It often happens that bugs penetrate into open packages of cereals or flour. This is very unpleasant. Of course, cereals can be sorted out, but is it pleasant to eat porridge from it? So you have to throw away the spoiled product. What to do if a beetle has wound up in the kitchen, spoiling flour, cereals, vegetables.

You won’t poison these bugs, the kitchen is still, but you can fight in other ways. To begin with, check all cereals and bread in the house. Empty all cabinets and give them a good wash, preferably with a cleaning agent.
Beetle that spoils flour, cereals, vegetables, may be a small flour beetle. They can appear in products during long-term storage in an open form. The beetles themselves are 3-4 mm in size. They have an elongated red-brown body. They love rye, rice and wheat flour. They eat bran, hercules, semolina. Sometimes they settle in buckwheat, rice, dried fruits. As you can see, they are practically omnivores. Due to their small size, the bugs easily get into poorly closed boxes, jars and bags. They lay their larvae in flour dust, cracks, onbags of flour, grain or bran.
To prevent such an incident, you can put unpeeled garlic cloves in bags with grits. A beetle that spoils flour, cereals, like vampires, is also afraid of the smell of garlic.

Store cereals and flour in plastic or glass containers with tight lids. In addition, the food storage area must be well ventilated.
Where the beetle did not have time to settle, spoiling flour, cereals, vegetables, i.e. not contaminated products, you need to pour into tight bags and put in the refrigerator or on the balcony for ten days.
Another way. Cut a fresh lemon into slices and put wherever you see fit. The bugs will quickly disappear.
If there are canvas bags in the house, then you need to store bulk products in them. However, to begin with, the bags should be properly processed. Make a strong saline solution and boil the bags in it. Then leave them to soak in this solution until the water has completely cooled. After that, wring out and dry, but you do not need to rinse. Iron the bags well with a hot iron. Now you can safely fill them with products - not a single beetle will start here after processing!

A beetle spoiling flour comes into our house from the store. If the cereal, infected with larvae, lies in a warm warehouse for several months, and then gets into your house through the store, then uninvited guests will definitely appear from the larvae. Most often it is a barn weevil.
Histhe larvae resemble grains of semolina stuck together with each other. They are almost transparent and invisible in cereals. This beetle, spoiling flour, cereals, vegetables, is harmless at first glance. But the insect has very sharp and strong teeth with which it gnaws through any packages. That is why it is safer to store bulk product in glassware.
Of course, it is very unpleasant when you have to give your food to such unwanted guests, but do not panic. Just try to apply the above simple tips, and you will forget about this problem forever. Happy hunting!