Vegetable crops of the nightshade family are deservedly popular all over the world. Among them, eggplant is the most thermophilic. This culture is not only a product for delicious dishes. The content of vitamins and minerals, s alts of copper, potassium favorably affects the human body. For cardiovascular diseases, it is useful to eat eggplant. In dietary cuisine, there are a lot of great dishes from a he althy vegetable called blue. And it should not be surprising that many gardeners grow this rather capricious crop in the beds. It is represented by many different varieties and hybrids. Epic F1 eggplant deserves attention among them.
When choosing a variety of vegetable crops, pay attention to several characteristic features. First of all, it is the quality of fruits, productivity and resistance to diseases. Any vegetable crop has its advantages and disadvantages. Popular are those that have a minimum number of problems in growing and caring, as well aswill develop beautifully and bear fruit abundantly in certain climatic conditions.

Epic F1 Eggplant, which has a very high yield, is characterized by early ripening. A powerful semi-spreading bush reaches a height of up to 90-100 cm. Dark green leaves of medium length. Bright shiny fruits are large. The length of the eggplant reaches up to 21 cm, and the diameter is 10 cm. They are teardrop-shaped and purple-black in color. The white flesh of the fruit has no bitterness. Its fairly thin skin is not tough. Epic F1 eggplant has excellent taste and high commercial qualities. Reviews of gardeners who grew this hybrid note the amicable ripening of large and high-quality fruits. The weight of one eggplant reaches 300-400 grams. Excellent taste qualities make it affordable to prepare a variety of dishes and preparations for the winter. In addition to the high yield of the hybrid, it has another advantage - it is resistant to the tobacco mosaic virus.
Features of cultivation
Heat-loving plant is quite sensitive to temperature conditions. It is planted in open ground when stable warm weather sets in, or grown in protected ground conditions. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out two or two and a half months before the expected date of planting. For cultivation in film greenhouses, this event is planned for early February. In open ground, plants can be moved when favorable weather conditions are established. Therefore, it is advisable to grow seedlings.
Based on feedback from gardeners and farmers, we can say that Epic F1 eggplant is a reliable and powerful hybrid. Its seeds cannot be obtained by yourself. They are produced by TM Seminis (Holland). Seeds are dense and not large.

There are up to 300 pieces in one gram. Germination is maintained for 3-5 years. Eggplant seeds have a long germination period. Pre-sowing seed treatment has a beneficial effect on the germination and quality of future planting material. They are sorted, treated with disinfectant solutions and growth stimulants, soaked and germinated.
Growing seedlings
Prepared seeds are sown in a specially prepared earth mixture. Its composition should be fertile and aerobic. The mixture can be purchased at flower shops or garden supply outlets. It is also easy to cook it yourself in the autumn. The composition of the soil for seedlings includes: peat, humus and sod. Wood ash and superphosphate are used as additives. Seeds are sown in seedling containers, which are then covered with polyethylene, creating a greenhouse effect. The temperature for seed germination should not be less than 25 degrees Celsius.
After the appearance of the first sprouts, the boxes are transferred to a well-lit place. With a lack of light, the Epic F1 eggplant is strongly drawn out. Reviews of gardeners growing planting material contain advice - illuminate with fluorescent lamps, the power of which is from 40 to 80 watts. Work periodbacklighting will be needed from eight in the morning until eight in the evening. This mode will allow you to grow high-quality planting material and prevent plants from stretching.
When two true leaves appear, a dive is carried out. To do this, you need plastic or peat cups. Subsequent care will consist of regular watering, fertilizing and observing temperature and light conditions. A week before planting in open ground, the plants are hardened. When moving to a permanent place of cultivation, 5-7 leaves and a strong root system should have eggplant Epic F1.

The photo perfectly demonstrates how the seedlings look like.
When the necessary weather conditions are established, eggplants are planted in open ground. The site for this crop should be fertile and well lit. The best predecessors are gourds and legumes, carrots and onions. Before planting, well-rotted manure and humus are introduced at the rate of 2 to 6 kg per square meter.
Epic F1 eggplant is tall. The planting pattern of this hybrid with a square-nested planting method is 70x70 cm. If the plants are planted in rows, the distance between them is maintained at least 90 cm. This will ensure the normal nutrition of a powerful plant. Thirty to forty centimeters are left between the planting holes.

Features of the hybrid suggest trellis cultivation or fixation of plants to a verticalsupport.
Epic F1 eggplant, which is adapted to a wide range of conditions, involves a number of agrotechnical measures. The plant is demanding on soil moisture. Regular abundant watering is required. Drying of the soil is not allowed. The second main agrotechnical measure that will ensure high yields is the application of fertilizers. During the growing season, at least three top dressings will be required. The timing of fertilization can be divided into several stages:
- first - mass flowering;
- second - the beginning of fruiting;
- Third - mass production of fruits.
Lack of moisture and nutrients can cause the flowers to dry out and fall, resulting in reduced eggplant productivity. During the entire period of cultivation, weeding and loosening of the soil are carried out.
Plant protection
Epic F1 eggplant is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. However, there is a whole group of pests that damage plants. These include: Medvedka, slugs, scoop, spider mites, Colorado potato beetle and aphids. Diseases are also no less dangerous: wilting and various rot. Subject to crop rotation, regular agrotechnical measures, eggplant plantings can be protected from pests and diseases. Chemical means of protection in individual areas are allowed only those that are the safest for humans and the environment. Their use requires strict compliance with the attached instructions.

The Colorado potato beetle is a dangerous pest that can completely destroy Epic F1 eggplant. Reviews of gardeners advise the use of various means of protection against a voracious beetle. These can be various mesh backstage that can protect eggplant plantings.
Epic F1 eggplant has a high yield. Reviews confirm the reliability of this hybrid. In the phase of technical maturity, eggplants have a rich color and a length of at least 21 cm.

Harvesting is carried out regularly every five days. They are cut with a sharp knife or secateurs along with the stem. After harvesting, they are used for cooking or preserving.