There are quite a few dissatisfied people in this world. Some people don't like politicians, others don't like neighbors, others don't like products sold by stores. And they decide to do it themselves: create shirts, medallions, food. This often solves many different problems.
General information
Among summer residents, as well as those who specialize in growing greens on an industrial scale, hydroponics technology is becoming very popular. Many consider it something innovative, but if you remember the Gardens of Babylon from ancient times, it becomes clear that this new is a well-forgotten old. So, what are hydroponic plants for growing greens? They are used to obtain vegetables by the soilless method. That is, all the necessary minerals that are in the ground and nourish the culture are supplied to the roots in the form of special solutions.
On the difference from the traditional cultivation method

HydroponicThe installation allows you to grow all types of crops, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, herbs, but except for root crops. It is also used for indoor flowers. The principles of growing crops, as well as caring for plants, differ slightly. When using hydroponics, the growth rate is directly dependent on how quickly nutrients enter and are processed by the roots. If they are fed directly to them, the result will appear immediately, and the yield will provide excellent performance. At the same time, the possibility of infection of the plant is minimal, unlike traditional methods. Also, hydroponic plants for growing greens can work all year round under certain conditions, which is another of their strengths.
What is being used as nutrients?

Before deciding how to make a hydroponic setup, there are a number of things to take care of. One of the most important is what will act as a nutrient. Which hydroponics solution to choose? The most common are:
- Expanded clay. In fact, it is clay baked at a high temperature. Experts consider this material to be the best option. It is inexpensive, lightweight, retains moisture well.
- Sawdust. This option should be used with caution, as the plant may be incompatible with a certain type of wood, which will destroy it. So, for example, pine emits harmful substances for crops. Also, rotting does not have the best effect on plants. A significant advantage of using this material is that it can often be obtained for free.
- Hydrogel. It is a convenient material sold in the form of powder and granules. After it swells, it can retain moisture for a long time. At the same time, it is non-toxic, does not harm plants and freely passes air between the granules.
- Gravel. Gained popularity due to practicality and low cost. It is highly breathable, but heavy and does not hold water well.
- Coconut fiber. It has a number of advantages, due to which it is recommended for growing crops. It is durable, boasts excellent chemical and physical properties. Eco-friendly. But this nutrient has a rather high price tag, which is why it is not widely used.
- Mineral wool. In hydroponics, this option is not considered good, since air access to the roots of plants is poorly provided.
What kind of solution for hydroponics to use, everyone decides for himself, depending on the available opportunities and financial resources. In addition, a number of factors also have an impact.
Theoretical preparation before creating a solution

Hydroponic installation at home can be done quite easily and naturally. The only question is the quality of her subsequent work. To avoid negative consequences, a large number of factors should be taken into account. So, you should take into account the quality of water (it necessarily containsin itself a certain amount of various chemical elements), the needs of a particular plant species, the desired concentration (saturation with nutrients). It is difficult to make such a solution at home, because in addition to knowledge and experience, you need to acquire special devices. For example, to track the level of acidity. Therefore, it is more appropriate to purchase solutions in specialized stores.
What should I do?
When growing, it is extremely important to monitor the concentration of nutrients. So, if something is missing, then you need to add it. Or even completely replace the solution. Experienced gardeners and gardeners, if they do not want to go to the store, recommend using the so-called water extract. To prepare it, it is necessary to pour four kilograms of compost with hot water, the temperature of which must be at least seventy degrees Celsius. Then all this must be left for several days. Then you need to strain the solution and pour the compost again. Again leave to insist. Then, at the rate of 50 grams per 10 liters, any complex liquid fertilizer is added. After that, water is added to the nutrient infusion at a rate of 1 to 5 parts. Now that the solution is done, let's talk about how a hydroponic setup is made. And it's not difficult at all to make it.
DIY: Is it difficult?

