When the renovation is nearing completion, it's time to lay the flooring. Most often these days, people prefer such material as laminate, which is versatile, looks very neat and beautiful and can last for decades. However, before this wonderful coating is on your floor, you need, as they say, to prepare the ground so that it is more firmly fixed. This is where the question arises of which substrate for the laminate is better, what should be its thickness, and what material should it be made of.

Brief description of the backing
Before we start comparing the different types of this "underground" layer, let's understand what it is. Indeed, in order to understand which substrate for a laminate is better, you need to know its functions and purpose, otherwise it will be very difficult to make the right choice. So, firstly, even in the newest apartments, the floor is not perfectly flat. Of course, the screed in some places compensates for thisa disadvantage, however, when laying a decorative coating, over time, irregularities will begin to be squeezed under the weight of the residents of the apartment and furniture. The substrate in this case performs a shock-absorbing function and prevents the laminate from sagging in places where there are small depressions or cracks. Also, this coating performs a soundproof function. That is, the noise that comes to you from the neighbors from above will be less noticeable thanks to this auxiliary floor layer.

Additional background functions
If you still doubt whether you need a substrate for a laminate, then carefully consider its following properties. Firstly, this additional layer allows you to keep more warm air in the apartment. At the same time, it does not let the cold through, thereby serving as a heat insulator. The substrate will become an additional conductor of heat if your house has a warm floor, and if there is no such system, then it will simply give the room more comfort. An important function of this material is also the protection of wood from moisture. It absorbs most of the fumes, so that the sensitivity to water in the laminate is noticeably reduced. This allows this flooring to serve you longer and not deteriorate prematurely. And now, in order for you to understand which laminate underlay is best, we provide a list of all existing coatings that can be used in repairs.

Material is the basis of any substrate
Viewsof this flooring are strictly divided into groups depending on the materials from which they are made. For example, one of the most common options is polyethylene foam. As a rule, it is sold in the form of wide rolls of foil and has a completely negligible thickness. It is worth remembering that this material can only be mounted under a laminate, and it is strictly forbidden to combine it with a parquet board. The price of this coating is extremely affordable, so it is often used during the budget renovation of an apartment or for arranging an office space. The fact is that this “foil” is very sensitive to mechanical damage, therefore, voids often appear under the laminate if it is laid. Nevertheless, the material performs a shock-absorbing and insulating function, therefore it is in considerable demand.

Cork is one of the best choices
One of the common types of "underground" coatings is a cork underlay for laminate flooring. The price of this material is quite affordable for everyone, and its quality is quite high. Therefore, cork rolls diverge from the shelves of hardware stores quickly, and in apartments they serve for a very long time and with high quality. It is worth noting that this material is combined not only with a laminate, but also with a parquet board, but it cannot be mounted if the apartment is equipped with a heated floor. This is due to the fact that the cork coating has low vapor barrier properties, and the moisture that will evaporate from the pipes can damage the decorativefloor layer. Also, do not forget that this layer is mounted together with a cellophane film, which compensates for the low vapor barrier. In this case, both the decorative coating and the cork substrate under the laminate will serve you for a long time. The price for such a substrate will fluctuate between 150-300 rubles per square meter, which is quite affordable in our time.

Parkolag-rolls - a lot of warmth and comfort
Now let's talk about how dense and thick the substrate should be under the laminate. How to choose exactly the option that will ideally cushion the flooring and at the same time will not take up a lot of free space? The answer is simple - you need to give preference to such a coating as parkolage, or, as it is more commonly called, kraft paper. It is sold in rolls, the price of which varies depending on the thickness and quality. However, even the most budgetary options are dense and at the same time elastic fabric, insensitive to mechanical damage. This is a 3 mm thick laminate underlay, thanks to which the coating perfectly levels the floor and prevents further deformation of the laminate. It also has excellent vapor barrier properties, thanks to which the tree retains its qualities better. However, it is worth remembering that a thin layer of bitumen must be applied over this kraft paper, which will emit a characteristic smell for the first time after repair.

Tuplex is a repair brand that will fix all the mistakes
HereFor many years now, all builders have been saying that the best substrate for a laminate is a duplex, which is sold in rolls. This material does not have a specific name, so it is called in accordance with the manufacturer, but this does not make its quality worse. It is a multilayer film, the thickness of which does not exceed three millimeters. Cellophane layers are located along the outer edges of the coating, and foam granules are contained in the middle. Thanks to such a simple structure, this coating ideally retains and even increases heat in the room, and along with this, it also has soundproofing and absorbing properties. Cellophane, which is part of the duplex, does not allow moisture to pass through, so that the board remains completely intact. It is noteworthy that this material can also be placed on a wet screed, if it is necessary to complete the repair urgently. Over time, the moisture from the concrete will soak into the substrate, and this problem will be eliminated.

Natural materials are the most expensive
But from the more respectable and expensive coatings, a coniferous laminate underlay, made from natural raw materials, stands out. It is produced in the form of sheets of various sizes, the thickness of which is 3 or more millimeters. It has a characteristic dark green color and a slightly fleecy surface. This allows the material to retain the greatest amount of heat in the house, but does not trap air. That is, this lining "breathes", simultaneously performs heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties, and also absorbs all unnecessary moisture, the moreprolonging the life of the tree. However, coniferous laminate underlay is not sold in hardware stores. It can be made to order, and its cost will be much higher than that of its cellophane and cork counterparts. Also, this material is combined with a parquet board, and serves for decades.
Which is better: sheets or rolls?
Today, there are two main types of auxiliary coating that is mounted under any floor: sheet and roll underlay for laminate. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so we will briefly consider them now. In the first case, the plates, regardless of their thickness, should be as close as possible to the walls. The distance between them should be as minimal as possible, and all joints are treated with adhesive waterproof tape (in extreme cases, you can use adhesive tape, but the result will be of less quality). Rolled canvases begin to be laid from the extreme wall, gradually filling the middle of the room. You need to cut off the strips with a small margin, just in case, and if something remains sticking out from under the decorative coating, then it can be easily cut off. In this regard, the question of which substrate for the laminate is better is up to you, since these are already questions not of the quality of the material, but of the installation process.
Optimal lining thickness
So, we have already learned almost everything about the quality and types of lining for wooden flooring. Now let's move on to its aesthetic qualities, namely, to the parameters. Many people, having chosen the right material, begin to wonder how thick the substrate underlaminate should be in their apartment. Now we will consider this issue in detail. This size mainly depends on the differences in the floor itself, that is, on the size of its defects. If the depressions are between 2 and 5 millimeters in size, then a coating with an average thickness of 3 mm will do. If the irregularities are more significant, then materials with a thickness of up to 8 mm, or even more, can be used. This will level the floor and prevent further sagging of the laminate.
Some tips for laying underlay
As already described above, many linings do not have a cellophane backing, and this is important in conditions of high humidity. Therefore, before installing the material, make sure that this layer is laid, which will prevent the appearance of moisture in the room. The exception is substrates that are already stitched with this material.
Materials like foil and styrofoam are great at retaining heat and are inexpensive. Therefore, laminate linings made on their basis are often mounted in apartments where temperatures are always low. And, of course, it is important to pre-level the floor with a concrete screed, and not hope that the substrate will take over these functions. The smoother each new layer, the longer your decorative flooring will last.
Small conclusion
Now you know that one of the necessary stages of repair is laying such material as a substrate under a laminate. How to choose which type to give preference to and how to mount it - only a master can describe this process in full colorsthis case, however, as well as to fulfill all this. The article provided general rules and recommendations regarding these works, which you can use if you are doing repairs in the house yourself. However, you should not start such work without experience.