The most beautiful indoor plants in the world: description, names and photos

The most beautiful indoor plants in the world: description, names and photos
The most beautiful indoor plants in the world: description, names and photos

Everyone wants to make their home cozy and comfortable. To create a calm atmosphere, indoor plants are ideal, which not only decorate the space, but also purify the air. It is known that already in the Stone Age, people brought decorative flowers, shrubs and trees to their homes. Despite the fact that we have long entered the age of information technology, floriculture has not lost its popularity. Our article presents the top of the most beautiful indoor plants, widely used and used in interior design.

How to choose?

Choosing a houseplant is a crucial step, because the culture needs to be looked after. Therefore, when deciding which flower or shrub to give preference to, pay attention to your lifestyle. If you spend most of your time away from home,get an unpretentious plant like bamboo. People who are willing to devote a lot of time to the green "neighbor" can acquire more difficult-to-care cultures.

Also, keep in mind that plants are very sensitive to light, so you need to prepare a suitable place for the pot in advance. Some cultures like to be in direct sunlight, others prefer shade. As a rule, flowering varieties need constant access to light, so they are not suitable for all apartments.

Before purchasing a flower, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of caring for it. Learn how to properly water the plant, whether it is necessary to fertilize the soil, when to prune. All these little things are of great importance for the flower, since the general condition, the beauty of the culture and how it will look in the interior depend on them. The most beautiful indoor plants are able to decorate any room and create comfort in the house.

The most beautiful indoor plants in the interior
The most beautiful indoor plants in the interior


According to popular belief, girls in whose house spathiphyllum grows will quickly meet a soul mate and find female happiness. You can not call the culture unpretentious, because it requires special care. It needs to be protected from drafts. Watering is carried out by the method of circulation, for this, settled water is used. During flowering, the spathiphyllum needs a lot of moisture. The pot can be placed on the north side. The plant is characterized by large bright green leaves, twisted around the edges. Delicate flowers are represented by thin whitepetals. Thanks to its exquisite appearance, spathiphyllum can be safely included in the list of the most beautiful indoor plants and flowers.


The evergreen plant got its name in honor of the Duchess Charlotte Clive. She worked as a governess to Queen Victoria of Britain. The flower was brought to Europe from South Africa. The culture quickly took root in the northern latitudes and gained great popularity. Clivia is an unpretentious plant that can be placed both in the house and in the office. The flower needs regular watering. The procedure is carried out weekly. The pot cannot be moved, so you should find a suitable place for clivia in advance. Long leaves are painted in rich green color, at the top of the stem is a lush inflorescence, consisting of bright yellow-red buds.

Indoor rose

The list of the most beautiful flowering indoor plants includes such a culture as indoor rose, which is also called the "queen of flowers". She is quite whimsical, loves the sunny color, so she is placed on the windowsills of the western and eastern windows. Flowering can last year-round, if you properly care for the rose. It has lush, rich green foliage. On upright stems are delicate flowers, painted in different shades. The most popular color is pink.


The most beautiful indoor plants, whose names are presented in this article, have been known to people since ancient times. For example, the American Indians revered fuchsia, and the Incas were sure that this flower was sacred. The plant was used to decorate dwellings andplaces of worship.

The most beautiful indoor plants
The most beautiful indoor plants

Fuchsia is characterized by large green leaves and bright flowers with wide open petals and bells, painted in pink, lilac, purple hues.

Small-leaved Columna

This ampelous plant, although considered indoor, is quite rare, as it grows strongly in adulthood. Shoots can reach a length of one and a half meters or more. The branches are densely strewn with bright green pointed foliage and yellow-red flowers. The name, translated from Chinese, means "goldfish", because the corollas really resemble aquatic inhabitants.


Hibiscus is one of the most beautiful indoor plants. The shrub was brought to the Old World from hot tropical countries. Hibiscus stays green throughout the year, flowering begins in early spring and ends in late autumn. The plant requires special care: it is better to plant it on the south side, watering should be carried out regularly, using settled water for this. Be sure to protect the hibiscus from drafts and temperature extremes. Hibiscus can be recognized by their large flowers with bright red petals.

Stapelia motley

The most beautiful and unpretentious indoor plants include the stapelia motley, which is the owner of a unique appearance. The highlight of the culture is large purple-golden or purple-gray flowers. Stapelia, which is considered to be the birthplace of South Africa, is distinguished by good resistance to deficiencymoisture and excess light. She is afraid only of damage to the root system, but with proper care this can be avoided.

The most beautiful and unpretentious indoor plants
The most beautiful and unpretentious indoor plants


One of the most beautiful houseplants is hippeastrum, first found in South Africa. During flowering, pink or bright red flowers appear on thick, erect stems.

Poinsetia, or the most beautiful Euphorbia

The flower was discovered in the tropics by the Spaniards who came to South America. The locals told them that the plant has magical and healing properties. The poinsettia has another name - the most beautiful euphorbia. It testifies to the splendor of flowers. Culture is of great benefit, as it ionizes indoor air. The leaves of milkweed are medium in size, bright green, with thin veins. Red flowers have an unusual shape, they consist of numerous petals.


This plant has many names, among them - "Decembrist", "Christmas" and "Christmas cactus". It is known that the flower is a representative of the Cactus family. Flowering is usually lush and long. At this time, red flowers with thin elongated petals appear above the wide green leaves.


In Latin, the name of the plant means "first". The primrose has beautiful carved leaves that form a basal rosette. On the stems are bizarre multi-colored flowers that can have almost any color. From them comesnice smell. Place the primrose on the windowsills on the south side. It is necessary to provide access to light to the plant, but at the same time it is necessary to protect it from direct sunlight.


