Multifunctional induction electrical appliances have been used in metallurgy and welding industry for a long time. Their production belongs to high technologies. The improved scheme of the induction cooker is actively used in the household industry (the creation of electric stoves). Even if the equipment fails, it is not a serious problem. But specialized service centers require a significant fee for their services. To save an impressive amount, you can repair the induction cooker yourself.

Component parts
The traditional induction hob layout consists of several key parts, each of which is designed to perform certain functions. Coordinated operation of the unit is achieved due to the presence of the following elements:
- The primary winding (coil) is presented in the form of a massive copper conductor, which is tightly laid in the form of a spiral.
- Degree of heatingdevice continuously monitors the sensor. In critical cases, the mechanism cuts off the power, thereby avoiding damage to the unit and fire.
- The universal alternator board operates exclusively at high frequency. The part is equipped with an output stage heat sink. The presence of a fan provides forced cooling of the entire mechanism.
- Ferrites are hidden in the body of the product, which form a ferromagnetic complex in combination with the coil.
- The generator is protected by a powerful case that does not interfere with the effective airflow of the entire system.

Working principle
The scheme of the induction cooker is not so complicated, if you figure out how it functions before using the product. The operation of the unit is based on electromagnetic pulses - the mechanism of current flow when the total magnetic flux changes. By its principle of operation, the product is very similar to a classic transformer. A powerful induction-type coil is hidden under the glass-ceramic surface. Under normal conditions, the mechanism interacts with a current with a frequency of 20 to 200 kHz. The coil is used as the primary winding, and the dishes that the user places on top of the burner are the secondary.
The scheme of the induction cooker is based on the fact that after placing the pan on the work surface, currents come into action, which perform heating. The glass-ceramic surface of the product heats up well, but only from dishes, and not from built-in mechanisms.
Absolutely all control schemes for induction cooker boards are designed for certain cookware with a magnetic bottom. The hob automatically recognizes a suitable design and is instantly activated when the burner is turned. Manufacturers allow the use of the following cookware:
- From stainless steel.
- Cast iron.
- Enameled, but only with a flat bottom.
If the dishes themselves are made of steel, but covered with a thick layer of enamel on top, then such a product can be used.

Selecting a quality model
The scheme of the desktop induction cooker is built in such a way that everything depends on the voltage level in the house. If the indicators are below the required values, then the main fuse near the switchboard will regularly knock out, and the power cord will also burn out.
If the consumer understands that voltage problems are still present, then it is better to study the scheme of the Endever induction hob of lower power, which is equipped with a self-adjustment function for the required indicators. This is the easiest and most affordable option. But the heating rate of the installed capacity will be reduced. After purchasing the product, you need to lay your own cable with the appropriate cross section. For safety, a separate circuit breaker with suitable current rating can be installed.
Types of faults
Recently, the Galaxy GL 3054 induction cooker has been the most popular.products are distinguished by their simplicity and affordability, due to which users do not need to spend a large amount to restore the unit to working capacity. The most common faults include:
- There is no response to the touch panel. If there are fatty contaminants on the surface, then the system may simply not recognize human touches. To solve this problem, it is enough to perform a gentle cleaning of the surface.
- Several burners not working. You need to check the connection of the stove to the power source. Overheating may damage the inductor connector.
- The cooling fan does not turn off. The reason may be a malfunction of the temperature sensor.
- The stove does not react to the dishes. Only those pots and pans that were originally designed for such cooking surfaces can be used for cooking. Otherwise, you need to check the power supply and temperature sensor.
- Residual heat is not displayed. Most often, the situation occurs against the background of a breakdown of the temperature sensor. During the replacement of the device, it is necessary to check the reliability of the connecting wiring to avoid possible fire.

Restoring he alth
In private residences and apartments, single-burner induction cookers are increasingly being used. Electrical circuits allow home craftsmen to independently carry out the necessary repairs. The first step is always to disconnect the product from the mains. Onlyafter that, the decorative surface is dismantled in order to gain full access to the details. Any traces of soot, a change in the traditional colors of elements, signs of melting should cause concern.
Experts recommend preparing an electric induction cooker circuit in advance, as in this case all repairs will be much faster. You can download the necessary document on the official website of the product manufacturer. Using a multimeter, you need to check the fuse box, cable and the contacts themselves. Be sure to inspect the spirals of induction coils. There should be no cracks on the products, as well as touches between the turns. It is necessary to test the serviceability of the connecting wiring. Circuits are checked with a multimeter. It is necessary to carefully remove the problem burner along with the generator board. The master will have to carefully examine the element base. Burnt radio components can be seen with the naked eye. When a problem is found, the failed parts must be replaced. In this case, the scheme of the induction cooker will help. Doing all the necessary manipulations with your own hands is not so difficult if you prepare the necessary tools in advance.

Advantages and disadvantages
Modern scheme of induction hob allows you to achieve maximum efficiency, significant energy savings, as well as minimal risk of thermal burns. The product is a great helper in any kitchen. The unit compares favorably with all gas and electric counterparts. The main advantages of the induction cookernoticeable even to a beginner.
Deserves special attention to the modern appearance of the product. The stove will organically fit into any kitchen design, and even a child can take care of it. To remove accumulated grease and other stains, you need to use a regular sponge with detergent. It is forbidden to use metal brushes and other products that can damage the surface.
After removing the pan or pot from the stove, the product automatically turns off, due to which electricity is not wasted. Food is no different from that which was cooked on ordinary gas. Additional amenities include the ability to adjust the temperature and the presence of several programs for high-quality cooking.
The disadvantages include the fact that users need to use certain cookware, which is made on the basis of ferromagnetic materials. Such plates are not sold immediately, when compared with the main competitors. The average consumer cannot always afford to purchase such a product.

Safety for humans
Recently there have been many different discussions about the level of harm of induction cookers. The principle of operation of such products is based on electromagnetic fields, the negativity of which is well known to everyone. Experts have proven that at a distance of 2 cm from the stove, the radiation is always above the permissible norm. If the pan is offset from the center of the burner, then the indicated rate will be overestimated in the region of 15 centimeters fromhob.

High-quality connection of induction hobs in residential buildings takes a lot of free time. Before proceeding with the self-assembly of the product, it is necessary to take into account the cross section, the power of the phases and the number of wires of the power cable between the hob and the home switchgear. After installation, be sure to follow the basic rules of operation, as well as regularly clean the surface from contamination. Due to this, the stove will last more than one year.