The shower cabin has become and is very popular as an excellent alternative to the traditional bathroom. A bulky cast-iron bowl that occupies almost the entire bathroom can be replaced with a stylish and uncomplicated design, which consists of a tray and glass (or plastic) walls.
How to assemble such an object, where should I start? The answer to these, as well as to a number of other questions, is contained in this article. Also, the reader will be able to get acquainted with the reviews of people about this or that type of cabin, about its advantages and disadvantages.

Types of shower enclosures
Before describing the assembly process itself, it is necessary to give an idea of the types of shower enclosures existing on the market. After all, it is possible that the installation process will have its own characteristics depending on the type of structure. The most common type of cabins is the so-called showercorner. The market also offers to purchase complex complexes. It is already difficult to call this solution a shower stall. Rather, it will already be a mobile zone for SPA procedures.
An alternative to these two solutions can be a combination shower.

Shower corner
Ordinary shower enclosures lead the sales volume. As the name suggests, the base (or tray) of these cubicles is physically placed in the corners of the bathrooms. Thanks to this, the design is simplified and cheaper: instead of mounting four walls, you need to assemble only two, or even one in some cases. This cabin is a pallet and roller blinds. The base (tray), as a rule, has dimensions of 90 by 90. Assembling a shower cabin, as well as connecting it to the water supply, is not difficult. This does not require any special skills.
This type of cabin looks the most advantageous compared to other designs due to its relatively low cost and compactness.
Complex ECU solutions
More technically "advanced" models of booths also have a roof, which necessitates the presence of walls around the entire perimeter of the base. The question of how to properly assemble a shower cabin is not worth it in this case. The fact is that when purchasing such a cabin, the delivery service of the outlet will bring such a cabin to the house almost entirely, assembled. It remains only to put it in place and install the doors. By connecting the booth to the water supply and sewerage, you can start using it. The cost of such pleasure varies over a wide range and depends on the technical equipment of the cabin: sharko shower, Turkish bath, all kinds of spa treatments, and so on.
Controlled by electronics. Judging by the feedback from residents of high-rise buildings in old sleeping areas, this technique is rather capricious and sensitive to the value of water pressure in the water supply and its purity, which makes this expensive toy practically useless in the harsh test of our tap water.
Combined type shower stall
Such cabins are a good compromise for people who like to lie in the bath, and at the same time practical and therefore appreciate an ordinary shower cabin. Depending on individual preferences and tastes, you can choose a booth of this type with a base of various shapes, whether it is an oval, a circle or a rectangle 120 by 80. The staff of the company that sells this equipment will be able to assemble the shower cabin, as well as connect it.
The booths also have rich technical equipment and are stuffed with all kinds of electronics. Accordingly, the prices for such solutions are also high and not every household is able to purchase such a booth.
The most famous brand producing such cabins is Niagara. How to assemble a shower cabin and put it into operation, qualified sales staff or builders will help. It is better not to touch it on your own due to its extreme complexity.
Shower tray: description and general characteristics
The corner booth is the most acceptable and practical option: it takes up little space, is inexpensive, stylish and practical.
The tray is the main element of such a shower cabin. How to assemble the base? The question may not have been asked in the right way. The fact is that the pallet is made in one piece (it can be metal, cast iron, plastic, acrylic, pressed stone chips or faience) and does not need to be assembled. But with the installation and connection to the water supply system, certain difficulties may arise if there is no experience in such work.
Shower trays can be divided into low (with a small height of the sides) and high (somewhat reminiscent of a bath bowl). Judging by the numerous reviews, low walls are much more comfortable to use: it is easier to step over the threshold and get into the shower area. This is especially critical for the elderly and people with disabilities. Such a design needs a good and efficient organization of water drainage, which in many old houses there are certain problems due to the old sewer system.

Shower tray: how to assemble and install
The pallet stands on legs that need to be screwed on. To do this, turn it over and screw special studs into the threaded holes. If the tray is made of fiberglass cloth, it is better not to let the skin come into contact with the bottom of the tray: this can cause irritation. Washers are put on the studs, and then the legs are screwed on. After everythinglegs are mounted on threaded studs, the pallet is turned back.
Further, using the building level, the pallet bowl is leveled horizontally by screwing or unscrewing the legs.

How to assemble a shower cabin: detailed instructions
To avoid annoying situations and unnecessary financial expenses, when delivering a booth to your home, you must immediately unpack it and carefully check all structural elements for damage. At the same time, you should carefully study the complete set of the shower cabin in accordance with the documentation and compare it with what was brought. If something is missing, then using the shower cabin, as well as assembling it, will be very problematic.
To make sure that the glasses are safe and sound, you just need to lightly shake the carton with glass in different directions. A characteristic ringing indicates that all the glasses are intact.
Screws not included. Therefore, they will need to be purchased. But all other fasteners and fittings must be brought by all means.

Installation of walls
After assembling and installing the base, it is necessary to assemble the walls of the shower cabin. As with the assembly of the pallet, you should not deviate one step from the manufacturer's instructions.
As a rule, cockpit windows do not have any markings, and therefore it is very difficult to accurately determine where the top and bottom of the glass is. If in doubt, experienced craftsmen advise comparing the quantitymounting holes at the ends. The upper part of the glass experiences the greatest load, because it must withstand the weight of the entire sheet. Therefore, the number of holes for fasteners on top is always greater. This fact will always help to accurately install the walls.
For the same reasons, door rails can be sorted: the most massive of them are designed to be installed from above, and the most compact - from below.
First, the glass is inserted into the grooves, after which it rises a little, and sealant is applied into the gap. Compliance with this step is mandatory, otherwise the build quality of the entire structure may suffer. And only after applying the sealant can the walls be firmly fixed. To do this, the appropriate fixing screws are tightened.
All kinds of videos will be invaluable help for beginners. Everyone can assemble a shower cabin with their own hands if they watch the relevant videos.
To complete the assembly, you need to do the following: fix the racks to the arch with self-tapping screws; attach the strips of rubber sealant to the wall in the places provided; the junction of the guides and the pallet itself is treated with sealant to prevent water from leaking out.

Completing the assembly process
At the final stage, all decorative elements are attached: door handles, mirrors, shelves for soap accessories. The shower rain itself is also installed.
After that, it remains only to connect the booth to the hot and cold water pipes and to the drainage system.
Afterchecking the operation of the hydrobox for water leakage and the presence of an extraneous noise effect during operation, you can safely start using the shower. It is possible that during operation the horizontality of the pallet will be violated. In this case, you must re-set it exactly using the building level.

To independently assemble a shower cabin, you must carefully study the instructions from the manufacturer. In the course of work, you must be extremely careful and attentive so as not to damage the structure and cause damage. Therefore, it is still recommended to contact a professional. He will quickly and efficiently be able to assemble a shower cabin. How much does a job like this cost? This question is difficult to answer. There is no universal price, as it is made up of many factors: the region in which this service is provided, the nature and complexity of the work, the availability (absence) of consumables, and others.