The main building materials from which structures are constructed and coatings are arranged cannot always perform insulating tasks. The same brick walls or foundation base made of concrete screed require mandatory cover with protective raw materials. Such barriers are needed to protect against cold, moisture and noise. One of the most affordable insulators is foamed polyethylene foil. Its main task is insulation. Use this coating as a universal insulating barrier in private homes and businesses.

General information about insulation
Although recently the construction market is more focused on environmentally friendly natural raw materials, there are exceptions. These include polyethylene foam. The material cannot be called toxic and dangerous. However, in residential areas, syntheticinsulators are still not recommended. But in terms of technical and operational qualities, such coatings show their best side.
Practicality and versatility - these are the main advantages that made foil polyethylene foam popular. The price of an insulator, which is about 1-1.5 thousand rubles. for a 15-meter roll, also contributes to its distribution. By the way, natural heaters are much more expensive and can not always provide the same efficiency in terms of insulation. In addition to rolls, the material is also available on the market in the form of panels and bundles, which expands the possibilities for installation.
XLPE technology
This material can be obtained by two methods - radiation and chemical. Let's talk about them in more detail. Chemically crosslinked foam material is produced under high pressure. During the manufacturing process, special antioxidants and reaction agents are added to the composition. Next, the basis for polyethylene in the thermoplastic state is straightened and shaped in accordance with the requirements for the finished product.
In turn, the peroxide reactors act to create crosslinks and disintegrate under the influence of high temperatures. In addition, the cross-linked foam polyethylene foil undergoes the reaction of substitution of hydrogen atoms by unsaturated carbon elements. This process makes it possible to form a spatial structure of bound radical elements, which in practice leads to high tensile strength of the material. In the application of radiation technology, the combination of moleculesoccurs under the influence of not a chemical reaction, but under conditions of a directed beam of energy.

Non-crosslinked polyethylene production method
Non-crosslinked polyethylene-based insulation is formed by foaming the base with freons or propane-butane mass. In the technical support of the process, the use of a special extruder is mandatory. Under the action of pressure, the installation supplies a polyethylene melt and mixes it with a foam reagent, which is used as a propane-butane mixture. At the moment of exit from the extruder, the external pressure decreases, as a result of which the gas expands. As a result, a foamed polyethylene foil of a non-crosslinked type is formed. Further, the material finally hardens and takes the form of a commodity delivery.
Main characteristics of the material
In the selection of material for the insulation of the structural parts of the house, one should be guided by the requirements for them in terms of performance properties. Further, based on the conclusions made, it is possible to proceed to the analysis of the target material in terms of characteristics. The main parameters are width and thickness. As for rolled insulators of this type, they have a thickness of 5-10 mm, and the width can reach 1200 mm.
You should also pay attention to the density of the structure that forms the foamed polyethylene foil. The load characteristics for this indicator average 20-30 kg/m3. From the point of view of the warming function, the thermal conductivity indicator is also paramount. Hethe average is 0.04 W/(mS). It cannot be said that this is an outstanding value of the heat-saving function, but by average standards, compared to other insulators, the indicator is not bad. In any case, the complex decoration of the house with polyethylene foam is more likely to cope with the tasks assigned to it.

Insulation has high resilience and elasticity, which makes it possible to use it in the most difficult areas. So, individual fragments can be laid in the docking places between the elements of the coating. In addition to the thermal insulation function, the material also protects the object from noise and steam penetration. It can be said that this is a complex insulator without a specific specialization.
However, unlike many artificial heaters, foam polyethylene foil does not burn, which increases its ability to resist fires. Under the influence of high temperatures, the insulator does not deform and retains its original structure. Separately, it is worth noting the mechanical stability. In this case, we are talking about a foil modification, which has a metallized protective coating. The layer just protects the functional base of the insulation from physical damage.

Varieties of insulator
Technical qualities of the material and functional features vary depending on the brand. For example, insulation with the designation "A" is provided with a layerfoil on one side only. Therefore, it is advisable to use it in combination with other insulators. Conversely, the modification of the "B" series is a material with a double-sided foil coating. This is the best variant. Accordingly, this type of foil-foamed polyethylene insulation is performed as an independent one without the addition of other insulators.
Modification “C” is also quite popular, which is also distinguished by the presence of two functional sides, but with different properties. One is provided with a metallized protective layer, and the other is provided with a self-adhesive adhesive treatment. There are other versions of insulation that differ in the characteristics of the coatings.

Fields of material application
The insulator is mainly used in the insulation of houses, bath rooms and pipelines. In particular, builders finish walls, partitions, interfloor ceilings and openings with foamed polyethylene, thus reducing the number of cold bridges. The insulator also protects attics, roofing and flooring from unwanted heat leaks.
For bath rooms, it is preferable to use thick foamed polyethylene foil - 10 mm, for example, will be enough to seal window openings and the roof of an object. The same parameters should be selected when working with pipelines. Especially in outdoor conditions, the winding of communication elements should be carried out with a material with increased protective properties and a dense structure.
Laying material
Installation of the coating is carried out using adhesives. Apply the product to the pre-treated surface, and then evenly fix the insulator. There are two aspects that can change the process. First of all, many manufacturers today produce foamed polyethylene foil self-adhesive, which can be laid without the use of separate binders. In this case, one side will be foil, and the other side will be adhesive. The second factor can complicate the workflow. If the installation configuration of the finishing material allows, then it is recommended to leave a technological air gap between it and the insulation. The best option is to make a crate with slats 10-15 mm thick.

Positive feedback about the insulator
Directly operational properties appear at a decent level, which is noted by many users of insulation. The coating is easy to install, practically does not cause difficulties in handling. It is beneficial in terms of financial costs. Actually, these are the main points of the positive experience of using the material. But there are also less noticeable aspects that should also be considered if such thermal insulation is chosen. Foamed polyethylene foil practically does not affect the structure of the formation of the facing coating. If you omit the requirement to leave an air gap, then it can also act as a substrate for future finishing, which will also be a plus.
Negative reviews
Positivequality in the form of a soft and elastic structure can also have a negative impact on operation. In particular, some homeowners note that the lack of rigidity makes it difficult to use in combination with wallpaper or plaster. There are also complaints about the quality of the self-adhesive base. But it depends on the conscientiousness of the manufacturer who developed the specific insulation.
Foamed polyethylene foil with an unsatisfactory adhesion function can be fixed with construction adhesives in extreme cases. Experts also do not recommend considering this material as a full-fledged insulation. The polyethylene foam base is good as a universal insulator, protecting houses from noise and moisture as well. But especially to save heat, such coatings can only be used as an addition.

This version of insulation is beneficial to purchase precisely as a means of comprehensive protection. With a successful combination of an insulator with a finish and its competent fixation, one can count on a completely acceptable barrier function from external negative factors. In addition, foil-coated polyethylene foam can be considered one of the most profitable solutions in its class for the price. True, the lack of confidence in the environmental safety of polyethylene still repels a large part of homeowners from such a decision. Other users seek to minimize the chemical exposure factor by using the insulator only in the exterior androof structure.