Cyclamen flower - an original gift for the New Year holidays

Cyclamen flower - an original gift for the New Year holidays
Cyclamen flower - an original gift for the New Year holidays

Cyclamen stands out among other flowers with its extraordinary charm and abundant flowering.

cyclamen flower
cyclamen flower

The cyclamen flower resembles a butterfly and has a pleasant aroma. On one plant, 50 inflorescences can bloom at the same time. And they are striking in their diversity. The cyclamen flower has a white or red color, while the red color has many shades. The heart-shaped leathery leaves sit on long petioles and are decorated with a grayish-silvery pattern. The people call cyclamen alpine violet, dryakva and earthen bread. Its closest relatives are violets and primroses. Their similarity can be seen by carefully looking at the photo of flowers. Cyclamen is a very capricious plant. But if favorable conditions are created for him, then he will delight with his flowering all winter.

cyclamen flower
cyclamen flower

Caring for cyclamen

With proper care, cyclamens live up to 25 years. What care do they need? Cyclamens do not tolerate abundant watering and extreme heat. From the heat theycease to bloom, their leaves turn yellow and crumble. The optimum temperature for cyclamens is 12-15°C. The temperature must not be allowed to fall below 10°C or rise above 20°C. Cyclamen loves light very much, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. You need to water the plant from below, it is advisable to pour water into the pan. In no case should water be allowed to fall on leaves and flowers. This causes the plant to rot and die. You can not completely bury the tuber in the ground: one third of it should look out of the soil. The pot should be small, otherwise the plant does not bloom well and may rot. The dormant period of cyclamen begins in the spring. At this time, the leaves and flowers wither and fall off. If not all the leaves have fallen off, then they are cut or twisted. The plant is placed in a shady cool place and occasionally watered so that the earthen ball does not dry out. In autumn, at the end of the dormant period, when the first leaves appear, cyclamen is transplanted. A month after the transplant, they begin to feed him.

cyclamen persian flowers
cyclamen persian flowers

Types of cyclamen

In room conditions, 2 types of this plant are grown: European cyclamen and Persian cyclamen. The flowers and leaves of the Persian are smaller than those of the European. The second type of plant does not have a dormant period, and it does not shed its leaves. The Persian cyclamen flower is odorless. This species is thermophilic and grows at a temperature of 18-20°C.

cyclamen persian flowers
cyclamen persian flowers

Reproduction of cyclamen

The plant propagates by tubers and with the help of above-ground shoots.

a photocyclamen flowers
a photocyclamen flowers

Use of cyclamen

It is desirable to have a cyclamen flower in your home. This plant improves energy and creates a relaxed atmosphere in the home. It is believed that it protects against evil forces and improves mood. In ancient times, cyclamen juice was used as an antidote. Now traditional medicine uses the plant to stabilize the heart rhythm and hormonal system, normalize menstruation, increase potency in men, and treat infertility. It is used for diabetes, allergies, gout, migraines, rheumatism and colds. But we must remember that cyclamen tubers contain saponins, which in large quantities can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and convulsions.
