Many chemists say that copper etching is best done in the laboratory, because the process involves the use of various acids that are dangerous to the human body. However, sometimes there are situations when such a procedure needs to be carried out urgently. In our article, we will talk about the most effective ways to pickle copper at home, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
To begin with, I would like to say a few words about how important it is to follow safety rules when working with chemicals. Even a specialist should not neglect them, since the slightest mistake can lead to sad consequences. Here is a list of rules to follow when pickling copper with acids:

- procedure should be done in a well ventilated area;
- during operation it is necessaryuse protective gloves and goggles;
- You should always have tissues and clean running water on hand;
- If the reagent comes into contact with the skin, seek medical attention immediately;
- if you are not sure about your calculations, then it is better not to carry out the procedure at all.
If it so happened that the acid got on your hand, then give yourself first aid by treating the affected area with water - this significantly neutralizes the effect of the acid, but even after that you should contact a specialist for help, especially if the skin is covered with red spots colors.
Etching with ferric chloride
There are a huge number of copper etching solutions that are suitable for use at home. For example, one of the best options, which is known to every student, is a solution of ferric chloride. Here is a list of the main advantages of this method over the others:

- Stable speed of chemical processes is important for a novice chemist;
- only one element is required for etching - iron chloride;
- the amount of ferric chloride in the solution does not affect the rate of etching;
- you can ignore the ambient temperature.
The main disadvantage of this method is that ferric chloride is quite expensive, and you can buy it for the most part only on the black market. However, if you manage to get a similar chemical element, then you can safely conduct an experiment without fear for a lack of experience orknowledge.
Copper sulfate and s alt
Etching copper with blue vitriol is one of the easiest ways to give copper a characteristic sheen. You can buy the active substance at any hardware store at a fairly low price. In addition, the remnants of copper sulphate are almost certainly useful on the farm. However, this method also has a rather wide list of disadvantages:

- if used improperly, the substance can harm a person;
- with prolonged use of the reagent, copper will turn into powder;
- The reaction rate largely depends on the temperature of the liquid.
However, one cannot fail to mention the fact that, unlike ferric chloride, copper sulfate is quite simply removed with acetic acid from any piece of furniture or clothing. So you don't have to worry about getting your new bathrobe dirty during the etching process, as it's easy to clean.
Etching with persulfates
Ammonium persulfate is a well-known chemical reagent that looks very much like common table s alt and can be used to pickle copper. However, it is immediately worth mentioning that after such a procedure, a special plaque will remain on the metal, which will have to be removed manually. Well, the list of advantages of weed in this way looks something like this:

- ammonium persulfate is absolutely harmless to clothing interior items;
- one is enough for a complete chemical reactionkey element;
- quite high rate of chemical reaction.
Although one important clarification should be made about the first point. The reagent is harmless only if it gets on clothing or an object in small quantities. In large volumes, it is able to burn through soft tissue and even flesh.
Hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide
Perhaps the most budgetary way to conduct an experiment at home. Etching copper with hydrogen peroxide and hydrochloric acid is exactly what a beginner should start with, since peroxide can be bought at any pharmacy, and hydrochloric acid can be easily replaced with battery electrolyte. In addition, please note not a list of the following benefits:

- highest reaction rate of all the listed methods;
- reaction proceeds quite well at normal room temperature;
- does not leave noticeable residues on contact with fabric or skin.
As for the disadvantages, there is only one - a strong concentration of hydrochloric acid can affect human he alth, especially if the experimenter neglects the basic safety rules. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the preparation of the solution before proceeding with the etching process.
Citric acid and hydrogen peroxide
Etching copper with citric acid is also a fairly well-known method that will not bring a person practically any harm in case of careless handling of reagents. However, the course of the reaction can be quite slow down with an excessive concentration of citric acid. Well, the list of advantages looks something like this:

- when properly applied, the rate of chemical reaction is quite fast;
- low cost of key elements - reagents will cost 30 rubles;
- solution does not require additional heating.
Also, do not forget about the availability of all necessary elements. For example, citric acid can be purchased at any supermarket, and hydrogen peroxide is sold without a prescription at any pharmacy in your city. Also, such a solution is safe for humans, if you do not take into account contact with the eyes.
Preparation of solutions at home

So, after carefully weighing all the pros and cons, you should choose the best etching method and prepare a solution for the experiment. Once again, we draw your attention to the observance of safety precautions during a chemical experiment. Even if you have extensive experience in handling reagents, you should not neglect your own safety, as this can end very sadly. For example, in no case do not add more reagents to the solution than recommended, because this can not only lead to he alth problems, but also completely destroy an expensive copper product. For more information on how to make this or that solution at home, you will find in the following sections.
Preparing a solution of ferric chloride
So, to make a solution, you first need to get a clean glass container. It is strongly not recommended to use even enameled iron, as a slight scratch on the surface can cause the ferric chloride to react with the utensils. At the bottom of the container we place a small amount of the key ingredient. We remind you that the entire process must be carried out with gloves, since the contact of ferric chloride on the skin can cause damage to the dermis.
Carefully put the copper on the iron and fill the whole thing with water. After that, it is necessary to close the dishes with a plastic lid or a plastic bag. We leave the container for etching anywhere, since the reaction does not depend on the amount of sunlight or air temperature. However, you should not place a bowl of ferric chloride near food or a dining table. Of course, it is recommended to keep it away from children.
Preparing a solution of copper sulfate
If you decide to pickle copper using copper sulfate, then for this you will need not only the active substance, but also ordinary edible s alt, as well as water and a container. All components must be mixed with each other in a 1: 1 ratio until a common consistency is formed, and the s alt is completely dissolved in water. Copper must be placed in an open vessel for several hours until it acquires a characteristic luster.
Do not forget that copper sulphate vapors can be quite toxic to humans, therefore, when etching copper, safety regulationsunder no circumstances should it be neglected. It is best to conduct experiments outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Also, as an additional precaution, it is recommended to use a respirator that will prevent harmful vapors from entering your lungs.
Preparing a solution from persulfate
First you need to find a suitable container. It should be made of glass and not too deep (although the volume mostly depends on the size of the copper item). Pour a small amount of powder into the vessel, then fill it with running water. As soon as it is possible to achieve a homogeneous consistency, put the copper product in the dishes and close it with a lid.
As mentioned earlier, etching of copper with persulfates can leave a deposit on the precious metal that needs to be cleaned off. The easiest way to do this is with hydrogen peroxide and hydrochloric acid, mixing them together in advance. For every 100 milliliters of liquid substance, you will need to put two tablets of hydrochloric acid. After that, copper is added to the container and kept in the composition for several hours.
Video and conclusion
We hope our article has helped you better understand copper etching at home. If the information provided was not enough for you or you still have some questions, we strongly recommend that you watch a short video, in which you can also come up with a lot of theoretical information. If you have recently become interested in chemistry, then you should definitelywatch it to the end.

As you can see, electrochemical etching of copper at home is not such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to know the theoretical part and follow the safety rules. Some etching methods are so easy that even a schoolboy can use them, and all the necessary ingredients to create a solution are publicly available.