Depending on what you plan to grow, you need to think about the installation. Let's look at a small example on an undemanding plant −green bow. Initially, you should take a regular container into which water is poured. Then you need to place a small installation that pumps air. The bubbles created by it will provide the roots with a kind of “water bath”, due to which the onion becomes better and grows faster. Then cups are taken, the diameter and height of which are about five centimeters. In this case, care must be taken that they have a fairly large hole inside. After that, they are filled with nutrients. They plant seeds. You can do this quite closely, because for a long time the greens will not grow here. After that, pour the contents with warm water and cover with polyethylene. Then you need to put the cups in a warm place. When the plants have sprouted, it is recommended to remove the film and create the desired lighting mode. Plants need to be watered regularly with a nutrient solution. The key is to keep the substrate moist. A week (maximum two) after the start of the growing process, the cups can be placed in the hydroponic setup. Easy, right?
DIY hydroponic setup
Installation can be extremely complex and multifunctional. But it's better to start with something simple. One might even say primitive. So, we need:
- A plastic bucket with a lid (a regular trash can will do).
- Aquarium pump.
- Plastic pipe.
- Electromechanical timer.
- Five liter plastic pot.
- Nutrients.
- A piece of flexible tubing.
- Two hoursfree time.
Collecting process
He looks like this:
- Poke a hole in the lid of the bucket large enough to fit the pot tightly.
- Then you need to work on the location of the greenery. Namely, over the pot. It should make two holes. The first will be in the day. In size, it should allow you to insert a plastic tube. The second is placed on the side for the overflow tube, at a distance of four centimeters from the top edge. It is necessary in order to avoid overflowing the solution.
- The pump is put on a plastic tube and lowered into a bucket.
- The substrate is placed in the pot, then it is inserted into the lid.
- The solution is poured into the bucket.
That's it, your home hydroponic setup is ready. It doesn't take long to make.
How does the created structure work?

Hydroponic installation is regulated by a timer. After certain intervals, the pump turns on and supplies water from the bucket to the pot. In this case, the substrate is saturated with nutrients, the effect of which is enhanced by oxygen. What values to select for timers? It is considered optimal when the pump works for 15 minutes, then it is turned off for half an hour. To improve this simple design, you should take care of the lighting. To do this, you can also use a timer and LED lamps in order to save on electricity. The importance of this moment should not be underestimated, especially during the cold season. After all, then daylight hours do not last long, and for the normal growth of plants, this issue should be taken care of.
How about a more complex design?

And now let's not just get by with a bucket, but think about whether a multi-tiered hydroponic installation is possible? Yes, but it's on a completely different level. On the one hand, it allows you to achieve significantly better results, taking up a relatively small amount of space. For her, you can replace the bucket with a full-fledged tank, in which there will already be not one, but several pots. So that the water does not begin to bloom, you should take an opaque blank. If such tanks are not available, then their walls can be painted over. What volume to choose? In order for one plant to function properly, it needs to circulate about three liters of solution. But at the same time, it is recommended to act within reasonable limits. That is, you do not need to take very large tanks. It is desirable that they be no more than 50 liters. In one, you can grow a dozen and a half plants. And given that the design is multi-tiered, you can build a real garden somewhere in the corner.
The nuances of building a complex structure

Initially, it is necessary to calculate what and at what height will be placed in order to ensure the efficient operation of all systems and convenience for the person harvesting. So, for example, if you build four tiers near the wall and use the same pump model for each of them, then it may turn out that thosethat supply the solution upstairs, there is not enough power to fully complete their task. This can be solved by strengthening the operating mode (for example, more time) or constructive changes that allow you to realize all your ideas. In this case, it is necessary to provide supports that can withstand the entire multi-tiered structure.
That, in general, and all. The schemes of hydroponic installations placed in the article will allow you to evaluate the developed and used solutions, choose exactly what suits the existing conditions, or even provide a basis for your own developments. After all, the only true universal design has not yet been invented. And this means that there is a huge field for experimentation and finding the best solution. Hydroponics has returned to us from the depths of millennia, it is actively developing and improving. And it is likely that this approach will soon take on an important place both in large-scale farming and in small cottages of summer residents, allowing you to harvest every day. After all, making a hydroponic setup with your own hands is very simple.