House 10 by 8. Planning and construction

House 10 by 8. Planning and construction
House 10 by 8. Planning and construction

The housing issue in our lives is as relevant as ever. Children need to be educated, find them housing, help with work. Young people themselves tend to the city, where there are large universities and institutes, there are cinemas and theaters, entertainment is more diverse and life is more active. While there is no personal car, families try to settle closer to the center, to metro stations, so that everything is within walking distance. The older generation begins to think about peace, the he alth of their children and their own, dreams of their own home.

It is unlikely that someone in their dreams flashes a house in the countryside, in the wilderness, where there is one store for a hundred yards and you have to run your own large household or find a common language with neighbors and arrange a natural exchange with them.

Escape the city

Today, people are dreaming more and more about compact housing, such as a 10 by 8 house, the layout of which will meet all the desires and requirements for comfort. Such a house can be placed in the city in the private sector. The main thing is to decide on yourdesires. What is your home for? Maybe you want to grow flowers there in the summer or go on a weekend trip or move there?

house 10 by 8 layout
house 10 by 8 layout

Definiteness of your desires will save a lot of time, nerves and money. Many dream of huge country houses, not imagining what they will do there, get involved in construction without sufficient financial resources. Why do we recommend an 8 x 10 house? The layout of such housing can be the most diverse, satisfy almost all desires, there are enough square meters to accommodate a set of living quarters and utility rooms, up to the garage. It will not be a cramped hut, but not a huge castle, but a comfortable compact housing.

Regulatory framework

There are regulations that builders use when designing and erecting buildings. One of these is SP 55.13330.2011 “Single-family residential houses”, which specifies the basic requirements for residential buildings, taking into account the comfort, safety, he alth of residents and saving resources. It must be used so that the layout of the house 8 by 10, and any other, is done correctly.

The minimum set of premises according to the regulatory and technical act consists of living rooms, a kitchen or a kitchen-dining room, a bathroom or a shower room, a bathroom, utility rooms in the form of a pantry or built-in wardrobes, if there is no centralized heating supply in the house, then it is necessary to provide also a room for heating equipment. In our case, additional premises are possible, given the total area of slightly less than 80 square meters. m., such dimensionshas a house 10 by 8. The layout of the premises by area, in accordance with the norm, requires about 25 square meters. m. The total area of living rooms should be at least 12 square meters. m., bedrooms - 8 sq.m., kitchens - 6 sq.m., width of the kitchen area is at least 1.7 m, hallway - 1.4 m, corridors - 0.85 m, bathroom - 1.5 m, bathroom - 0.8 m. The bedroom is considered a living room, so we take the living area as 12 sq.m., plus a kitchen of 6 sq.m., an entrance hall with dimensions of 1.4 by 1 m, a corridor with a length of at least 2 m and a width of 0.85 m, we will take a bathroom at least 1.5 m by 2 m and a bathroom 0.8 m by 1 m. The total area will be about 25 m.

Layout options

When arranging the premises, it is worth considering the requirements of regulatory and technical documents and your own desires. For example, the kitchen and the bathroom should be placed side by side so that the water and sewer wiring is not so far away, but so that there is no direct passage and general ventilation between them. Otherwise, the usual layout of a one-story house 10/8 is a vestibule, from which there is an exit to the corridor. From the corridor, on one hand, there is a living room and a kitchen combined with it or behind a partition, a bathroom directly, and on the other hand, bedrooms, a children's room and an office.

house layout 8 by 10
house layout 8 by 10

If the soul requires space, then you can always choose the option with two floors. In this case, the kitchen, living room, utility rooms, guest rooms are located on the first floor, and on the second there are bedrooms, an office, a children's room.

In case of a strong desire for a larger area and the need to save, it is possible to plan a house 8 by 10 withattic. The photo below shows such an option. Such a layout is more typical of European houses, they prefer that there is a bathroom for each inhabitant in the house, there are as many as four toilets. In Russia, we have a family of six people and a grandmother who came for the holidays completely manage with one.

single storey house plan
single storey house plan

Wall materials

The choice of material for building a house is very important. Although the usual clay brick, cinder block or new foam concrete, you can build a 10 by 8 house out of everything. The layout does not depend on the material, only if you decide to put columns as load-bearing structures. Construction of large-block stones is very popular now (an example is the INSI block). It is a pleasure to build from them, it is easy to make the wall even, there are not as many details as in a brick house. There are nuances with the operation, you need good waterproofing and something like that.

Frame-panel houses also occupied their niche in the market. These are houses made of eco-friendly materials, light and wooden constructions. The downside is that you need to follow the treatment of wood from rot, otherwise no waterproofing will save.

Unreal cost, or How to choose a contractor?

Ordering the project "planning a house 8 by 10" is a trifle, it remains to build this house. Many companies offer their services at an attractive price. Be vigilant, the cost of a normal private house starts from 2 million rubles. It is better to find a house for sale in general, because when a person builds for himself and for himself, he invests much more resources in the house.amount than the value of real estate on the market.

house 8 x 10 layout
house 8 x 10 layout

Did you decide to hire a company? Then find out what properties they have already built, chat with their clients, take an experienced builder with you and ride around their properties.

house layout 8 by 10 with an attic photo
house layout 8 by 10 with an attic photo

Building with your own hands

Bought a plot and decided to build it yourself? We hope you have experience in construction, it is not enough to read the norms, you need to understand the logic of the work of building materials. After all, under the beautiful fantasies of what a 10 by 8 house will be like, the layout of its premises, there are load-bearing structures made of brick, concrete, metal and wood. Hire, at least as a consultant, a builder, save yourself time and money.
