What is an aphid? Fighting methods

What is an aphid? Fighting methods
What is an aphid? Fighting methods

One of the most malicious and dangerous pests of the garden is the aphid. This insect in all its varieties easily occupied green spaces: from garden crops and flowers to fruit trees, which causes great damage.

what is aphid
what is aphid

What is an aphid? How to deal with the armies of such a numerous insect? What are the most effective troubleshooting methods?

What is an aphid?

Outwardly, these are small insects of black or green color, ranging in size from one to five millimeters, with an egg-shaped body, soft and easily crushed, thin legs, elongated mouthparts, thickened in front. The aphid lives on fruit trees, the underside of the leaves, stems, tops of the shoots, it mercilessly sucks the juice of plants with its proboscis. Along the way, the insect secretes poison, which causes twisting, deformation, death of leaves, stunting of shoots, and curvature of the tops. In addition, sweet masses pollute the leaf surface, thereby disrupting the normal life of plants and causing their death.

The created conditions of high sugar content are the optimal environment for the development of black sooty dew -a dangerous viral disease that interferes with the process of photosynthesis and depresses already weakened plants. Insects cause the greatest harm to seedlings of fruit trees.

aphids on fruit trees
aphids on fruit trees

What is aphid and why does it multiply so fast? One fertilization is enough for a wingless female aphid to then produce numerous offspring every two weeks for six months (and this is about fifty generations in the summer season).

How to detect the presence of aphids in the area

Determining what an aphid is and recognizing its appearance is quite simple:

  • colonies of such an insect are visible to the naked eye - they are located on the shoots of the plant, on the underside of the leaves;
  • affected parts of plants are covered with honeydew, a sticky liquid secreted by aphids;
  • leaves of the plant are twisted, dry up, flower buds do not open, fruits stop in their development.


To fight such a pest is extremely difficult, because insects multiply very quickly, creating numerous colonies. Aphids can be removed by hand, washed off with a hose with a powerful water jet. In the vicinity of garden crops subject to aphid attacks, it is recommended to plant onions, Dalmatian chamomile, garlic, which repel this pest.

remedy for aphids
remedy for aphids

From the natural predators of aphids eat ladybugs, some species of wasps, hover flies, lacewings and small birds. To attract such rescuers, it is recommended to plant on the sitefragrant spicy herbs, green manure and nettle. Birds and insects may not ensure complete destruction of pest colonies, but their help will not be superfluous.

Folk methods

An effective remedy for aphids - herbal decoctions and infusions. Although they are not chemicals, in high concentrations they can cause burns to the plant, and in addition to aphids, they are a danger to other types of insects. Therefore, it is recommended to use them carefully, having previously tested the action on a limited plot of land. The fight against aphids on fruit trees with vegetable solutions is recommended during the budding period, after flowering and before harvesting, no later than 2-4 weeks.

Garlic infusion

To prepare it through a press, you need to skip five cloves of garlic, which must be insisted for 4-5 days in half a liter of water, then combined with 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of liquid soap. The resulting preparation should be sprayed on plants affected by aphids.

aphid control on fruit trees
aphid control on fruit trees

Chamomile infusion

100 grams of dried chamomile inflorescences and leaves insist in 1 liter of water for 12 hours. Spraying should be done in a ratio of 1:3 with the addition of 4 grams of soap for each liter of infusion.

Dandelion infusion

200 grams of roots and 400 grams of dandelion leaves (during its flowering period) insist in a bucket of water for about 4 hours.

Tobacco infusion

In 5 liters of water, 200 grams of dried and crushed tobacco leaves should be infused for 2 days. Bring the volumepreparation up to 10 liters, strain.

Pine infusion

1 kg of pine needles withstand a day in 4 liters of water.

Potato infusion

1 kg of potato tops chopped, leave for 3 hours in a 10-liter bucket of water.

Soap and tomato tops against aphids

A common remedy for aphids is vegetable oil and soap, the viscous consistency of which, in combination with the enveloping properties of the oil, interferes with the respiratory process of the insect. Plants should be sprayed in the evening every few days.

An infusion of chopped tomato leaves (2 cups) is considered quite effective, which are recommended to be soaked overnight in water (2 cups). The resulting infusion must be filtered, poured into a container, from which the unwanted guest should be sprayed.
