Clematis Alyonushka was bred in the Crimea, namely in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, at the very beginning of the 1960s. During this time, gardeners managed to fall in love with him not only for the long and beautiful flowering, but also for the relative unpretentiousness and good frost resistance. With proper care, which is nothing complicated, you will have the opportunity to admire the beautiful flowers that create a hedge throughout the season.
Variety description
Clematis Alyonushka, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is a vine about one and a half meters high. Her shoots are very thin and fragile. In view of this, a garter and installation of supports is necessary. If you do not tie the vine to a support, then you can get a very effective ground cover.

Clematis Alyonushka, which is described in our article, has pink bell-shaped flowers, the diameter of which reaches seven centimeters. Each flower has four or five petals. This handsome man blooms very abundantly and for a long time. The flowering period begins at the end of June, andends around August. Plant needs heavy pruning.
Choosing a landing site
Clematis Alyonushka, reviews of which have recently become very ambiguous, prefers sun and partial shade for growth. It prefers well-drained, fertile, sandy soil. At the same time, a sufficient amount of fertilizer should be introduced into it. Many gardeners are confused by this fact. They consider this plant to be very demanding and capricious. However, most still tend to close their eyes to these little things and subsequently enjoy the majestic flowering.
Planting and Growing Recommendations
Clematis Alyonushka is best planted in a sunny place without direct rays getting there. However, he may well settle in partial shade. In one place, it can grow for more than twenty years, so the landing site must be prepared very carefully. A drainage layer about 10-15 centimeters thick is necessarily placed at the bottom of the pit. Pebbles, expanded clay, gravel, etc. are quite suitable as drainage. Further, the entire remaining volume of the pit should be filled with decomposed humus (compost), peat and sand. Two parts of humus or compost are taken for one part of peat and sand.

So that the soil mixture does not turn out to be depleted, you can add long-acting mineral or complex fertilizers to it. Clematis Alyonushka is buried in the soil so that the buds at the base are 10–15 centimeters deep. So that the soil does not overheat and moisture is well retained in it,you can resort to mulching the near-trunk circle.
Care instructions
Clematis Alyonushka needs abundant watering, especially if the weather is dry and hot in summer. However, excessive accumulation of moisture should be avoided, as this can lead to root rot.
Fences, walls, nets, trees and shrubs can be used as a support for clematis. If the support is not applied, then the plant becomes a groundcover. This use of it rarely finds connoisseurs, so it's best to tie your pet to a support and make a beautiful decoration out of it.

For the winter, clematis lashes are pruned at the very base. However, you can leave a shoot that has 2-3 buds, having previously mulched it. Periodically, sanitary pruning can also be carried out, removing ugly or diseased lashes. This will help the plant to heal and have a positive effect on flowering.
Decorative Application
Clematis Alyonushka looks great in containers. It can also be used to decorate a fence or decorate a hedge. It is good both in a single planting and against the background of other plants, especially evergreens.

If you choose the right composition and design, then this type of clematis is quite capable of becoming a worthy decoration for your lawn or gazebo. The option with a gazebo has recently been gaining more and more popularity among summer residents and amateur gardeners. It is combined with other curlyplants and get charming compositions that delight their owners for the whole summer season.