Red currant. Landing and care. blanks

Red currant. Landing and care. blanks
Red currant. Landing and care. blanks

The distribution of red currant in Russia is relatively narrow. Although it has many advantages. It has increased drought tolerance and tolerates spring frosts (unlike blackcurrant). Almost not affected by diseases and pests (powdery mildew, terry, bud mites). Redcurrant, planting and caring for which is not difficult, can produce high stable yields for 25 years. The berries are delicious and beautiful.

red currant planting and care
red currant planting and care

Red currant bushes are deciduous, perennial, up to two meters high. Pointing upwards, the branches age slowly, grow restrainedly for a long time.

Flowers are collected in a brush of 5-35 pcs. The entire berry branch ripens in a week, starting from the base and ending with the top. The fruits are red. Less often they are colorless, yellowish, brown. Ripe berries hang on a branch for a long time, which is why their taste does not deteriorate.

Fruit-bearing branches are 4-6 years old. Therefore, shoots can be shortened only in autumn. The vegetation of the shrub begins in early May, which allows you to get away from frost. Shoot growth ends in August-September, and they have time to prepare for the cold.

what is useful red currant
what is useful red currant

Light-loving red currants, planting and caring for which include the choice of an open place, should be protected from the wind from the north side. In lowered forms of relief, it is better to place it on ridges or mounds, 25-30 cm high, with a distance between bushes of up to one and a half meters.

This crop tolerates any soil, but prefers sandy loam or loam with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction and groundwater depth of no higher than 1.5 meters.

Redcurrant is quite unpretentious, planting and caring for which involves an ordinary scheme of its placement in the garden. Pits for this are prepared with a depth of 30–40 cm and a diameter of 40–50 cm with the addition of one bucket of humus, half a glass of superphosphate, and two tablespoons of potassium. It is possible to deepen seedlings (optimum age 1-2 years) by 7–10 cm. Planting should be carried out at the end of September or in spring, before bud break. If in the fall, then watering is required minimal, in the spring - two to three times. It is desirable to mulch the soil.

red currants
red currants

Redcurrant, planting and caring for which also requires the formation of a bush, gives the first harvest in the second year. Pruning achieves the required number of branches of different ages. There should be 10 fruit-bearing shoots and 4 renewal sprouts per bush. Pruning is carried out in the spring, at the beginning of the growing season.

Before making a decision about planting, it would be good to know how redcurrant is useful. The use of berries in fresh and processed form improves intestinal motility, increases appetite. Used as a diaphoretic, antipyretic and laxative. Juice has a tonic and refreshing property.

Very useful fresh red currant. Preparations from it are also not inferior in healing and taste qualities. Jam is made from berries, jams, compotes are made, they are twisted with sugar, they are simply frozen. Used in various sauces, gravies, syrups, pickles. Squeeze out the juice, boil it for more concentration and enjoy the summer flavors in winter.
