Recently, scientists have been developing in the field of agriculture and plant protection in order to reduce the harmful effects of pesticides by reducing the doses used. A new drug in this area is "Confidor". Reviews about it and its modifications prove the popularity of the tool.
General information
Confidor is an insecticide that has been reported to work well in individual households. It is easy to use, well protects crops from pests. The drug has proven itself both indoors and outdoors.

It destroys pests like:
- mol;
- shield;
- leaflet;
- Colorado potato beetle;
- aphid;
- thrips;
- leaf flea;
- whitefly.
Insecticide has a long-lasting effect. If once a season you treat a site that is not systematically affected by pests, then such a preventive measure in the forma single treatment will suffice. Also, the drug has proven itself during the period of the mass invasion of pests.
"Confidor", reviews confirm this, perfectly performs its functions at high temperatures - it is not afraid of heat.
Specialists warn that when working with the drug, care must be taken, since its main active ingredient is neonicotinoids. If you use the drug according to the rules and follow the dosage, then it can be considered safe. Also, this protection can be used for indoor plants.
Composition of the drug
Insecticide was developed by Bayer Crop Science. The composition of the drug includes three components:
- wettable powder;
- concentrated emulsion;
- water soluble concentrate.
The powder dissolves well, so "Confidor", reviews confirm this fact, it is very convenient to use in greenhouses - its solution does not clog spray nozzles.

Specialists warn that due to the high efficiency of the drug on the market, it is highly likely that you can buy a fake, you need to be careful.
The secret of this remedy is its additive - it is the pesticide penticurin (in other sources - pencicurin). It is a fairly safe, weak action fungicide. Shows resistance to hydrolysis and sunlight, half-life in soil is 180 days.
Its main active ingredient is neonicotinoidimidacloprid. It is highly toxic and can accumulate. The systematic penetration of microdoses into the body can lead to poisoning and severe side effects, this fact is confirmed by reviews. When to process and instructions for using "Confidor" are described below.
Drug action
A distinctive property of picicurin is that it quickly penetrates into plants and circulates with their juices. The positive point is that it does not penetrate the fruits, as well as nectar and pollen. The second component - neonicotinoids - tend to quickly decompose in the light under the action of groundwater. The combination of these factors made it possible to reduce the optimal dose for treating a unit area, which guarantees the safety of the drug for bees and people.

Another feature is that the drug "Confidor" (this is noted in the reviews) kills spores of pathogenic fungi that grow after the insect has bitten off part of the plant. Because of this, plants damaged by pests develop on a par with those that were not touched.
The conditions that must be observed are the location of the apiary at a distance of at least one and a half kilometers from the place of treatment, after applying the fungicide, you can not be among the plants from 24 to 36 hours.
Imidacloprid is a nerve agent that blocks sodium channels in membranes. Once in the body of a pest, it leads to the fact that the insect stops eating, quickly enough its coordination of movements is disturbed, and onfor two or three days the insect dies.
Modifications and compatibility
The product is a basic drug, several modifications have been created on its basis.
For example, for the southern regions it is recommended to use "Confidor Maxi", reviews of experts claim that it has a wider temperature range in which its effectiveness is maintained. If the base drug works from +15 °С to +25 °С, then "Confidor Maxi" is effective from +4 °С to +30 degrees.
In terms of compatibility with pesticides, the insecticide is compatible with most pesticides except those that are alkaline. This applies to:
- Bordeaux liquid;
- copper sulfate (copper sulfate);
- copper oxychloride;
- compounds containing lime and soda.
Recently, another modification has been created - this is "Confidor Extra", reviews about this drug are only positive. It is a continuation of the Maxi line. There are very few consumer reviews due to the novelty of the development.
As for the interaction with biological products, it all depends on the time of application. If these funds were sprayed earlier, then they do not reduce the effectiveness of the "Confidor", but it reduces their effect to zero.
What is the danger of the drug?
Despite the relative safety of the drug "Confidor", instructions for use and reviews prescribe to still treat it with caution. Specialists refer the product to the second and third hazard classes.

This is especially true in cases of overdose and violation of the rules of use, which can lead to chronic poisoning by microdoses. Such poisoning is asymptomatic, but causes:
- oncological diseases;
- decrease in mental abilities and performance;
- in case of pregnancy provokes the occurrence of abnormalities in the fetus;
- may cause neuropsychiatric disorders in children.
Rules for using the tool
Rules that must be observed when working with the drug "Confidor" (instructions for use and reviews are advised to follow them strictly):
- Store the product where children or animals cannot see and get it. It is best if it is a locked locker in an isolated non-residential area.
- Medicines are stored separately from food.
- It must be remembered that the volatility of a substance increases sharply if the ambient temperature rises. If the temperature exceeded 35 °C, storage and use of the drug is prohibited. This is due to the flammability, explosiveness and toxicity of its fumes.
- It is not recommended to use the product closer than 50 meters to water bodies and water sources. This is because a humid environment increases the penetration of neonicotinoids through the skin of animals.
- It is also not allowed to be closer than 150 meters in windy weather and closer than 50 meters in the absence of wind near the treated area.
- It is strictly forbidden to be near the drug ortreated plants for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, children, people with allergies or cancer.
Precautionary practices
If "Confidor" (who used in the reviews testify to the effectiveness of the drug) is used to treat indoor plants, it is recommended to work with the drug in an isolated non-residential area. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, allergy sufferers, cancer patients or survivors of cancer, and children should not enter this facility for 72 hours after treatment.

