then problems with the liver and kidneys may develop, as well as allergies. Installing a filter is the only sure way to deal with rust.
Water iron removal
Deironization of water from a well can be done in several ways. The most modern technique reads reagentless cleaning, which involves the saturation of water with oxygen. In this case, forced aeration and a compressor are used. Additional reagents are not required, making the system cheap to operate. Reagent-free cleaning is effective when the iron concentration is no more than 10 mg / l.
Use of oxidizers and coagulation
Water iron removal, the price of which will be presented below, can also be carried out using oxidizing agents that are used in filters. The main active ingredient in this case is sodium hypochlorite, ozone or potassium permanganate. Reagent iron removal is used in cases where the concentration of dissolved iron is more than 10 mg/l. Sometimes thisthe technique is also applicable at low Ph.

If you choose to use reagent filters, you should be prepared for the fact that they require regular maintenance and are more expensive to maintain. Iron removal of water from a well is also implemented according to the principle of coagulation. This method is a reagent method, and the water in it is treated with substances that cause pollutant particles to stick together and form flakes. The latter are delayed by filters.
Catalytic oxidation plant
This filtration system is most popular in private houses and cottages, as well as in small industrial enterprises. The catalytic oxidation plant has a compact size and high performance. The oxidation of iron takes place inside the tank with the help of special granules that have catalytic characteristics.

There are a huge variety of backfill materials that are of natural or synthetic origin. When such a water deironing station operates, oxidized iron will settle on the surface of the filter, which is cleaned during periodic flushing. In this case, the sediment is washed into the sewerage system. Wash filters are sensitive to low temperatures. If the thermometer falls below 0°, the equipment may fail. Therefore, such settings should only be used under appropriate conditions.
Settingsreverse osmosis action
Methods of deferrization of water from a well can be different. Among them, reverse osmosis technology can be distinguished, when the concentration of iron in water is quite moderate. At the same time, water enters under pressure through a membrane that retains up to 99% of dissolved substances. This method belongs to the reagentless and is often used in low-capacity filters.

If there is a need to purify water of large volumes, then reverse osmosis installations will not be economically feasible. However, for small houses and apartments, such devices are ideal, since their maintenance costs are low, despite the fact that the membranes provide for the need for periodic replacement and chemical flushing.
For reference
The water deironing station described above, which operates on the basis of the reverse osmosis method, is especially good when, in addition to iron, it is necessary to remove other specific contaminants, while reducing water mineralization. As a rule, it is used in large industries.
Devices using ion exchange resins
It is possible to eliminate iron using a granular ion exchange resin, while the harmful substance is retained in the ion exchanger, and sodium ions are released into the solution instead. S alts, strontium, manganese, barium, and radium are removed from the liquid. Thus, the ion-exchange water iron removal system is universal, which should be considered a great advantage.

Biological Treatment Plants
Such filters use the ability of microorganisms to purify water from impurities. Sometimes this is the only possible way. This applies to cases where the concentration exceeds 40 mg / l. A filter based on biological treatment can also be used when the water contains a rather high content of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. When the liquid passes through the biofilter, it undergoes sorption purification, during which the waste products of bacteria are retained, and the substance is subjected to ultraviolet disinfection.
Cartridges and filters for electrochemical aeration
If you need an iron filter, then you can look at the electromagnetic cartridges, which belong to the installations using the new method. Its essence lies in the fact that at the first stage the liquid is treated with ultrasound, and then passes through the electromagnetic apparatus of a mechanical cartridge with quartz sand. The electromagnetic field is able to separate iron oxides, while the filter barrier traps them.

The most modern water iron removal plant is the one that works on the basis of electrochemical aeration. In this case, the liquid is treated with air flows, and then the dissolved iron passes into the form of an oxidized substance, which turns into flakes and settles on the filter surface. Oxygen is formed during an electrochemical reaction from water molecules. Chemic althere are no reagents in the filter. As a result, it is possible to obtain oxygen-enriched water, which is devoid of unpleasant odors and impurities. Such well water deironing cartridge is suitable for significant iron content, the volume of which per 1 liter is 30 mg. This technology is more profitable and energy efficient compared to all the others. Aeration units are small in size, able to operate autonomously and do not require periodic maintenance.
Equipment and cost
Water iron removal system can be quite expensive equipment, but its use justifies the high cost. On sale, for example, you can find a set of equipment of the BPR UV SZhV R brand, which has a manual control unit. The cost of the device is 20200 rubles. Capacity can vary from 0.3 to 2 m3/h

Such devices can be used when the initial content of soluble iron in water does not exceed 1.5 mg/l. In this case, the Ph of the water should not be more than 6, 8. The use of this equipment, when the water contains a hydrogen sulfide compound, requires the installation of a non-pressure storage device for water aeration in front of the filter.
Description of the equipment set BPR UV SZh SF
If you need an iron filter, then you can purchase equipment that costs 14,500 rubles. Its performance may varywithin the same limits as for the setup described above. However, the initial compound of soluble iron in water should not exceed 1 mg/l. In this case, Ph can be more than 7, 2. The liquid must be free of oil products and hydrogen sulfide. The set of the filtration unit includes a housing, a manual control unit, a drainage distribution system, a filter load, and a sorbent.