Roofing iron: material advantages

Roofing iron: material advantages
Roofing iron: material advantages

Roofing iron is sheets that are made of galvanized material with a polymer coating and painted in various colors. To imitate tiles during production, a pattern is applied using special equipment, which allows the roof of the building to give an attractive appearance.

roofing iron
roofing iron

It should be noted that among other building materials used to create a roof, roofing iron is the most common and especially popular.

This material can be classified as universal. It can be mounted on almost any type of surface and buildings of any design.

In many cases, roofing iron is used in the construction of public multi-storey buildings, cottages, industrial and commercial facilities. Also, building materials are indispensable when carrying out roof repairs, for this there is no need to dismantle the old roof.

Roofing iron made of galvanized sheet has a number of advantages over other building materials that are designed for similar use.

Firstly, galvanization is quite convenient to use and has an acceptable cost. Roofing can be done on roofs of any geometry.

roofing iron price
roofing iron price

In some cases, for greater convenience, roofing iron is made in the form of a galvanized roll. It should be noted that the material is much lighter than slate and other roofing, which makes it easier to install, reducing the overall cost of the building. At the same time, transportation will also be cheaper.

However, the main advantage of roofing iron is a fairly long service life. Thanks to galvanization, the product is able to withstand atmospheric influences and loads. And the additional polymer layer is a good protection against corrosion processes.

roofing iron
roofing iron

The galvanized polymer coating comes in a variety of colors to give your home a personal touch. The building will be distinguished by its architectural expressiveness. In addition, roofing iron, the price of which makes it affordable for consumers, is an environmentally friendly material.

There are several ways to check the quality of roofing material. Good quality roofing iron must pass the following tests.

The edge of the sheet along and across the rolling is closely bent, and then again unfolded into a plane. The actions are repeated again. When refolded, the edge should not contain any tears, and when re-folded, no cracks should appear on the sides of the sheet. Unfold and bendperformed on a roofing bar with a mallet (wooden hammer).

Also, from a sheet of roofing iron, two strips measuring 3 by 10 centimeters are cut lengthwise and across, clamped in a vise and bent at a right angle with a hammer in one direction, and then in the other. This procedure is carried out until cracks appear on the strip. Quality roofing iron can withstand four full folds without cracking.