When treating plants with a basic insecticide or its modifications, including Confidor Maxi, instructions for use (reviews confirm this) require the use of a full set of protective equipment.
It should be:
- protective overalls;
- respirator-mask with gas mask cartridges;
- required rubber gloves and boots;
- For small areas of households, instead of overalls, it is allowed to use a plastic raincoat up to the heels with a hood and an elastic band around the face.
The maximum allowed time with the tool is two hours. At the same time, the wind speed should not exceed 35 meters per second, which is 12 Beaufort points. Visually, this can be determined by the leaves of trees - if they no longer move, but flutter slightly, and thin branches sway slightly, this wind is already considered too strong to work with the drug.
After the work with "Confidor" is over, in the reviews of experts it is noted that in an isolated non-residential premises it is necessary to change clothes. In this case, there should not be food nearby. Items of equipment that do not get wet should be disinfected with a solution of soda ash in the proportion of 50 grams of powder per bucket of water. Clothes made of fabric are washed with powder or shavings of laundry soap. Detergents with a neutral chemical reaction must not be used. After the clothes are decontaminated, you must wash your hands with soap and water, treat your face with soapy water and take a shower.
First Aid
The complexity of first aid in case of poisoning with the base drug, as well as its modifications, including Confidor Extra (this is indicated in the instructions for use and reviews) is that the usual measures taken in case of poisoning do not work, There are no antidotes for neonicotinoids.

Not active:
- activated carbon;
- water with potassium permanganate;
- call artificial vomiting.
Treatment is carried out according to the symptoms. If during the use of the drug malaise is noted, work should be stopped immediately and a doctor should be consulted. If symptoms of poisoning are found, the victim is urgently taken to a toxicologist.
Signs of poisoning are expressed:
- falling eyelids;
- short of breath;
- nervous tick;
- twitching limbs;
- impaired coordination of movements;
- staggering gait.
How to apply?
The action of the drug is based on the fact that it is effective against gnawing and sucking pests when they feed. If the insects are in the resting phase, that is, in the form of a pupa, egg or nymph, the drug does not work.

Where the insect infestation has not been too great, a single treatment is sufficient, which is called the first scheduled spraying. The remaining cases require two or three treatments per season. The same applies to the action of "Confidor" from the whitefly, reviews of gardeners confirm that multiple processing is required to get rid of these malicious pests. This is due to the period of the protective action of the drug, which ranges from 14 to 21 days, and for the Maxi modification, this figure is 30 days.
The last time the product is applied before the harvest time. After the buds have blossomed and before the ovaries have formed, the drug is not used to avoid poisoning the bees.
Instructions for the use of the "Confidor" VRK (reviews of which can only be found positive) is the following recommendations:
- Fruit and vegetable and flower herbaceous annuals. 1 ml of the product per 10 liters of water is spent on one hundred square meters. Spraying is done after planting and before flowering of the first brush, as well as after flowering of the fourth one.
- Melons and greenhouse crops - 1 ml per 30 liters of waterper 100 squares of leaf area. The calculation is made according to a visual assessment: it is determined by eye how much the soil is covered with foliage, and then the processing area is calculated. That is, if the soil is visible from the leaf mass, for example, on a quarter of the entire field, then 10 liters of the solution should be sprayed over the green mass on one and a half acres. Work until buds appear.
- Fruit and coniferous trees - 1 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water, spend 5 liters of solution on young plants, 10 liters on adults.
- Berry and flower bushes - the volume is reduced by a factor of three, a height of up to one meter is equal to a young tree (consumption - 1.5 liters per bush), over a meter - to an adult (3 liters per bush).
The amount of solution is adjusted depending on the level of damage to the landings.
Drug Benefits
The obvious advantages of the basic "Confidor" and its modifications include:
- high efficiency in the fight against many types of harmful insects;
- long exposure time, which is explained by the fact that the drug is not washed off the leaves with raindrops - the protective period lasts from two to four weeks;
- does not lose efficiency at ambient temperatures up to 29 °C;
- quick death of pests - from two hours to two days;
- kills insects invisible to the eye;
- helps cells of affected plants recover;
- characterized by low consumption;
- has a prolonged action - insects may die later, after eating the treated foliage;
- drug is effective forwide range of cultures;
- improves green mass development;
- due to the novelty of the product, pests have not yet adapted to the drug;
- non-toxic when used properly.
It is worth remembering that despite its relative safety, the drug is still a pesticide. When working with it, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. All the people who have already used this remedy in practice were very pleased with the result.