Hyacinths are the most beautiful indoor plants belonging to the Asparagus family. During the flowering period, the hyacinth is painted in a bright red, white or purple hue, and this is only a small part of the color options. He quickly fell in love with designers due to the original form. In addition, the plant is widely used in the perfume industry, as a pleasant smell emanates from the flowers.

The most beautiful indoor plants and flowers
The most beautiful indoor plants and flowers


Prickly culture is very popular all over the world. The cactus blooms quite rarely, but it is impossible to take your eyes off it when it happens. To witness flowering, you need to carefully care for the plant.


The most beautiful houseplants have a number of unique characteristics. Lithops is a culture first discovered in the deserts of Botswana and Namibia. The name, which in translation means "stone appearance", was given to Lithops due to the fact that it is perfectly adapted to growing in sandy and rocky areas. The culture retains moisture well and is ideal for growing in dry areas. Flowers can be white, yellow or orange.


This plant has become widespread in North and South America. Dieffenbachia can be recognized by its large oval leaves and tall, sturdy stem thatreaches a height of 2 to 3 m. At home, even with good care, it almost never blooms.

The juice of the leaves is known to be poisonous. If it comes into contact with the skin, it causes severe burns and dermatitis, in addition, it can cause burns to the throat and mucous membranes of the mouth. Therefore, the processing of the plant should be carried out only with tight gloves.


One of the most beautiful indoor plants for the home is the graceful begonia, which is popular all over the world. Surprising is the fact that in different varieties, flowers and leaves are completely different from each other, they can take on a bizarre shape. This genus is considered the most common in the Begonia family. A space asteroid was named after the plant.

Lantana Camara

This shrub was brought to Europe from South American and African countries. Florists from all over the world grow lantana due to its unusual appearance. Among the lush bright green foliage are multi-colored inflorescences, consisting of corollas of various shades. Popular colors are orange, yellow, crimson and purple.

TOP of the most beautiful indoor plants
TOP of the most beautiful indoor plants

The peculiarity of lantana is that the flowers, collected in the so-called caps, constantly change color. Because of its shading inconstancy, the shrub fell in love with many flower growers. The foliage is serrated, slightly rough, forming a spreading crown.


One of the most beautiful and undemanding indoor plants is called Kalanchoe, or Kalanchoe. Its homeland is the tropics of South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. The flower has beneficial properties, its juice is used in folk medicine. "Kids" appear on small green leaves, which only need to be placed in the ground. After a few months, they turn into a full-fledged plant. During flowering, bright expressive lush flowers of different sizes and colors bloom on Kalanchoe.

Abutilon, or indoor maple

Tree-like culture fell in love with flower growers due to the long flowering, during which the plant is strewn with large bells. Bright flowers and corollas can be white, orange, scarlet, pale apricot, yellow, purple and crimson, so no esthete will remain indifferent to the sight of indoor maple. The name was given to the culture because of the similarity with the tree of the same name: the leaves of abutilon, like the maple, are five-fingered. Some varieties have white, gold and silver edging.


Geranium is one of the most beautiful indoor plants. This culture not only helps in creating comfort in the house, but also has bactericidal properties. Geranium is a compact plant with small carved deep green leaves. Numerous flowers are located on thin strong stems, the petals of which can be painted in any shade, from white to lilac. Flowering is long, so that it does not stop, you need to get rid of fading heads. The culture is unpretentious, so there is no need for spraying and frequent watering.

Camellia sinensis

Evergreen belongs to the Tea family. The most popular camellia sinensis, the leaves of which are used in the preparation of tea. Outwardly, the flowers resemble roses: they are just as lush and delicate, they have a rich palette of colors. The leaves are elongated, whole, dark green.


Another most beautiful indoor plant, the photo of which you can find in our article, is called Croton. The tree grows in countries located in tropical and subtropical latitudes. From there it was brought to other states, where it quickly gained popularity. Unpretentious culture is suitable for growing in offices and apartments. The plant is quite tall, reaches a length of 80 cm. There are large leaves on brownish stems. The plate is dark green, with bright light veins. The plant is unpretentious, so caring for it is not difficult.

The most beautiful indoor plant photo
The most beautiful indoor plant photo


The indoor flower got its name in honor of Bromelius, a biologist originally from Sweden. Surprising is the fact that the tropical plant is a distant relative of the pineapple. Bromeliads are characterized by lancet leaves collected in a rosette. The flowers are bright red. Culture care is quite simple. It is necessary to water regularly, once a week. Put the bromeliad pot in a sunny place.


This crop is one of the most beautiful houseplants in the world. It was brought to Europe from tropical latitudes and immediately attractedattention of flower growers and designers due to its exotic appearance. The leaves have an unusual shape, they have a wavy edge. They are painted in a bluish-green color with wide light streaks.

Alocasia is an unpretentious plant that does not require special care. The number of leaves differs in different species, but during the flowering period it is reduced to one. In its natural habitat, the culture reaches a height of 2 m, and at home it grows up to 20-40 cm.


The plant is a member of the Gesneriaceae family. It got its name in honor of the physician and botanist Benjamin Peter Gloksin, who lived and worked in the 18th century. Gloxinia outwardly resembles a violet, which is why they are constantly confused. However, this culture is characterized by larger flowers that grow in the shape of a bell. Gloxinia leaves are also different from violet.

The most beautiful flowering houseplants
The most beautiful flowering houseplants


These trees are the most beautiful houseplants with a unique look. The leaves have a rounded shape, reminiscent of coins, which is why Crassula was given another, “folk” name - money tree, or fat woman. During flowering, dozens of small white flowers appear on the tree. Sometimes they are colored red or blue. It is known that Crassula is a very unpretentious culture. If a leaf falls to the ground, it may soon become a new plant.
