Tips: how to transplant a flower

Tips: how to transplant a flower
Tips: how to transplant a flower

Before novice flower growers, lovers of indoor plants, sooner or later the question will arise: "When and how to transplant home flowers?"

Time to transplant

There may be several reasons for transplanting a houseplant. First of all, the plants purchased in the store need to be transplanted. As a rule, they are planted in a temporary substrate, which must be replaced at home. The only reason not to do this is the flowering of the plant. We must wait until the flowering is over, and then start transplanting, having previously learned how to transplant a flower correctly.

how to transplant a flower
how to transplant a flower

For indoor flowers that have been growing in the house for some time, the reason for transplanting will be a very developed root system of the plant, which has become crowded in a pot. How can this be determined? Firstly, if there are holes in the bottom of the pot, then the roots will tend to crawl out through them and immediately become noticeable. Secondly, if you turn the pot upside down and carefully remove the plant from there, you can see the root system that intertwined the lump of earth. If an earthen ball is so entangled in roots that it becomes like felt, then the plantmust be transplanted.

Another reason to transplant: the plant has become very frail, the reason for which may be the depletion of the soil, which needs to be replaced.

The best time to transplant indoor flowers is undoubtedly spring, when active plant growth begins. You can also transplant flowers in the fall (October, November). Young plants usually require an annual transplant, adults - after 2-3 years. Particularly large plants, as a rule, are not transplanted, they only renew the top layer of the earth.

We follow the transplant rules

You need to know the rules of what and how to transplant a flower. A pot for transplanting a plant is selected from two types: either plastic or ceramic. It should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. First you need to wash it well, then pour boiling water over it. In a ceramic pot, the hole in the bottom is covered with drainage.

how to transplant a home flower
how to transplant a home flower

Land for transplanting a flower is best purchased at the store. Do not use garden soil. It is often a carrier of harmful and pathogenic microorganisms. You can make your own soil mix. But for this you need to have black soil, peat, sand, fertilizers, ashes, as well as instructions on how to mix everything, in what proportions.

Only having prepared the pot and the ground, you can proceed directly to the transplant procedure. So, how to transplant a flower? First, the transplanted plant is watered, after about an hour it must be placed on the palm of your hand and carefully pulled out of the old pot. Then remove broken or rotten roots, drycut the shoots with a sharp knife and set the flower on the drainage or a layer of earth. The planting depth of the plant should remain the same as it was in the previous pot. The gaps between the flower and the walls of the pot must be carefully filled with earth, compacting it with your thumbs and adding the required amount. After transplanting, the plant must be well watered and placed in the shade. After a week, the flower can be returned to its original place.

how to transplant houseplants
how to transplant houseplants

What else do you need to know about how to transplant a flower to an amateur grower? Here are some tips:

- a clay pot, if it is new, it is recommended to soak it so that it is saturated with moisture, and does not take it from the ground;

- sometimes it is better not to transplant the plant in winter, it has a dormant period;

- you need to feed the flower after transplantation no earlier than in 3-4 weeks;

- on the surface of the earth around the flower, you can pour a little expanded clay so that the moisture does not evaporate quickly;

- instead of a full flower transplant, you can simply add fresh soil with fertilizer to the pot.

Armed with the knowledge of how to transplant a home flower, any amateur grower can do this procedure without much difficulty.
